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By: Covoy, Tri, Audi , June

What is a net?
 Net :
 A large piece of material used for fishing.
 It looks like a bag with many holes on it.
The size limit of fishing net
 300 ft’s to 7miles
 In America, the size limit is 2.7km
What does it made out of?
 Synthetic fibres.
benefit of fishing net.
 Catch fish faster & easier.
 & catch a huge amount of fish in the same time.

 So we don’t need to waste much time

The environmental damage.
 Tons of lost fishing nets pile up on beaches, creating
hazards for boats.
 They also damage the ecosystem underwater.
Types of fishing nets
 Trawl
 Gill
 Seine
The net types that is safe for fish.
 How many types of fishing nets are there?
 1) 1
 2) 2
 3) 3
 4) 4
 3 types

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