Anatomy and Physiology Questions Set 1

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The digestive process begins at

[1 mark]

A. Stomach, Large Intestine

B. Mouth
C. Teeth, Stomach
D. Small Intestine, Esophagus
2. In the digestive system, the esophagus is a
long muscle which pushes the food down to the
stomach. What is this pushing movement called?
[1 mark]

A. Anti-Peristalsis/Peristalsis
B. Peristalsis/Anti-Perstalsis
C. Vomit
D. Swallowing Movement
3. Which of the followings are the parts of the
respiratory organs ?
[1 mark]

A. Nose, Esophagus, Alveoli, H20

B. Small Intestine, Stomach, Purkinje fibers,
Intercostal muscle
C. Lungs, Larynx, Bronchi, Diaphragm
D. Kidney, Pharynx, Pulmunory veins, Nephrons
4. Name the parts of Neuron.
[4 marks]
5. ______is also known as the master gland.
[1 mark]
6. What is synapse?
[1 mark]
7. Name 3 types of Neuron
[3 mark]
8. If a person has diabetes, which organ is not
function well?
[3 mark]
9. What does puberty do to the male human body?
Give 3 answers.
[3 mark]
10. Which part of the ovary receives the mature
[1 mark]
11. Human cells contains how many pairs of
[1 mark]

a)30 pairs
b) 12 pairs
c)23 pairs
d) 21 pairs
12. What is the name of chromosome besides
the sex chromosome?
[1 mark]
13. Which one of the following statement is
[1 mark]

A. Bone is where most blood cells are made

B. Bones serve as a warehouse for various
C. Bone is a connective tissue
D. Bone is dry and non-living supporting structure
14. What is the function of a tendon?
[1 mark]

A. To attach bones to bones

B. To attached muscles to bones
C. To attach muscles to ligaments
D. To bind the cells in compact bone closer
15. The Axial skeleton is comprised of
[1 mark]

A. 90
B. 126
C. 60
D. 80
16. Which of the following bones listed is an
example of a long bone and short bone?
[1 mark]

A. Ribs and Femur

B. Ulna and Radius
C. Phalanges and Carpals
D. Mandibule and Cranium
17.Fill up the blank below.
[5 mark]

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