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Menghasilkan perawat professional, yang unggul dalam pelayanan
kegawatdaruratan jantung dan trauma fisik, berdasarkan Daya Kasih
Kristus yang menyembuhkan, sebagai tanda kehadiran Allah di
Indonesia tahun 2022.
1. Melaksanakan metode pembelajaran, berfokus pada
kegawatdaruratan jantung dan trauma fisik yang up to date
2. Melaksanakan penelitian berdasarkan evidance based practice,
berfokus pada kegawatdaruratan jantung dan trauma fisik
3. Melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat, berfokus pada
kegawatdaruratan pada komunitas, meliputi bencana alam dan kejadian
luar biasa
4. Meningkatkan sof skill dibidang pelayanan keperawatan,
berdasarkan semangat Daya Kasih Kristus yang menyembuhkan,
sebagai tanda kehadiran Allah
Global Nursing’s trends & issue-2022

Ance M. Siallagan, S.Kep.,Ns,M.Kep

Learning objectives
Mahasiswa mampu memahami tren dan isu
keperawatan di dunia
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi tren
dan isu secara global dan nasional
Mahasiswa memiliki minat dan motivasi
untuk menjadi perawat yang mampu
bersaing secara nasional dan internasional.
1. Looming Nursing Shortage
More RN jobs are expected to be
available by 2022 than in any other
On average, about 194,500 RN job
openings are expected annually
between 2020 and 2030
The nursing workforce is aging out.
2. Telehealth and Technology in Health
The privacy and the security of protected
health information
Nurses must ensure the platform they’re
using is secure for communicating sensitive
nurses providing telehealth care stay
updated on the rules of informed consent
Robot da vinci
3. Essential Need for Self-Care in Nursing
Many nurses experience stress and trauma on a
daily basis, and these pressures can affect their
mental health, job satisfaction, and overall quality
of life.
Awareness and education on self-care for nurses
has become a priority in the field.
There is a correlation between a healthy work
environment and nurses who are equipped to
provide optimum care that promotes positive
patient outcomes.
4. Nursing Advocacy and Action
As the largest group of health care workers
in the U.S., nurses have a significant
opportunity to have a voice in the future of
health care and the health of nation.
the growing role of the nurse advocate to
address the health equity gap and the social
determinants of health
Nurses can seek advocacy opportunities
through such organizations
5. Evolution of the Workplace
workplace opportunities for nurses are
evolving. There are several non-hospital
careers for nurses.
Becoming a travel nurse
School nurses are in demand as well.
6. Expanding Distance Education
The pandemic necessitated the use of
distance education
Using virtual reality
7. Interprofessional Partnerships
Interprofessional collaboration, is
evolving into interprofessional
Professionals are sharing information
and skills with a teamwork focus.
8. Entrepreneurship Opportunities
entrepreneurship can be a good
Technology and changing
health care dynamics are
increasing opportunities for
entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs
in nursing.
There are also non-direct patient
care entrepreneur opportunities.
These include nurse
informatics, nurse consultants
9. Need for Nurse Navigators
Nurse navigators use their medical knowledge, as
well as management and people skills, to help
patients make their way through the health care
Nurse navigators adopt a holistic approach in
improving patients’ overall quality of life.
Nurse navigators can be self-employed with an
independent nursing or insurance company,
physician group, or medical facility.
10. Increased Specialization
 increasing demand for RNs who specialize
in specific areas of medicine such as
psychiatry, obstetrics, gerontology, and
Certification assures the patient and the
health care institution that a nurse is
knowledgeable and competent in a
specific area of care
Tren Transformasi Digital pada Layanan
Kesehatan tahun 2022
Telemedis (konsultasi dokter online)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Basis Cloud
Teknologi Wearable
peralatan medis yang dapat dipakai pada
tubuh untuk mendeteksi kondisi kesehatan
Think ?
per Februari 2022 jumlah perawat dengan STR aktif
berjumlah sekitar 633.000 orang
setiap tahun perguruan tinggi kesehatan meluluskan
sekitar 43.000 lulusan perawat.
Profesor Keperawatan di Indonesia = 17 orang (2022)
Dari total 970 rumah sakit baik negeri maupun swasta
persentase tenaga tetap keperawatan adalah 70%.
Nominal kisaran gaji perawat RS per bulan dengan
STR adalah Rp 4 - 7 juta

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