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Exercise 8 (p.

Elektrotehnika se bavi izvedbom, analizom i
radom električnih uređaja i sustava.

Electrical engineering deals with the design,

analysis and operation of electrical devices
and systems.
Naziv “elektrotehnika” ušao je u opću uporabu
koncem 19. stoljeća kada je napredak fizikalne i
elektrotehničke znanosti doveo do široke
praktične primjene elektriciteta.

The term electrical engineering came into general

use at the end of the 19th century when
progress in physics and electrical science resulted
in widespread practical applications of electricity.
Utemeljitelji elektrotehničke znanosti su fizičari i
matematičari poput Ampera, Faradaya, Gaussa i
Maxwella, čije su teorije s vremenom dovele do
elektromotora i svjetiljke sa žarnom niti.

The founders of electrical science were physicists and

mathematicians such as Ampere, Faraday, Gauss,
and Maxwell, whose theories eventually led to the
electric motor and the incandescent lamp.
Praktični problemi proizvodnje i raspodjele električne
struje postali su područje elektroinženjera, a engleski
naziv dobro opisuje zadaću opsluživanja “stroja”, a u
ovom slučaju električnog stroja poput dinama i

The practical problem of generating and distributing

electricity became the province of the electrical
engineer and the term well describes the task of
tending the “engine”, in this case an electrical engine
such as the dynamo and the motor.

*A dynamo is an electrical generator that creates direct

current using a commutator.
Fotoni koji čine građevne blokove
elektromagnetskih pojava pokazuju dvojnost
oblika, kombinirajući klasično ponašanje i
valova i čestica.

The photons, which constitute the building blocks

of electromagnetic phenomena, exhibit a
duality of form, combining the classical
behavior of both waves and particles.
Pri dugim valnim duljinama njihovo se ponašanje
očituje u rezonantnim mikrovalnim šupljinama
sličnim cijevima orgulja, dok pri najkraćim valnim
duljinama jedan foton može izbiti elektron iz njegove
putanje poput dobro izvedenoga biljarskog udarca.

At long wavelengths, their behavior manifests itself in

resonant microwave cavities, much like organ pipes,
while at the shortest wavelengths, a single photon
can slam an electron right out of its orbit, like a well-
executed billiard shot.
Words of Latin origin and their equivalents in
general language (p. 12-3)

• glossary (p. 212-60)

Exercise 6 (p. 14)
1. Elektroni u valentnom pojasu dobivaju
dovoljno energije za skok u vodljivi pojas.

Electrons in the valence band acquire sufficient

energy to jump into the conduction band.
Exercise 6 (p. 14)
2. S pomoću linearnog modela dobit ćemo
sljedeće rezultate.

By means of the linear model we can obtain the

following results.
Exercise 6 (p. 14)
3. Poznavanje statistike potrebno je za analizu

The knowledge of statistics is required for the

analysis of data.
Exercise 6 (p. 14)
4. Prijenosni se put bira tijekom prijenosa.
The route is selected during the transmission.

5. Glavna memorija radi elektronskom brzinom.

Main memory operates at electronic speed.
Exercise 6 (p. 14)
6. Ako struja raste od nule do neke konačne
vrijednosti, a tada pada na nulu, ulazna je
energija jednaka nuli.

If the current increases from zero to some finite

value and then decreases to zero, the energy
input is zero.
Exercise 6 (p. 14)
7. Unutrašnja sabirnica mikroprocesora spojena
je s vanjskom sabirnicom sustava.

Internal bus of the microprocessor is connected

(interfaced) to the external bus of the
Words of Latin or French origin: scientific vs.
general language (p. 14-5)
Exercise 7 (p. 15)
1. Mrežni upravljački centar povezan je s barem
dva čvorišta u mreži.
Network management center is connected to at
least two nodes in the network.

2. Tranzistori troše manje snage i trebaju manje

prostora od elektronskih cijevi.
Transistors consume less power and require less
space than vacuum tubes.
Exercise 7 (p. 15)
3. Treba izvršiti slijed naredaba.
A sequence of instructions will be executed.

4. Optičko vlakno uključuje sljedeće elemente.

An optical fiber comprises the following
Exercise 7 (p. 15)
5. Atom je u normalnom stanju kad ne pokazuje
nikakav znak prisutnosti električnog naboja.

An atom is in the normal state when it does not

exhibit any evidence of electrification.
transfer = move, shift
(G) We transferred the baby's car seat to the
other car. 
The patient was transferred to a different

(S) Our internal electrical system works by using

cells that have built up electrical gradient or
energy that can be given off to other cells by
direct transfer.
convert = change into
(G) She'd not yet figured out how
to convert kilometers to miles.
He converted to Christianity.

(S) In electrical engineering, power conversion is

converting electric energy from one form to
another such as converting
between AC and DC.
conduct = organize and carry out
(G) They knew their job and proceeded
to conduct four tests before the day was over.
 I have an investigation to conduct.

(S) Metals conduct electricity.
distribute = divide
(G) Every Christmas, she works hard
to distribute food and blankets to the homeless.
The memo should be distributed to everyone in
the office before 3:00.

(S) Electric power distribution is the final stage in

the delivery of electric power; it carries
electricity from the transmission system to
individual consumers.
transmit = send
(G) Mosquitoes transmit a number of diseases
to human beings and domestic animals.

(S) The technology allows data to

be transmitted by cellular phones.
generate = produce
(G) This business should generate a lot of
The Employment Minister said the reforms
would generate new jobs.

(S) Windmills/ wind turbines /a dynamo is used

to generate electricity.
Exercise 8 (p.16)
1. Dio kemijske energije se pretvara u toplinu.
Part of chemical energy is converted to heat.

2. Električna se struja proizvodi u električnim

Electric current is generated in power plants.

3. Ove se obavijesti prenose svim korisnicima.

This information is transmitted to all the users.

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