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Unpacking the Self

The Physical Self

• refers to the body.

• the body's ability to perform its
functions gradually changes
through an individual's aging.
Life span

• refers to the development from

conception to death.
Elizabeth B. Hurlock
outlines the stages in the life span:

• Prenatal
• fertilization to birth
• Infancy
• birth to 2 weeks of life
• Babyhood
• 2 weeks of life to 2nd year
• Early childhood
• 2 to 6 years old
Elizabeth B. Hurlock
outlines the stages in the life span:

• Puberty
• 10 or 12 to 14 years old
• Adolescence
• 14 to 18 years old
• Early adulthood
• 18 to 40 years old
Elizabeth B. Hurlock
outlines the stages in the life span:

• Early adulthood
• 18 to 40 years old
• Middle adulthood
• 40 to 60 years old
• Late adulthood or senescence
• 60 to death
Two Factors Affecting Physical Growth
and Development

1. Heredity
• the biological process of the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring .
2. Environment
• the factors an individual is exposed to throughout life which includes
learning and experiences.

• Heridity - physical or mental characteristics

Theories of Physical Self

Theory of physiognomy
• suggest that a person's physical characteristics such as facial features
and expressions and body structures could be related to a person's
character or personality.
• According to ancient Chinese practice of face reading, the face is a
three-dimensional reflection of "who we are and how life has affected
Theories of Physical Self

Face readers
• observe how facial features and markings
correspond to a person's mental, emotional, and
physical makeup.
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids

• developed by Hippocrates in ancient Greece .

• suggests that an excess of or deficiency in any of the
four bodily fluids (or humors) in a person, influences
their personality, temperament, and well-being.
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids

1. Sanguine type
• has the prominence of red bile.
• they tend to be impulsive, cheerful, happy, and
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids

2. Melancholic type
• has the prominence of black bile.
• they tend to be depressed and pessimistic .
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids

3. Choleric
• has the prominence of yellow bile.
• they are easily angry, jumpy, and temperamental .
Theory based on the prominence of body fluids

4. Phlegmatic
• has excess phlegm
• they tend to be sluggish, dull, and slow.
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon

• based on physical characteristics

The three body types are:
1. Endomorphic
2. Mesomorphic
3. Ectomorphic
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon

1. Endomorphic Body Type

• is soft and plump.
• perceived to be easy going and sociable.
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon

2. Mesomorphic Body Type

• characterized by a strong muscular body
• perceived to be energetic, adventurous, assertive, and
• they are competitive and tend to be dominant.
Body-type Theory
by William Sheldon

3. Ectomorphic Body Type

• is tall and thin.
• people who have this body type tend to be restrained,
quiet, introverted, and artistic.
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

1. Oval-shaped faces
• are generally hospitable and tactful.
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

2. Round-shaped faces
• tend to be friendly, kind hearted,
and selfless.
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

3. Square – shaped faces

• tend to be witty, analytical,
and great leaders.

• witty - humorous
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

4. Heart-shaped faces
•are patient and intuitive
by nature.
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

5. Long-shaped faces
• are perfectionist and
tend to be aggressive
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

6.Triangle-shaped faces
• tend to be creative, artistic,
sensitive, and determined .
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

7. Diamond- shaped faces

•are very detail-oriented
and like to be in control.
The Wisdom of Your Face
by Jean Haner

• Haner also suggest that people with…

• thick eyebrows are tend to be confident, assertive, and goal -
Body Image

• refers to how individuals perceive,

think, and feel about their body and
physical appearance.
• refers to everything about a person that
others can observe such as height, weight,
skin color, clothes, and hairstyle.
• is related to body image. Which is a
person's overall evaluation of his or her
own worth.
• is an eating disorder in which a person refuses
to eat for fear of gaining weight which can
result in severe starvation and death. It mostly
afflicts females between ages of 12 and 40.
Bulimia Nervosa
• in which the person induces purging after
binging on large quantities of food.

• binging - indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or talking drugs, to excess.

The Importance of Beauty
• In Egyptian art, beauty is perceived in
women with slim, high waist, narrow
hips, and long black hair.
The Importance of Beauty
• During Renaissance period, women
with a full figure and rounded hips were
considered beautiful.
The Importance of Beauty

• During the Medieval Age, they considered

chubby, fat, or plump women beautiful.
Body modification
1. Tattooing
• which injects ink onto the skin to draw design .
2.Body piercing
• let people wear jewellery through different piercings in their body such as the ears, nose,
and tongue.

Note: Tattooing and piercing were considered signs of one's strength, bravery,
and social status.
Body modification
3. Cosmetic surgery
• includes surgical and non-surgical procedures to restore,
reconstruct, or alter body parts.
Some ways to improve your body image
and inner self:

1. Smile a lot
2. Take good care of your health
3. Live a well-balanced life
4. Dress well and be neat
5. Spend some time alone to reflect
6. Be creative and do something new all the time
7. Developed a whole
Some ways to improve your body image
and inner self:
8. Avoid temptations *Respect individuality
9. Make friends *Face your fears
10. Be independent
11. Accept things as they are
13. Ask and listen
14. Think positive
15. Pray
16. Count your blessings
17. Be thankful
Some ways to improve your body image
and inner self:
8. Avoid temptations *Respect individuality
9. Make friends *Face your fears
10. Be independent
11. Accept things as they are
13. Ask and listen
14. Think positive
15. Pray
16. Count your blessings
17. Be thankful
Midterm - Activity No. __
Complete the sentences below.

• 1. For me, beauty means_______________________________________

• 2. A beautiful person is _______________________________________
• 3. I am beautiful because ______________________________________
• 4. List down names of people you know who are beautiful.
• __________________________________________________________
Self-Reflective Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Who am I, really?
2. What worries me most about the future?
3. If this were the last day of my life, would I have the same plans for today?
4. What I am I really scared of?
5. What matters most in my life?

• Alata, E.J., et al., Understanding the Self, First Edition,

• Go-Monilla, M. J., Ramirez, N.C., Understanding the
Self, 2018

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