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GCSE Exam Preparation

DNA by Dennis Kelly

Characters in DNA
Task: Name each character
and why have you made
these decisions? _______________

_______ &
_______________ _______

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________
Characters in DNA
You must know the characteristics of each
character in order to successfully answer the
following exam questions.
• 5 (i) You are going to play Danny.
Explain two ways you would use vocal skills to
play this character in this extract.

Step 1: Know the intention of

Danny’s character.

Step 2: Know what vocal skills are.

Pick two VS.

Step 3: Pick the line for the extract

to focus your answer on.
How to answer the following…
• 5 (a) There are specific choices in this extract (page 12-19) for
(i) You are going to play Danny.
Explain two ways you would use vocal skills to play this character in this
extract (4 marks)
Exemplar answer -

I would use a range of voice techniques to communicate the character of

Danny. Including a disjointed pace when he says ‘This is not part of the
plan’ to show his anxiety and growing despair about ruining his future
plans of going to dental college and also a change in volume to reflect
his building panic about getting in trouble due to his selfish nature.
How to answer the following…
• 5 (a) There are specific choices in this extract for performers.
(i) You are going to play Danny.
Explain two ways you would use vocal skills to play this character in this

• (4) (ii) You are going to play Lou.

She is anxious. As a performer, give three suggestions of how you
would use performance skills to show this. You must provide a reason
for each suggestion.
Mark and Jan
• 6 (a) Mark and Jan have a specific job in DNA.
As a director, discuss how two performers playing this role might
demonstrate this to an audience in this extract and the complete play.
You must consider: Stage directions -
Entrances and
- Voice Exits, movement
from stage Right
to Left etc, stood
- Physicality up, sat down,
Physicality -
Gestures, whole
proxemics body actions,
- Stage directions facial expressions,
body language,
Voice - posture, focus
(6 marks) Pace, Pitch, Tone,
Accent, Pause,
How will we answer the following…
• 6 (a) Phil is taking control of the situation.
As a director, discuss how a performer playing this role might
demonstrate this to an audience in this extract and the complete play.
You must consider:
- Voice
- Physicality
- Stage directions
We are going to practically explore this exam
• 5 (a) There are specific choices in this extract for directors.

i) As a director how would you create the scene (Page 12 A wood –

Page 19 ‘I think we should tell someone’) in relation to showing the
- Status of the characters
- Relationships between the group
- Stage directions
Qu: You are going to play Jan. Explain two
ways you would use vocal skills to play this
character in this extract?
Voice -
The context of the scene Pace: How fast or slow a line is
What should Pitch: How high or low a line is
you consider? said
Who the character is Tone: How a line is said (emotion)
Pause: Moments of silence for
Where the extract falls impact
within the play and what Intonation
has happened already... Volume: To emphasis or to create
Your answer:
Qu: You are going to play Mark. Explain two
ways you would use physical skills to play
this character in this extract?
Physicality -
The context of the scene Gestures: Using (non weight
bearing) actions to communicate
What should with the audience
you consider?
Facial expressions: facial
Who the character is
movement and positioning
Body language: the way you hold
your body as a character
Where the extract falls Stance: how a character holds
within the play and what their posture
has happened already...
Proxemics: the space used to
communicate relationships
Your answer:
Qu: As a performer give three suggestions of
how you would use performance skills to
convey your chosen character’s intentions to
an audience? (6 marks)

To show that my character __(comment on intention/mood)__ I would use __(choose a

performance skill)__ to communicate that __(comment on how this performance skill helps to
communicate your character’s intention.)__

You need to do this 3

times in order to
achieve all 6 marks
Your answer:
Answering questions as the director

Production elements
you will be asked Staging
Costume Set

Sound/ Lighting
Qu: As a director, how would you use one of
the production elements below to bring this
extract to life for your audience?
Key terminology
Can indicate style of performance
eg - naturalistic, symbolic, surrealist
Can enhance mood and atmosphere Crescendo

Can help to inform the audience
where each scene is taking place
Sound/ Fade
Can reinforce the time period in
music which the play is set
Cross fade
Can help to build tension eg - it
could crescendo to reflect powerful Volume
Can help create a character’s status
Structuring your answer:
Point and intention
As a director I would want the music to….
I would use…
Justification and link to audience
This would…
Link to context of the play
This supports...
Your answer:
Themes in DNA
Key themes in DNA
● The main themes of the play Task:
Find a quote or a describe a point in the
are; play that shows these themes.
Find one example for each and complete
on the google doc that has also been
uploaded in the assignment on
Membership Morality

Bullying responsibility

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