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2011, Fall

Eun Young Choi (Ph. D / TTGST, CC)

Let us take a look at those verves

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived

in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice
and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.
(1 Timothy, 1: 5)

That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, be-

cause I know whom I have believed, and am convinced
that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for
that day. (1: 12)

1) What do you feel when you read verse 5?

2) What can you say about God whom you have believed?

<Teeology> <Christian Counseling>
I Hope This Course will be…

1. Easy & Practical

2. Reflective

3. God - Centered
Introduction to Course

1. Syllabus
2. Things you should bring every week
1) Handout
2) Textbooks
3) Journal Note

3. Overview of Course Schedule

Weeks 2-8 : Counseling Knowledge and Xn Application
Weeks 9-14: Psy-Test Interpretation and Application

4. Time Table
12:45 - 2: 00 Lecture I
2:00 - 3: 00 Small Group Sharing
3:00 - 3: 40 Lecture II & Closing
Questions for Small Group Sharing

1. Name, Course

2. Ministry/ Church

3. Vision/ Mission

4. Expectation for This Class

I Hope This Course will be…

1. Easy & Practical

2. Reflective

3. God - Centered
Foundation for Building Xn Counseling Model

1. Understanding of Human-Being

1) J. Calvin
“Knowledge of Human-being and Knowledge of God
are inter-related.” (Christian Doctrine)
- Double Knowledge (Sinner/Children of God) De-
termined but To be Contined

2. Salvation of Human-Being (Counseling Goal)

- Only by Blood of Jesus Christ (Unconditional Grace)
- Only by Faith (Recognition of who we are/ who God is)
Structure of Counseling Theories

1. Understanding of Viewpoint of Human-being

2. Problems (Psycho-abnormality)

3. Direction for Change (Counseling Goal or Direciton)

4. Counseling Procedure & Skills

Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory & Xn Application

1. Understanding of Viewpoint of Human-being

1) Irrational 2) Sexual 3) Determined
1) Created-Good (bearing God’ Image)
2) Not Machine – But Human (Relationship)
3) Determined to be Save (Covenant)

2. Problems (Psycho-abnormality)
1) Hidden Anxiety & Conflict -Agreeable, Contribution
ex. Defense Mechanisms
2) Weak Ego – Disagreeable, Detached Self from God

3. Direction & Skills (Counseling Goal or Direction)

1) Making Unconscious Conscious – Dream Analysis
Free Association
2) Making Strong Ego – Interpretation of Resistance
Interpretation of Transference
Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory & Xn Application

1. Understanding of Viewpoint of Human-being

1) Irrational 2) Sexual 3) Determined
1) Created-Good (bearing God’ Image)
2) Not Machine – But Human (Relationship)
3) Determined to be Save (Covenant)

2. Problems (Psycho-abnormality)
1) Hidden Anxiety & Conflict -Agreeable, Contribution
ex. Defense Mechanisms
2) Weak Ego – Disagreeable, Detached Self from God

3. Direction & Skills (Counseling Goal or Direction)

1) Making Unconscious Conscious – Dream Analysis
Free Association
2) Making Strong Ego – Interpretation of Resistance
Interpretation of Transference
Contents for Small Group Sharing

1. Things newly learned

2. Type of people whom I don’t feel comfortable with

and why

3. Prayer
“The Power Of Your Love”

Lord, I come to you, let my heart be face to face

Flowing from the grace that I found in you
And Lord, I’ve come to know the weaknesses I see in
Me will be stripped away by the power of your love
Hold me close let your love surround me
Bring me near draw me to your side
And as I wait, I’ll rise like the eagle,
And I will soar with you; Your spirit leas me on
In the power of Your love

주께 가오니 날 새롭게 하시고 주의 은혜를 부어주소서

내 안에 발견한 나의 연약함 모두 벗어지리라 주의 사랑으로
주 사랑 나를 붙드시고 주 곁에 날 이끄소서
독수리 날개쳐 올라가듯 나 주님과 함께 일어나 걸으리
주의 사랑 안에
Roger’s Client-Centered Counseling Theory

1. Understanding of Viewpoint of Human-being

• Humans are characteristically "positive, forward-mov-

ing, constructive, realistic, and trustworthy". Each per-
son is aware, inner directed, and moving toward self-ac-
tualization from infancy on.

2. Problems (Psycho-abnormality)
A state of incongruence between
phenominal self(ideal self) and experiential self(real self)
* Parents’ Conditional Love and Concern
Roger’s Client-Centered Counseling Theory

3. Directions & Skills

1) A State of congruence between

phenominal self(ideal self) and experiential self(real self)

2) Unconditional Positive Regard

Empathetic Understanding
Roger’s Client-Centered Counseling Theory

4. Christian Critiques
• 1) Ontologically: Are we the ultimate force and the sole
masters of our own destiny?
• 2) Extreme Optimism about humans: one-sided empha-
sis on "grace" and "image of God"/
• the neglect of the “Law” and “human sin”
“We are sinners as well as image bearers of God our Father”
• 3) Ideal of health: a person without a past, any need to
submit to authority, real dependence on anyone else and
firm commitment to truth
• 4) There is no discipline, no firmness.
Contents of Small Group Sharing

1. Your distorted self by your parents or circumstances

2. Your ideal self that you are looking for

3. Your real self as you are as a sinner

as well as a God’s precious child

4. Prayer
Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Theory

First Generation Second G. Third G.

Behavioral Cognitive ACT

(Black Box Theory) (A. Ellis (Acceptance-
A. Beck) Commitment

Machine Computer Human

Reinforcement Change of Will to Change

Punishment Thinking Suffering =
patterns Pain + Controlling
Contents of Small Group Sharing

1. Behaviors You Want to Change

2. Your Irrational Beliefs

3. Your Pain/ Controlling and Suffering

4. Your Value of Life in God

Spectrum of Christian Counseling (Larry Crabb)

Atheist Tossed Rail Spoiling Nothing

Salad Road Egyptians Buttery

(Secular) (Liberal) (Parallel) (Integrated) (Funder-


1960-1970s’ 1980s’-current 1970s-current

Psycho-analysis Cognitive-Behavioral Only
Person-centered Bible

A. Boisen G. Collins L. Crabb J. Adams

Counseling Model of Larry Crabb

1. Understanding of Viewpoint of Human-being

1) Need-Driven: Need for Significance & Security
2) Never Meet These Needs by Themselves
(Only God Quenches the Thirst)

2. Problems (Psycho-abnormality)
1) Basic Assumption (What if…)
2) Endless Trials & Fails
- Depression/ Resentment/ Anxiety

3. Directions & Skills : Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

(Seven Steps)
Seven Steps of Larry Crabb’s Counseling Model

1) Wrong Feeling 7) Correct Feeling

2) Wrong Behavior 6) Correct Behavior
3) Wrong Thinking 5) Correct Thinking

4) Biblical Thinking
Biblical Dispute of Irrational Beliefs
(Dr. Cha, Kyu Man)

1. IB) I NEED to be loved by someone who matters to me

a lot. (No. 4- Recognition )
RB) It’s much better to try to love someone.
BB) We can feel peace only when we confess our sin and
experience to be accepted and loved by God.

2. IB) People who act immorally are undeserving, ROTTEN

PEOPLE! (No. 8- Forgiveness )
RB) It’s common for people to act unethically, and better to
help them to be changed.
BB) Everyone was corrupted by sin, but can be cleaned by
God’s redeeming grace.
Biblical Dispute of Irrational Beliefs
(Dr. Cha, Kyu Man)

3. IB) It’s AWFUL or HORRIBLE when major thins don’t

go my way! (No. 11- Controlling )
RB) There is no reason to feel disaster when things
are not done according to our will.
BB) We hope things will be done by God’s will. Things
can be done in God’s time.

4. IB) People MUST treat me fairly and give me what I

NEED! (No. 6- Dependency issue)
RB) It’s good to feel intimate with people, but we don’t
want people to help us. We can depend on ourselves.
BB) Only God is our shield, rock and hiding place.
Contents of Small Group Sharing

1. What Kind of Needs Have You Tried to Satisfy

by Yourself?

2. What was the result?

3. Can you correct your irrational beliefs into biblical truth?

4. What would be the resulting behavior and feeling of this?

Contents of Small Group Sharing

Let us follow a counseling process principle for today’s shar-

ing. (Please appoint a time keeper!)

1. (10 mins) Share what you expect from today’s gathering

Confirm the topics.

1) Things newly learned regarding Counseling Process
2) Application of Process knowledge in Ministry

2. (40 mins) Share the things you want.

3. (10 mins) Evaluate the meeting and express your

gratitude to the person who helped you
Procedure of Counseling

Initial Middle Terminal Stage

Stage Stage

1) RelationBuilding Working Finishing


2) Goal Consent Achieving Evaluating of

by Stage Degree of

3) Time 10-20% 60-80% 10-20%

4) Skills Supporting Challenging Summarizing

Exercises of Counseling Skills

1) Active Listening: SOLER

2) Reflection of Content
- Restatement
- Paraphrasing
- Summarization
3) Questioning: Open/ Closed/ Why
4) Reflection of Feelings (Empathy not Self Disclosure)
- “ Because A… , you may feel B…”
5) Sharing of Immediate Feelings (Here-and-Now)
6) Confrontation : Discrepancies/ Distortion
7) Interpretation: Theory-Based
8) Advice Giving: Suggestion, Recommendation
9) Complement Giving
10) Self Disclosure
Counseling Skills

1 Basic Skills

1) Active Listening
SOLER: Squarely
Leaning Toward
2) Reflection of Content
- Restatement
- Paraphrasing
- Summarization
3) Questioning: Open/ Closed/ Why
4) Reflection of Feelings (Empathy not Self Disclosure)
- “ Because A… , you may fell B…”
Counseling Skills

John 9: 1-3

Walking down the street, Jesus saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked,

"Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him

to be born blind?“

Counselor: Jesus
Client: His disciple

Apply the basic counseling skills in this conversation.

Contents of Small Group Sharing

1. Choose One Person As a Client/ Counselor

2. Use Counseling Skills

1) Show Your Reflective Listening (5 mins)
- Content/ Feeling
2) Make Evaluations (5 mins)
- From Client’s View
- From Observer’s View

3. Share the things you experienced in the practice.

4. Prayer
Counseling Skills

2. Advanced Skills

1) Sharing of Immediate Feelings (Here-and-Now)

2) Confrontation : Discrepancies/ Distortion
3) Interpretation: Theory-Based
4) Advice Giving: Suggestion, Recommendation
5) Complement Giving
6) Self Disclosure
Counseling Skills

John 11: 4-5

Jesus said,

"You're asking the wrong question.

You're looking for someone to blame.
There is no such cause-effect here.
Look instead for what God can do.

Apply the advanced counseling skills you learned.

Contents of Small Group Sharing

1. Choose One Person As a Client/ Counselor and take

three turns.

2. Use only following counseling Skills (10 mins)

1) Advice giving
2) Complement giving
3) Self-disclosure

3. Make Evaluations (5 mins)

- From Client’s View
- From Observer’s View

4. Share the things you experienced in the practice.

5. Prayer
Psychological Test Workshop

1) Think of some difficulties you are experiencing now

2) Try to relate with your psychology-test result
3) Try to figure out a solution before God

Session 1 (11. 12) MMPI

Session 2 (11. 19) MBTI
Session 3 (11. 26 ) MCMI : Personality Trait
Session 4 (12. 3) Drawing Test

1. MMPI: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

2. Scales: Validity scale (defensiveness/ attitude)

Clinical scale (Psychological difficulties)

3. Important points of interpretation

1) Range of scores
- Validity Scale: over 75 - invalid
65-75 - possibly invalid
40-64 - valid
below 40 - invalid (faking-good/ faking-bad)

3. Important points of interpretation

1) Range of scores
- Clinical Scale: over 75 - mentally ill
65-75 - possibly mentally ill
35-64 - normal
below 35 - mentally ill/ faking-good
2) Combination of relatively high two or three scales
ex. Types of Stress
27/72 accumulation of responsibilities
28/82 perceived withdrawal of emotional support
43/34 rejection or being discounted
46/64 demands being placed on them
49/94 impositions of controls on their behavior
93/39 disapproval and/or being controlled
3) Defense Mechanisms and Spiritual meaning

1. Validity Scale and

Abbreviation Interpretation of High Scores Validity Scale  

Cannot say (?) Subject is evasive or indecisive.

Lie (L) Subject tends to present self in idealized or overly virtuous
Frequency (F) Subject is confused, answering randomly, or trying
to fake symptoms.  A high score on this scale suggests the profile
is invalid.
Correction (K) Subject is defensive and attempting to obscure

1) Validity: Defense & Spiritual meaning

(Before God, we need to see our…)

VRIN(Variable Response IncoNsistency): random response

integrity/ sincerity
TRIN(True Response IncoNsistency): indiscriminated T/F
integrity/ sincerity
F(Frequency): Severe Psychological Difficulty – Cry for Help!
pain/suffering honestly
L(Lie): Faking-good in uneducated way
naïve defense
K(Correction): Faking-good in educated way
well-formulated defense S( Exaggeration):
Exaggerating of good-person
2) Clinical Scales

1. Hypochondriasis (Hs)
Subject is unrealistically concerned with physical complaints.
2. Depression (D)
Subject is unhappy, depressed, and pessimistic.
3. Hysteria (Hy)
Subject focuses on vague physical symptoms to avoid dealing
with severe psychological stress.
4. Psychopathic deviate (Pd)
Subject's social interactions indicate emotional shallowness, re-
belliousness, and disregard for law or conventional morality.
5. Masculinity-Femininity (Mf)
Subject shows interests and behaviors usually associated with
opposite sex role.
2) Clinical Scales

6. Paranoia (Pa)
Subject has strong, irrational suspicions and overestimates own
7. Psychasthenia (Pt)
Subject is tense, rigid, anxious and may have obsessive thoughts
and compulsive behaviors.
8. Schizophrenia (Sc)
Subject is withdrawn, experiences distortions of reality and
dresses and acts bizarrely.
9. Hypomania (Ma)
Subject is outgoing, impulsive overly active, and excited.
0. Social introversion-extroversion (Si)
Subject is withdrawn, shy, inhibited, and self-effacing.
2) Clinical Scales
Name Psychological Meaning Spiritual Meaning
(Before God, We need to…)

1: Hs(Hypochondriasis) Repression Pour out our heart

2: D (Depression) Self-Blame Confirm Identity
3: Hy (Hysteria) Distortion Be Honest
4: Pd (Psychopathic Deviate) Anger Point our shortcoming
5: Mf (Masculinity-Femininity) Achievement Know the salvation
RelationshipKnow our hole
6: Pa (Paranoia) Projection See us how God sees
7: Pt (Psychasthenia) Anxiety/Tension
Know origin of fear
8: Sc (Schizophrenia) Delusion/Isolation
Live all-ready-but-yet Kingdom
9: Ma (Hypomania) Acting-Out Give up our effort
0: Si (Social Introversion) Interpersonal Inadequacy
Know God already accepted us as we are
MBTI Workshop

1. Introduction of MBTI
2. Your Type? – Review of 16 Different Types
3. Interpretation of Dominant Functions
1) E/I
2) N/S
3) F/T
4) P/J
4. Grouping according to Each Type
5. Tips for Prayer & Meditation
MBTI Online Test

1. Englsh

2. Korean

Please take the MBTI online test now! (9:00 – 9:30)

Introduction of MBTI

1. MBTI : Byers & Briggs Type Indicator

- Katharine C. Briggs and Isabel B. Myers devel-
oped the test based on Carl Jung’s psychological typol-

2. Carl Jungs’ Psychological Typology(Dichotomies)


Sensing(S) Intuition(N)

Feeling (F)
3. Myers & Briggs added two other dimensions:
Extraversion (E) - (I) Introversion
Judgment (J) - (P) Perception
Your Type? : Review of 16 Different Types
Duty fulfillers Nurtures Protectors Scientists
Salt of Social Prophets Scientists
the world workers
Inspector Protector Counselor Mastermind


Mechanics Artists Idealists Thinkers
Encyclopedia Saints Joan dark Idea bank
Crafter Composer Healer Architect


Doers Performers Inspirers Visionaries
Activists Social type Spark type Inventors
Promoters Performers Champions Inventors


Guardians Caregivers Givers Executives
Businessman Fluent tongues Peacemakers Leaders
Supervisor Provider Teacher Field marshal
Interpretation of Dominant Functions

E(Extraversion) I (Introversion)
Direction of Energy

1) Energy with people Energy from spending

time alone

Frequent interaction Substantial interaction

2) Action-oriented Thought-oriented
3) Good at speaking Good at writing
4) Breadth of knowledge Depth of knowledge
Interpretation of Dominant Functions

S(Sensing) N (iNtuition)
How we gather information

1) Here-and-now Future
2) Practical experience Idea
3) Accurate Fast
4) Realistic Symbolic
5) Perceive tree Perceive bush
6) Harvesting Seeding
Interpretation of Dominant Functions

T(Thinking) F (Feeling)
How we decide

1) Truth, Fact-oriented People,Relationship-oriented

2) Principle Meaning
3) Logical/Analytic Contextual/Comprehensive
4) Judge ‘true or false’ Judge ‘good or bad’
5) Intellectual critique Friendly cooperation
Interpretation of Dominant Functions

J(Judging) P(Perceiving)
Life Pattern

1) In order/ Planning Flexible/ Open

2) Control/ Regulation Adjustment
3) Clear-unchangeable Open-changeable
4) Fast conclusion Loose procedure
5) Clear standard In one’s discretion
Grouping according to MBTI Type

Please make groups and sit together according to the fol-

lowing seat arrangement.



11-14 9-14 1-3 2-4 (%)
4-6 5-9 4-5 3-5
4-5 4-9 6-8 2-5
8-12 9-13 2-5 2-5
Tips for Prayer & Meditation (Dr. J. S. Park)

1. Prayer Patterns (They might pray, or experience, feel..)

E: Difficulty to pray and mediate alone/ for a long time

I : Easy to pray and mediate at a quite place/ for a long time
S: Easy to pray concretely, but lose a direction
N: Pray for future than present/ comprehensively than con-
T: Pray with a high logical thinking
F: Pray with a passion and feeling
P: Pray with flexibility and possibility
J: Pray according to a planned schedule, but difficult to meet
God accidently
Tips for Bible Study & Church Ministry (Dr. J. S. Park)

E: Enjoy to meet people for a purpose of evangelism and service

Difficult to get involved in a deep bible meditation
I: Feel comfortable to have a fellowship with a few people
Able to do a in-depth bible study and apply it
S: Participate in church ministry providing a concrete and realistic
data/ Easy to be moved by facts in Bible
N: Try to build up a faith by spiritual training like fasting/retreat
Easy to understand and apply intuitive books in Bible (John)
T: Enjoy the logic in Bible/ Obey God with rational thinking
Difficult to be heated by Bible study
F: Try to have a warm and meaningful relationship at church
Emotional, so to be changeable or indulge oneself in..
P: Prefer to more open and free worship style
Difficult to have a scheduled and continuous spiritual training
J: Insist a in-order, accurate and planned church activities
Easy to have a guilt feeling when they do not show spiritual
Group Work

1) Visit the following website and read your personality type


2) Print out the portrait of your type and copy it as many

as the number of people in your group.

3) Share your strengths and shortcomings.

4) Share some good ways to improve your study and min-


1. What’s a Pastoral Leadership?

2. What’s Your Personality Type?
3. MCMI-III Scales
4. Personality Disorders
5. Leadership Types according to Personalities
Leadership (Dr. Kwang Chul Choi, KAIST)

1. It can be defined as an ability to influence people.

2. It comes from personality(character) rather than ability.

3. No followers, No leader

4. Followers want to imitate leaders’ being(character) rather

than doing(ability)
Leader vs Manager: Are you a manager or leader?

Manager Leader

Do the things right Do the right things

Administration Innovation
Initiate Originate
Systems & Processes People
Command control Inspire trust
Short-range view Long-range perspective
‘How and when’ ‘What and Why”
Eye on the bottom line Eye on the horizon
Accept the status quo Create Changes
Principle of Leadership (Maxwell Model)

1. Leadership which depends on a position is the lowest level

of leadership.

2. People follow leaders who possess good personality or


1) Personhood
2) People Development
3) Production
4) Permission
5) Position
Spiritual Leadership

“ Moving People on to God’s Agenda ”

1. How does your personality make an obstacle for a good

spiritual leadership?

2. Let us be aware of our personality and pray for God’s

Your Personality Type?

1. Which is the highest score in your profile?

Please list up two highest scores for each categories.

2. Score Range
below 70 : normal
around 75 : trait
over 85 : disorder
MCMI Introduction

MCMI (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory)

1. It was developed by Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Roger Davis,

and Seth Grossman.

2. It was originally standardized for patients in mental hospital, but

has strong evidence of validity for non-clinical populations.

3. Contents of Scales
1) Validity Scales
2) 14 Personality Disorder Scales
3) 10 Clinical Syndrome Scales
MCMI Scales

1. Validity Scales (Modifying Indices)

X: Disclosure - F (Cry for Help) BR: 75
Y: Desirability - L/K (Defense/ Faking-good) BR: 75
Z: Debasement - F (Faking-bad) BR: 75
V: Validity - 0: valid / 1: possibly invalid

2. 14 Personality Disorders
1) Severe
S Schizotypal
C Borderline
P Paranoid
MCMI Scales

2) Clinical
1 Schizoid
2A Avoidant
2B Depressive
3 Dependent
4 Histrionic
5 Narcissistic
6A Antisocial
7 Compulsive
8A Negativistic (Passive-Aggressive)
8B Masochistic (Self-Defeating)

Please refer the following website for explanation and

diagnosis criteria of each personality disorders.
MCMI Scales

3. 10 Clinical Syndrome Scales

1) Severe
SS Thought Disorder
CC Major Depression
PP Delusional Disorder

2) Clinical
A Anxiety
H Somatoform
N Bipolar: Manic
D Dysthymia: Light Depression
B Alcohol Dependence
T Drug Dependence
R Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Leader who concerns too much about
people’s bad evaluation on them

1) Behavior: Defend them too much (security issue)

2) Interpersonal relationship: Alert/ Nasty
3) Emotion: Tensed
4) Self-Concept: Conflict between Failure and Grandizer
5) Defense Mechanism: Projection
6) Possible Parents: Abusive/ Cruel
7) God to meet: Accepting God
Leader who is indifferent of people and situation
Leader who lives alone
1) Behavior: powerless
2) Interpersonal relationship: isolated/ not involved
3) Emotion: Too simple
4) Self-Concept: Satisfied/ Comfortable
5) Defense Mechanism: Intellectualization
6) Possible Parents: Formative and strict
7) God to meet: Intimate God
Leader who always wants to get people’s attention

1) Behavior: Dramatic
2) Interpersonal relationship: Seducing/ Superficial
3) Emotion: Anxious/ Excessive
4) Self-Concept: Lack of Identity
5) Defense Mechanism: Dissociation
6) Possible Parents: Inconsistent/ Histrionic
7) God to meet: God who listens to our moaning/ whispering
Leader who wants to be successful and
to get people’s recognition too much
1) Behavior: Arrogant/ Self-important
2) Interpersonal relationship: Lack of sympathy/
Taking advantage of people
3) Emotion: Lack of sympathy/ Immature
4) Self-Concept: Grandiose
5) Defense Mechanism: Rationalization
6) Possible Parents: Overprotective/ Too shameful
7) God to meet: Redeeming God with Confession
C (Borderline)
Leader who is too anxious about people leaving
or about being abandoned
1) Behavior: Impulsive
2) Interpersonal relationship: Too sensitive
3) Emotion: Unstable and Vacant
4) Self-Concept: Uncertain
5) Defense Mechanism: Regression/ Spitting
6) Possible Parents: Inconsistent/ Cruel/ Leaving
7) God to meet: Never-leaving God/ Never-changing God
Leader who avoids people
or who feels too difficult to meet people
1) Behavior: Withdrawn
2) Interpersonal relationship: Fearful so Isolated
3) Emotion: Shame/ Tense
4) Self-Concept: Self-abase (Put oneself down)
5) Defense Mechanism: Fantasy
6) Possible Parents: Critical/ Rejective
7) God to meet: God who holds us as a sinner
7 (Compulsive)
Leader who is bound too much to
rules and conscience
1) Behavior: Diligent/ No flexibility
2) Interpersonal relationship: Polite/ Typical
3) Emotion: Cold/ Serious
4) Self-Concept: Conscientious/ Diligent
5) Defense Mechanism:
Over-control/ Reaction Formation/ Undoing
6) Possible Parents: Strict/ Rigid
7) God to meet: Forgiving/ Accepting God
Group Sharing

1. Share some possible difficulties in terms of ministry

based on your personality types.

2. Share the image of God you want to experience better.

3. Pray for your group members.

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