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States of matter

The states of matter is

What is a solid

•Solid is a state of matter.

And a solid Is made out of
particles that are closely
What is a Liquid

•A liquid is a state of matter

and the particles are loosely
packed and liquid example is
What is a gas

•A gas is a state of matter

which the particles is very
loosely packed.
What happen when a solid was heated?

•The solid will become liquid when it was

heated because The solid particles are
compact tightly together. Yet, when the
temperature of the solid increases then
the particles become more active and
begin to move apart 
What happen when a liquid was heated
• The liquid turns to gas because when any
substance is heated, its particle and atoms start
moving relatively faster and this causes an
increase in the space between each one of them.
This increase in space is more commonly referred
to as expansion. All matter, including solids, liquids
and gases, expands when subjected to heat.
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