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Cause and Effect
 We learn about cause and effect
because we like to understand how
events are related to one another.
 Cause/Effect relationships help
explain why things happen.
 A cause is the reason something
 An effect is the thing that happens
as a result of the cause.
Example: Since I babysat during the
summer, I was able to buy a new
 How was she able to buy the bike?
 She babysat during the summer.

 Look for keywords that show a
cause/effect relationship.
 Sometimes there will be a
cause/effect relationship, and these
words will not be used.
 When you can’t find the key word,
then the relationship is “implied”
 Here are some key words:
Hence As a result of
So Consequently
Since As a consequence
In order to Was responsible for
Produced Led to
Thus Due to
 Key word hints:
For this reason
In response to
Result in
Word “cause”
Word “effect”
 If possible, try to replace the
cause/effect relationship word so
that you can use the word “because”
 The most important linking word to
show a cause/effect relationship is
the word “because”
 If you change your sentences
around so their meaning does not
change and you can add “because”
to the events, you probably have
the correct cause/effect answer.
 Example:
Jerry did not study for his test. He
knew that he had to pass the test.
Jerry wasn’t surprised when he
failed the test.
 Jerry failed his test because he
didn’t study.
 Cause: He did not study
 Effect: He failed his test
 Sometimes cause/effect linking
words are “understood”
 This happens when writers leave out
the key words that define a
cause/effect relationship.
Ben was running late for school, but it
was a beautiful morning, so he
wanted to walk. Ben saw his
neighbor chasing his wild, little
puppy. Ben knew he had to help.
Why was Ben late?
1st cause: he walked to school
2nd cause: he helped his neighbor

Both of these are causes/effects that

could have related to his being late.
 Sometimes cause/effect
relationships are only “implied” and
must be “inferred” by the reader.
 If the cause/effect is not directly
stated, you will have to infer:
Look for details
Use logical reasoning or common
Ben got up early enough to get ready
for school, but he knew he didn’t
write his English paper. He dreaded
going because his teacher would be
very disappointed.
 Why would Ben not go to school?

 It is implied that he would not go to

school (effect) since he didn’t turn in
his English paper (cause).
 When you are looking for
cause/effect relationships, there will
be other information with it.
 For example, when you are reading
a passage, textbook, or newspaper,
you will have cause/effect
relationships, but you will have
other information that you will have
to understand, too.

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