FESB Lesson 1

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Engleski jezik 1

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical

Engineering and Naval Architecture
Course Information
• TITLE: Engleski jezik 1 (FEOA04)
• ADVISORY HOURS: after or before classes;
email: mrblazev@fesb.hr
• LECTURER: prof. Mara Blažević
Electrical Engineering and Computing
• EXAMINATION: written examination based on

• ATTENDANCE: 70% minimum (approx. 11

Engineering – what’s it all about?
• Who’s an engineer? How do we translate this
word into Croatian?

• Can you list any branches of engineering?

• What are you currently studying?

TEXT: Who’s an engineer?
a) What is an engineer concerned with?

S/he is concerned with applying scientific

knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to
develop solutions for technical, social and
economic problems.

*to be concerned with sth: baviti se čime

*ingenuity: domišljatost
b) How does the work of an engineer differ from
the work of scientists?

The work of engineers forms the link between

scientific discoveries and their subsequent
applications to human needs and quality of life,
while scientists are more research-focused.

*subsequent applications: naredne primjene

c) Who applies and uses principles of chemical

A chemical engineer.
d) What are basic applications of chemical engineering?

Design, manufacture, and operation of plants and machinery in

industrial chemical and related processes, development of new or
adapted substances for products ranging from foods and beverages
to cosmetics to cleaners to pharmaceutical ingredients, and
development of new technologies such as fuel cells, hydrogen
power and nanotechnology.

*manufacture: proizvodnja
*plants: pogoni, postrojenja
*adapted substances: prilagođene substance/ tvari
*beverages: pića
*cleaners: sredstva za čišćenje
*pharmaceutical ingredients: farmaceutski sastojci
*fuel cells: gorive ćelije
*hydrogen power: vodikov pogon
e) What is a civil engineer concerned with?

S/he practices civil engineering, i.e. the application

of planning, designing, constructing, maintaining,
and operating infrastructures while protecting the
public and environmental health, as well as
improving existing infrastructures.

*civil engineering: građevinarstvo

*maintain: održavati
f) Who applies the principles of physics and
materials science?

A mechanical engineer.

*materials science: znanost o materijalima

*mechanical engineer: strojar, inženjer
g) Why does a mechanical engineer apply the
principles of physics and materials science?

For the purposes of analysis, design,

manufacturing and maintenance of
mechanical systems.
h) What do both electrical and electronics
engineers have in common?

Both typically possess an academic degree with

a major in electrical/ electronics engineering.
i) How do electrical and electronics engineers differ in
their concerns?

Electrical engineers are usually concerned with using

electricity to transmit electric power, while electronic
engineers are concerned with using electricity to
process information.

*electrical engineer: elektrotehničar, inženjer

*electronic engineer: elektroničar, inženjer elektronike
j) What do industrial engineers analyse and what
do they decide?

They analyse and evaluate methods of production

and point out ways to improve them. They decide
how a company should allocate its resources.

*evaluate: (pr)ocijeniti, vrednovati

*allocate resources: raspodijeliti resurse
The History of Electrical Engineering
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nB1Ntku06w&ab_channel=CrashCour

• questions:
1. How is electrical engineering defined?
2. What are the three main branches of electrical engineering?
3. Who is credited as the father of electrical studies? What
were his discoveries?
4. How did the invention of the telegraph help solve a murder?
5. Where was the first telegraph line set up in the USA?
6. What did Heinrich Hertz discover that improved on the
limitations of physical telephone lines?
 How is electrical engineering defined?
A field that focuses on the application of electricity and
electromagnetism in our everyday lives.

 What are the three main branches of electrical engineering?

Telecommunications, power and lighting, computer engineering.

 Who is credited as the father of electrical studies? What were

his discoveries?
William Gilbert was the first to describe the phenomena we now
associate with electrical attraction and magnetic poles.
 How did the invention of the telegraph help solve a murder?
A man named Tawell poisoned a woman and escaped to
London by train. However, his description was sent by
telegraph to London where he was arrested.

 Where was the first telegraph line set up in the USA?

Between Baltimore and Washington.

 What did Heinrich Hertz discover that improved on the

limitations of physical telephone lines?
Heinrich Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves which could
carry a signal by modifying their wavelength, amplitude and
frequency. This led to the radio.

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