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Prepared by


Chief, Maintenance Section
MPW -BARMM Maguindanao Del Norte
District Engineering Office
Course Outline:

I – Mode of Implementation
II – Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
III – Procurement of Infrastructure Projects
IV – Construction
I – Mode of Implementation:

 By Contract
 By Administration
 By Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
II – Detailed Engineering Design:

 Detailed Engineering Design or “DED” means the

preparation of and the actual detailed engineering
designs, plans/drawings and cost estimates, supported
by design analysis and calculations, brochures,
catalogues, and technical specifications.
Activities of Detailed Engineering:
 Field Surveys
 Site Investigation
 Soils and Foundation Investigation
 Construction Materials Investigation
 Preparation of Design Plans
 Preparation of Technical Specifications
 Preparation of Quantity and Cost Estimates
 Preparation of Program of Work
 Preparation of Proposed Construction Schedule [and
estimated Cash Flow for projects with Schedule over
six (6) Months]
 Preparation of Site or Right-of-Way Plans including
Schedule of Acquisition
 Preparation of Utility Relocation Plan
 Preparation and Submission of Design Report
 Environmental Impact Statement for critical project
as defined by the DENR
 Preparation of minimum requirements for a
Construction Safety and Health Program for the
project being considered
 Value Engineering Studies
 Preparation of Bid/Tender Documents
 Determine the Approved Budget for the Contract
III – Procurement of Infrastructure Projects:
Procurement refers to the acquisition of goods,
consulting services, and the contracting for
infrastructure projects by the procuring entity.

A.) Preparing for the Procurement of

Infrastructure Projects.
 Procurement Planning
 Preparing the Bidding Documents
 Conduct Pre-Procurement Conference
Procurement Planning
The purpose of procurement planning is for the
Procuring Entity to schedule its procurement activities
in advance, consistent with its approved budget and its
target date of implementation.
For infrastructure projects, the APP shall consider
the appropriate timing/phasing of related project
activities such as engineering design and acquisition of
ROW to reduce/lower project costs, among others.
Preparing the Bidding Documents

Bidding documents are documents issued by the

Procuring Entity as the basis for bids, furnishing all
necessary information for a prospective bidder to prepare
a bid for the Infrastructure Project required by the
Procuring Entity.
(2016 IRR Section 5 [e]) These clearly and
adequately define, among others:

1.The objectives, scope and expected outputs and/or

results of the proposed contract;
2.The expected contract duration;
3.The obligations, duties and/or functions of the
winning bidder; and
4.The minimum eligibility requirements of bidders,
such as track record to be determined by the HoPE.
Forms and Contents of Bidding Documents
1.Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC);
2.Invitation to Bid;
3.Eligibility Requirements;
4.Instructions to Bidders, include scope of bid,
documents comprising the bid, criteria for eligibility, bid
evaluation methodology criteria in accordance with the
GPRA, and post-qualification, as well as the date, time
and place of the pre-bid conference (where applicable),
submission of bids and opening of bids;
5.Scope of Work (SOW);
6.Plans/Drawings and Technical Specifications;
7. Form of Bid and Bill of Quantities;
8. Completion Schedule;
9. Form, amount and validity period of Bid Security,
the amount to be stated in Philippine pesos (2016 IRR
Section 27) and its validity period to be determined by
the HoPE but not to exceed one hundred twenty (120)
calendar days after the opening of bids (2016 IRR
Section 28);
10. Form, amount and validity of Performance Security
and Warranty; and
11. Form of Contract, Government Condition of
Contract (GCC) and Special Condition of Contract
Conduct Pre-Procurement Conference.
The pre-procurement conference is the forum where
all officials involved in the procurement meet and
discuss all aspects of a specific procurement activity,
which includes the technical specifications, the
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC), the
applicability and appropriateness of the recommended
method of procurement and the related milestones, the
bidding documents, and availability of the pertinent
budget release for the project.
B.) Procedural steps for the procurement of
infrastructure projects.
Step 1- Advertise and Post the Invitation to Bid (IB)
Step 2- Issue the Bidding Documents
Step 3- Call a Pre-Bid Conference
Step 4- Receive, Open and Examine the Technical and
Financial Envelopes (Opening of Bids)
Step 5- Evaluate the Bids
Step 6- Post-Qualification
Step 7- Award the Contract
Step 8- Contract Signing
Step 9- Notice to Proceed
IV- Construction (Road):

Activities in Constructing Road

A. Preliminary Activities
B. Temporary Facilities
C. Mobilization
D. Earthworks
E. Subgrade Preparation
F. Stabilizing Layer
G. Pavements
A. Preliminary Activities
1.Construction Stake-out
3.Permit to cut trees ( DENR or PCA )
4.Traffic Planning , Control & Maintenance
B. Temporary Facilities

Client's Side (Facilities for the Engineer)

 Office, Quarters and Laboratory for the Engineer
 Vehicle for the Engineer
 Assistance to the Engineer
 Progress photographs
Contractor’s side:
 Office
 Equipment yard
 Fabrication Area/Shop
 Workmen’s quarters
 Storage/warehouse
C. Mobilization
D. Earthworks

 Clearing and grubbing

 Removal of obstruction
Clearing and Grubbing

 It means removing and disposing all surface objects

including vegetation, trees and other protruding objects
not designated to remain along the roadway.

 Itis necessary as a preliminary move in shaping the

ground prior to the start of any excavation or placing of
embankment as any growth makes earth difficult to
handle and its decay will cause future settlement of fill
Removal of Obstructions
 Prior to actual construction work, obstructions
are removed in order not to hamper the work.
E. Subgrade Preparation

Preparation of subgrade consists of all operations

before the pavement structure is placed over it and
compacted. The subgrade maybe situated on an
embankment, by excavation, or at existing ground

The two components in forming the subgrade

1. Roadway Excavation
2. Embankment Fill
Roadway Excavation

 It is the process of loosening and removing earth from

its original position and transporting same for fill or to
a waste deposit.

 Excavation operation should be conducted so that

material outside the limits of slope will not be
Embankment Fill
 Are suitable materials which can be common or rock
which are brought and compacted together to a
specified degree to form a stable embankment to
bring the road to a desired grade or to elevate it
above flood level.

 The most desirable fill is a mixture of two or more

simple type and varying proportion of clay, silt,
sand, gravel and stones. Sand and gravel are most
desirable as embankment fill when mixed with
enough clay or silt to bind them together.
F. Stabilizing Layer

Aggregate sub base course

Aggregate base course

Agg. Base Course

Agg. Sub-Base Course

Importance as a Stabilizer…..

 Thesubbase course is a structural layer which

accepts greater compressive stress than the
subgrade and thus reduces the deformation of the
pavement under traffic loading.

 The base course reduces the vertical compressive

stress induced by traffic in the subbase course
and the subgrade.
In Asphalt Pavements…..

 the base and subbase courses serves to provide

structural capacity to bituminous concrete slabs.

 they carry the load and distribute it to the soil

under the layers of asphalt concrete.

 the subbase and base courses spreads the load

over the foundation.

 thebase course prevents pavement pumping and

provides drainage for PCCP slabs.
G. Pavements

 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP)

 Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Purpose of Concrete Pavement

 Being the uppermost component of the roadway, it

should provide long lasting, smooth, clean surface
and should spread the load sufficiently so that the
base material can support them.

 Itprotects the base against damage by traffic and



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