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Professional communication skills

(CA1) Group Presentation

Topic: Group discussion
Panel discussion
Group 8
Representative: 5461 Vinayak Hande
Roll no Name Topic
5457 Aditya Gupta Advantages and disadvantages of panel
Purpose of panel discussion
5458 Rohit Gupta What is panel discussion?
Types of panel discussion
5459 Ganesh Gurao What is debate?
Types of debate
5460 Jayesh Gurav Importance of group discussion
Rules of group discussion
5461 Vinayak Hande Introduction
How is panel discussion conducted?
5462 Ketan Hinger Skills required for a group discussion
5463 Vinit Indore What is group discussion?
Types of group discussion
5464 Gauri Iyer Advantages and disadvantages of debate
How is debate conducted?
5461 Vinayak Hande


 A group discussion, debate or a panel discussion are nothing but the modes to
keep your points forward. These modes are very important in order to
understand a topic in detail.
 Each of these have their own importance, benefits as well as limitations.
 At one hand there is group discussion held to keep your points forward and on
the other hand there is debate held in order to question the points kept
 Both, group discussion and debate, could be held in colleges where students
have no prior experience but a panel discussion is to be conducted among the
ones who not only have experience but also have a complete knowledge about
the topic.
 Therefore understanding them is very helpful not only for colleges but during
job interviews.
5463 Vinit Indore
What is group discussion
 Group Discussion or GD is a type of
discussion that involves people sharing
ideas or activities. People in the group
discussion are connected with one basic
idea. Based on that idea, everyone in the
group represents his/her perspective.
 GD is a discussion that tests the
candidate's skills, such as leadership skills,
communication skills, social skills and
behavior, politeness, teamwork, listening
ability, confidence, problem-solving skills,
 It is not fixed that the group discussion is
always performed around the table.
People can sit in any arrangement, but
everyone should be able to see every face.
It is not only the usual discussion, but it is
also a discussion with knowledge and facts.
5463 Vinit Indore

Types of group discussion

 There are two types of Group Discussion, which are listed below:
Topic-Based Group Discussion
There are few candidates in a group, where each group is given any topic. The
group members discuss the topic, which is called a Group Discussion.

 Case Study Based Group Discussion

The Case study based Group Discussion is generally followed by the MBA Institutes,
such as IIM, etc. In such a discussion, a problem is given, and the participants are
asked to resolve them. The preparation time is also higher as compared to other
discussions. The panelists test the teamwork and decision-making skills of the
The participants need to active and updated with the things around them. It also
tests the observation capability of the participants.
The example of Case study based topics can be 'Discussion between boss and
5460 Jayesh Gurav

Importance of group discussion

 Enhance Critical Thinking: Group discussion is used in a classroom to improve
learning, asking open-ended questions will encourage critical thinking and help
students think for themselves
 Help with Understanding: Group discussion use to help students to understand a
topic or concept deeply which will stay for a long time in their minds.
 Improve Communication Skills: It is also used to improve communication skills as
it can encourage students to become more confident in speaking up and asking
questions. This will help them improve their communication in the long run
because it should make them more confident to ask if they’re stuck and need help.
 Improve Interest in Lessons: It improves learning, as group discussion invites the
students to be the speakers. This helps students as it can maintain their focus and
concentration to hear another voice instead of listening to the same teacher,
which holds their attention.
 Provide the Feedback: When learners discuss and explain the concepts to each
other aloud in a group, it helps the teacher to hear if they have learnt a concept or
not. This is a perfect feedback on teaching. It means that, if the teacher sees that
they don’t understand something clearly, they can help them by stepping in and
adding some more context or information in their discussion.
5460 Jayesh Gurav

Rules of group discussion

There are some rules of a Group Discussion. The rules of Group Discussion are listed
 Prepare well for the topic.
The quick trick is to note all the important points during the preparation time. Do
not write brief paragraphs. Try to write short points and explain them briefly in the
 Be confident about your content
It would help if you always were confident about your content. If you are not
confident, you may hesitate while speaking, which will create a negative impression.
 Participants Introduction
Most participants only focus on their content. You should be aware during the
introduction of all the participants in your group. To get attention, you can call out
the person's name when the discussion gets diverted.
 Body Language
Always take care of your body language. Do not focus only on the content.
 Leadership
Try to take the lead in the group if you are confident about the topic and the
 Avoid false starts or commitments
Do not initiate the discussion if you are not sure about your content. Do not
present any wrong information.
 Follow your Domain
Every company has its own culture. Prepare your content according to the
company requirements. For example, industrial companies will focus more on
technical talks, while marketing companies seek the combination of creative and
oriented content.
 Do not fight
In the Group Discussion, some candidates often get aggressive. Do not fight
during the discussion. Most of the companies require sensitive and polite
candidates rather than aggressive ones.
5464 Ketan Hinger
Skills required for group discussion

 Communication skills
The participating candidates will be assessed in terms of clarity of thought,
expression and aptness of language. One key aspect is listening. It indicates a
willingness to accommodate others views.
 Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal Skills reflect the ability of the individual to interact with other
members of the group in a brief situation. Emotional maturity and balance
promotes good interpersonal relationships. The person has to be more people
centric and less self-centered.
 Leadership skill
Ability to take leadership roles and ability to lead, inspire and carry the team
along to help them achieve group's objectives.
 Analytical skill
Ability to analyze and persuade others to see the problem from multiple perspectives
without hurting the group members.
 Problem solving skill
Ability to come out with divergent and offbeat solutions and use one's own creativity.
 Listening skill
Hearing does not involve any understanding. Active listening is an essential skill for a
presenter. Active listening is acquired with attention and understanding ideas and facts
 Presentation skill in GD
Presentation is an effective way to communicate to large number of people at the same
5459 Ganesh Gurao

What is debate?

 A formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly,

in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote.
 Debate is like an intellectual sport where you have to learn the skills to win. For
example, in order to win a debate round, you need to have a full understanding of the
topic you are debating about.
 You must also be able to answer the following questions
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why
 How
5459 Ganesh Gurao

Types of debate
 Parliamentary Debate.
Speeches are usually between five and seven minutes in duration. The debate consists
of four teams of two speakers, sometimes called factions, with two teams on either
side of the case. Because of the style origins in British Parliamentary procedures, the
two sides are called the Government and opposition.
The aim of a debate is to convince the opposition that you are right.
 Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
There are two sides to each debate, and these are known as the Affirmative and the
Negative. The affirmative debater upholds, affirms, or agrees with the resolution.
Their job is to present arguments in order to persuade the judge that the resolution is
true. The negative debater on the other hand disagrees with the resolution and
presents arguments to persuade the judge that the resolution is false.
 Academic Debate.
The academic debate is primarily conducted between two matched sides which are
represented by two teams: the affirmative side to support the topic and the negative
side to oppose the topic.
5464 Gauri Iyer

Advantages and disadvantages of

Advantages Disadvantages
 Get to hear from both the side of  Sometimes arguments can get
an issue and learn from a different heated and there is no respectful
point of view. listening to the opponents side
 It cultivates the habit of individual  People can get ignorant if their
thinking. beliefs are challenged.
 Helps in getting over stage fright/  Sometimes people can put forward
improves public speaking skills. wrong facts or false news.
 Develops intellect and knowledge.  People might get aggressive and
could get personal.
 Develops healthy sense of rivalry.
5464 Gauri Iyer

Conducting a debate at academic level

 A topic is chosen for each debate: resolution, motion, idea, policy or
 Two teams: affirmative and negative
 Two sides would speak alternately for and against a contention usually
based on a topical issue.
 Each person would be allocated with a time limit.
 The member from affirmative team would come forward and introduce their
topic and give an opening statement and vice a versa with the negative
 Then other members alternately would come forward and justify various
reasons why they are for or against the statement.
 Then the last remaining member would come and summarize their topic and
give their closing statement.
 Once these are done, the rebuttal round would take place.
5458 Rohit Gupta

What is panel discussion?

Panel: a group of persons who discuss before an audience a topic of public interest.
Panelist: a person who is a part of a group of people who answer questions, give
advice or opinions, etc. a person who is a member of a panel.
Panel is a discussion in which a few persons carry on a conversation in front of the
The discussion provides the equal opportunities in the instructional situations to
every participant.
Panel discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference or convention.
A panel discussion, or simply a panel, involves a group of people gathered to discuss
a topic in front of audience, typically at scientific, business, or academic
conferences, fan conventions, and on television shows. Panel usually include a
moderator who guides the discussion and sometimes elicits audience questions, with
the goal of being informative and entertaining.
5458 Rohit Gupta

Types of panel discussion

 Public panel discussion:
It is used for common man.
It is used to provide factual information regarding current problem.
It determines social values of current issues.
Example-unemployment, annual budget, job delinking, increase in prize of things.

 Educational panel discussion:

It is used in educational institutions.
It is used to provide conceptual knowledge and clarification of certain theories
and principles.
It provides solution of certain problems.
Example -scope of educational technology in our country, examination reform,
population education etc.
5457 Aditya Gupta

Advantages and disadvantages of panel

Advantages Disadvantages
 It facilitates clarification on knotty  One member can dominate the
issues discussion.
 It highlights the multiple  There is a possibility to split the
dimensionality of the issue under groups in two sub groups.
discussion.  There are chances to deviate from
 It helps to develop critical thinking the theme of discussion.
in both panelists and the audience.  The discussion would be vague if
 It fosters logical thinking and panelist lack mastery.
develop presentation skills .  There is a possibility of harsh or
rude words used during the panel
5457 Aditya Gupta

Purpose of panel discussion

 The assumption of this method is that every member has the capacity to
initiate & solve the problem & brings certain attitude & values to
 The panel stimulates thought & discussion & clarifies thinking, because of
several opinions.
 The panel influences the facts, opinions & plans tends to develop more
attitude & better judgement.
 The panel influences the audiences to an open minded attitude & respect for
the opinion of others.
 It can be helpful to stimulate discussion, encouraging thinking and developing
group opinion
5461 Vinayak Hande

Conducting a panel discussion

 Select a thought-provoking topic: Make sure that the topic isn’t too general or you will
quickly find your discussion veering off course and becoming unfocused.
 Choose your skillful moderator: The most important quality you must look for when
selecting your moderator is the ability to lead a large group of people. They should be
assertive and confident, yet kind and likable.
 Pick out your panelists: You’ll want to make sure they are qualified on the topic and have
done speaking engagements in the past to ensure they are great presenters. Last but
certainly not least, make sure that the people you choose are diverse!
 Introduce the moderator to the panelists: It’s a good idea to introduce all of your panel
participants before the day of the event.
 Prep the questions and prompts: If the moderator you've selected is a topic expert, you
will want to collaborate with him or her on the questions. Make sure they are open-ended
and have specific elements of each panelist's background so they are able to excitedly
 Set up the room properly
 Start the discussion
5462 Ketan Hinger

 Consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate or a formal
treatment of a topic in speech or writing is know as discussion.
 Make sure that you speak loudly and clearly. This is one of the most important
things and you could find yourself in difficulty if you do not speak loudly and clearly
in a GD.
 Make sure that you read as much news as possible. Generally, the topic is chosen
from some of the current happenings. Hence you should make sure that you have a
look at all of them.
 Panel discussions are the hallmark of modern conferences and events, even virtual
ones. The purpose of a panel discussion is to spark conversation between a group of
experts or industry and thought leaders, so that the audience can learn from their
discourse and interaction.
 You should know what the topic is really about. If you have some confusion then you
should wait for some time and let the other speak at first. When the matter is quite
clear and the GD is in midst then you should start speaking with new ideas in mind.

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