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College of Applied Medical Sciences - Dawadmi

NUR 354
• Outlines:
• Component of the Health education program
• Assessment of the Learner:
• Planning and Developing the Objectives:
• Types of Educational objectives
• Learning tasks in established domains
• Planning for health education program
• Evaluation of health education program
• Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum

• At the end of this lecture, the students will be able to:

• Identify the component of the Health education program
• Recognize criteria for assessment of the Learner:
• Planning and developing the Objectives
• List types of Educational objectives
• Mention Learning tasks in established domains
• Planning for health education program
• Evaluation of health education program

• Component of the Health education program:

• 1- Assessment of the Learner:

• Assessment of Learner Needs (physical & psychological).
• Assessment of Learner Styles (preferred modes and
• Learner Readiness has been to education (Emotional&
Experimental Readiness)

• Component of the Health education program:

• 2- Planning and Developing the Objectives:

• Objectives should be SMART:
• SMART objective: Objective is Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Realistic, and Timely.
Types of Educational objectives

• Long-term objectives: are broad, long-term statements of expected

• (EX: "The preva­lence of teenage pregnancy will be reduced by 20% in
the next 5 years." Goals set the general direction and intent of a health
education encounter).
• Short-term objectives :are specific, clear, and unambiguous
descriptions of educational expectations about ways the learner is
expected to be changed by the learning process.
Cognitive domain
Learning tasks in established domains

Knowledge Recall of facts, methods, or processes

Comprehension Basic understanding of the meaning of facts

Application Use of abstractions in concrete situations

Analysis Breakdown into constituent parts

Synthesis Combination of parts into a new pattern or whole

Evaluation The value of information and processes for purposes

Psychomotor domain
Perception Awareness of objects and relationships among them
Set Physical, mental, and emotional readiness to act
Guided response Performance of an action with instructor input and guidance

Mechanism Performance of the task as a habit

Complex overt Performance of task with a high degree of skill

Adaptation Adjustment of the skill to meet the needs of the situation

Origination Creation of new acts or ways of manipulating materials
Affective domain

Receiving Sensitization to the existence of a phenomenon

Responding Low level of commitment to behaviors embodying a value,
.performance of the behavior because of outside constraint

Valuing Ascribing worth to a thing, behavior, or value accompanied by

fairly consistent performance of related behaviors

Organization Organization of values in hierarchical relationships

Characterization Persona tan be characterized by consistent behavior in keep­ing
with a specific set of values
Planning for health education program include :

• A-Selecting the Content and the Format:

• Compo­nents of a suitable format design as the following:
• Selection of learning resources
• Selection of educational leader or educator
Planning for health education program include :
• Methods of teaching
• Time schedule
• Sequence of events
• Provision of social reinforcement of learning
• The nature of the individual learner
• Criteria for evaluating progress
• Clarity of the educational design
Planning for health education program include :
• b-Consider Health Literacy:
• Consider literacy and all its aspects when devel­oping educational
materials and teaching strategies.
• c-Considering Cultural Influences:
• It is essential that the public health educator conduct cultural
assessments on individuals, families, and communities to plan appro­
priate content, materials, and delivery of the health educa­tion.
Planning for health education program include :

• 3- Implementation of the Plan:

• Implementation step depends on planning step and include the
• A-Organizing the Educational
• B-Use of Technology.
• 4- Evaluating the Plan.
• There are three types of evaluation, formative eval­uation, process
evaluation, and outcome or summative evaluation.
Evaluation of health education program

• Formative Evaluation: Formative evaluation is an assessment of the

effects of the education while it is being given.
• Process Evaluation: Process evaluation is conducted to document and
analyze the way a health education program is imple­mented.
• Outcome Evaluation: The definition of outcome evaluation is the
degree to which the educational objectives were met.
Formative Evaluation An evaluation conducted periodically during the presenta­tion to
Difference between evaluation types

detect a need for immediate modification

Outcome evaluation Evaluating the encounter to determine whether stated out­come

objectives have been met

Process evaluation Evaluating the performance of the community health nurse in the
light of established process objectives
Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum

• Focuses on clear health goals and related behavioral outcomes;

• Is research-based and theory-driven;
• Addresses individual values and group norms that support health-
enhancing behaviors; 
• Focuses on increasing personal perceptions of risk and harmfulness of
engaging in specific health-risk behaviors and reinforcing protective
factors such as connectedness to school; 
• Addresses social pressures and influences. 
Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum
• Provides functional health knowledge that is basic, accurate, and
directly contributes to health-promoting decisions and behaviors; 
• Uses strategies designed to personalize information and engage
• Provides age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate
information, learning strategies, teaching methods, and materials; 
• Incorporates learning strategies, teaching methods, and materials that
are culturally inclusive. 
Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum

• Provides adequate time for instruction and learning. 

• Provides opportunities to reinforce skills and positive health
• Provides opportunities to make positive connections with influential
others. and includes teacher information and plans for professional
development and training that enhance effectiveness of instruction and
student learning.

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