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 History of C Language
 Advantages of C Language
 Structure of C Program
 Character Set
 Tokens in C
 Data Types
 Variables
 Input / Output Statements
 Simple Programs
 Operators and Expressions
 Type Conversions
A software is a set of programs, which is designed to
perform a well-defined task.

A program is a set of instructions written to perform a
specific task.

A Person who writes a program is known as programmer.
Types of Computer Programming Languages
• Machine Level Programming Language : The program instructions are
written in zeros and ones, instructions are in binary form. Execution is
faster as instructions are already in 0’s and 1’s.
• Symbolic Level or Assembly Level Programming Language : a
programmer writes instructions using symbolic instruction code instead of
binary codes. Symbolic codes are meaningful abbreviations such as SUB is
used for substation operation, MUL for multiplication etc. A translator
known as Assembler is used to convert instructions into 0’s and 1’s.
• High Level Programming Language : The programming languages that are
close to human languages (example like English languages) are called the
high-level languages. A translator known as Compiler is used to convert
instructions to 0’s and 1’s.
Examples : Fortran, COBOL, Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java.
History of C Language
 C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis
Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone &
Telegraph), located in the U.S.A.
 Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the C Language.
It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages
such as B, BCPL, etc.
 Initially, C language was developed to be used in UNIX operating
system. It inherits many features of previous languages such as B and
History of C Language
Advantages of C Language
• It is Structured Programming Language
• Modularity : Ability to break down large modules into
smaller sub modules.
• Portability : Ability to run programs on different
• Extendibility : Ability to extend existing software by
adding new features.
• Speed : Execution of program is fast.
• Provides wide variety of operators and data types.
Structure of a C Program


Pre Processor Directives

Global Declarations
int a,b;
Local Declarations
int x, y;
Statement 1
printf(“Hello World”);
return 0;
Statement n
Other user defined functions
Structure of a C Program
• Every C Program is made up of one or more pre processor commands, a
global declaration section and one or more functions.
• The pre-processor commands are always at the beginning of the C
program and they start with #.
• Preprocessor commands are special instructions to the preprocessor that
tells how it, how to prepare the program for compilation, example
#include, #define etc.
• In global declaration section we can declare variables, functions.
Elements declared here are visible throughout the program.
• The actual work of the program is carried out in functions. A program can
have any number of functions, but it can have only one main() function.
• Execution of the program starts with main function and ends with the
• All functions including main have two parts declaration section and body
of the function which includes the statements to be executed.
• Global Declaration and User defined functions are optional from the
structure of C
Character Set
• All the characters that are used while writing the
program are part of character set.
It includes,
• Lowercase letters
– a b c . . . z
• Uppercase letters
– A B C . . . Z
• Digits
– 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• Other characters
– + - * / = ( ) { } [ ] < > ‘ “
– ! @ # $ % & _ ^ ~ \ . , ; : ?
• White space characters
– blank, newline, tab, etc.
Tokens in C
• A token is a smallest or a basic unit of a C Program.
• One or more characters are grouped together in sequence to
form a meaningful words, known as Tokens.
There are 6 types of tokens as shown below
1. Keywords
 Keywords are reserved words which have predefined
meaning to the C Compiler. The meaning of keywords
cannot be altered.
 There are 32 Keywords supported in C Language.

auto do goto signed unsigned

break double if sizeof void
case else int static volatile
char enum long struct while
const extern register switch
continue float return typedef
default for short union
2. Identifiers
• Identifiers are the name given to various program elements
such as variables, function names, array names.
Rules for naming an identifier :
1. The first character of an identifier should be either an alphabet
or an underscore, and then it can be followed by any of the
character, digit, or underscore.
2. It should not begin with digit.
3. In identifiers, both uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct.
Therefore, we can say that identifiers are case sensitive.
4. Commas or blank spaces cannot be specified within an
5. Keywords cannot be represented as an identifier.
6. The length of the identifiers should not be more than 31
Valid and Invalid Identifiers
Divide the below given identifiers into valid and invalid identifiers
and given reasons for invalid.
KA22, Sum,7Wonders, _9AM, Tom Jerry, Im@Goa, Even_Odd, break

VALID INVALID Reasons for Invalid

KA22 7Wonders Identifiers should not start with digit
Even_Odd Tom Jerry Identifiers should not have spaces in between
Sum Im@Goa Identifiers should not have special symbols
_9AM break Identifiers should not be keyword
3. Constants
• A constant is a value assigned to the variable which will
remain the same throughout the program, i.e., the
constant value cannot be changed.
Types of Constants,
• Integer constants : Example - 10
• Character constants : Example – ‘A’
• Real/Floating point constants : Example – 3.142
• String constants : Example – “INDIA”
4. String
• Strings in C are always represented as an array of characters
having null character '\0' at the end of the string.
• This null character denotes the end of the string.
• Strings in C are enclosed within double quotes. Example,
“Hello All”

5. Special Symbols
• Some special characters are used in C, and they have a
special meaning which cannot be used for another purpose.
Examples: [] , {} # * $ ()
6. Operators
• An operator is symbols that represents the type of the
operation to be performed on operands
Data Types
• A data type tells the type of the value to be stored in the
memory locations.
Basic Data Types,
Data Types Size in Bytes Format Specifier
char 2 %c
int 4 %d
float 4 %f
void 0 NA

Q:When do we use data types?

A:When we declare a variables/functions we use data types.
Data Types

Primitive Non Primitive

float Queues
Linked List
Primitive Data types:
They are basic data types, which
help us to store single value. Non Primitive Data types:
Example int a; They are derived data types, which are
derived from basic data types. They help
us to store more than one value.
Example int a[10];
List of Data Types in C

Note : Integer Size is Machine Dependent

• A variable is the name given to a memory location.
• It is "variable" because the value in the memory location can
• Each memory  location has an address.
Syntax for declaring a Variable:

Data Type Variable_Name(s);

Example for declaring Variables:

int a;
float b;
char c;
double d;
Variable and Memory Location

Address of
the memory
Usually it’s a
Variable Initialization
• Assigning an initial value to a variable is variable
Types of initializing a Variable:
1. Compile Time Initialization int a=20
2. Run Time Initialization
int a;
scanf(“%d”, &a);
Both methods are used to specify the values for the variables.
In Compile time the value of the variable is specified before
compiling the program whereas in run time the value for the
variable is specified/prompted when the program is running
with the help of any standard input function, such as scanf()
Input and Output Statements in C
• Any program takes some input from the user processes it and produces output
• Input means to provide the program with some data to be used/processed in
the program and Output means to display resultant data on screen or write
the data to a printer or a file.
• C programming language has standard libraries that allows us to give input and
display output in a program. The stdio.h or standard input output library in C
has functions for input and output.

Types of I/O functions in C


Formatted Unformatted
I/O functions I/O functions

scanf() getchar()
printf() putchar()
Formatted Output Function: printf()
• printf() is a standard formatted output function used to
display output of a program on the output device.
• It is defined in the header file #include<stdio.h>
Syntax of using a printf() statement

printf(“control string”, arguments)

Text Ex: “hi” “area=”
Variables Ex: sum

Escape Sequences Ex:\n, \t Expressions Ex:(a+b)

Format Specifiers Ex:%d, %f, %c Function calls Ex: sqrt()

Examples of printf() statements
1. printf(“Hello World”) 2. printf(“area of circle=%d” ,area) 3. printf(“Sum=%f\n”, a+b)
4. printf(“Square root of given number is %f \n”, sqrt(n))
Formatted Input Function: scanf()
• scanf() is a standard formatted input function used to give
input to the program using standard input device.
• It is defined in the header file #include<stdio.h>
Syntax of using a scanf() statement

scanf(“format specifiers”, &variable_name(s))

Only format specifiers are
allowed inside the double Address
quotes ex: %d, %f, %c, %s Operator

Examples of scanf() statements

1. scanf(“%d”,&a)
2. scanf(“%f”, &radius)
3. scanf(“%c”, &c)
Write a C program to Display Your Name and Place

Expected Output:
Name : Raghavendra Patil
Place : Belagavi
Write a C program to Display Your USN, Name, Branch and Semester

Expected Output:
USN: 2KL20CS001
SEM : 2
Write a C program to find the sum of two numbers.

Input Output
Write a C program to find the area of circle.

Input Output

2 Area =12.568
Write a C program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.
Write a C program to read the base and height of triangle as input and
then compute area of triangle
Write a C program to compute simple_interest for a given p, t, r.

Input Output
10000 Simple
Write a C program to read two integer numbers and swap the numbers.
Operators in C
An Operator is a symbol that tells the type of the operation to be performed on the operands

Types of Operators
Unary Operators
• Unary Operators : A Unary Operator is an operator that
takes a single operand in an expression.

Types of Unary Operators

Operator Type Operator Example Result
1. Unary Minus - -4 -4
2. Unary Increment 7++(Postfix Increment) 8
a. Postfix ++7 (Pre fix Increment) 8
b. Prefix ++
3. Unary Decrement 7--(Postfix Increment) 6
a. Postfix --7 (Pre fix Increment) 6
b. Prefix --
Binary Operators- Arithmetic Operators
• Binary Operators : are the operators that have two
operands in an expression.
• Arithmetic Operators are the operators used to perform
arithmetic operations.
Types of Arithmetic Operators
Operator Type Operator Meaning Example Result

+ Addition 6+2 9

- Subtraction 6-2 5

* Multiplication 6*2 12

/ Division 6/2 3

% Modulus 6%2 0

Note: The % operator should not be used for float numbers.

Relational Operators
• Relational Operators also known as comparison operators
are used to compare two operands.
• Relational operators return result in True (1) or False (0)
Types of Relational Operators
Operator Type Operator Meaning Example Result

> Greater Than 6>2 1

>= Greater Than

Or Equals to
6>=2 1

< Lesser Than 6<2 0

<= Lesser Than 6<=6 1

Or Equals to
== Equality 6==2 0

!= Not Equal 6!=2 1

Logical Operators
• Logical Operator : A logical operator is a symbol, that is
used to combine two or more expressions.
Example: a>b && a>c

Types of Logical Operators

Operator Type Operator Example Result
Logical AND && 1&&1 1
Logical OR || 1||0 1

Logical NOT ! !1 0
Bitwise Operators
• Bitwise Operators : are those operators that perform
operations at bit level.

Types of Bitwise Operators

Operator Type Operator Meaning Example Result

>> Bitwise Right Shift 4>>2 1

<< Bitwise Left Shift 1<<2 4

& Bitwise AND 1&2 0

| Bitwise OR 1|2 3

^ Bitwise XOR 3^2 1

~ Bitwise NOT ~5 10

Note: The left shift and right shift operators should not be used for negative numbers.
Bitwise Operators Examples

Consider a=1, b=2 Consider a=1, b=2 Consider a=3, b=2

a= 0001 a= 0001 a= 0011
1&2=0 b= 0010 1|2=3 b= 0010 3^2=1 b= 0010
a & b= 0000 a | b= 0011 a ^ b= 0001

In shift operations the first operand is the number to be shifted and the second
operand tells by how many bits first operand should be shifted. In right shift the
every bits are shifted towards right, and vice versa in left shift.

a= 0 1 0 0 0001 Consider a=10

a= 1010
b= 0 0 1 0 0010 ~10=5 a ~a= 0101

0001 0100
4>>2=1 1<<2=4
Note: 4 bit examples
Assignment Operators

• Assignment Operator : This operator is used to

assign value to a variable.

Example: a = 10
Short Hand Assignment Operators
Operator Type Example Result

+= a+=2 a=a+2

-= a-=2 a=a-2

*= a*=2 a=a*2

/= a/=2 a=a/2
Ternary Operator (?:)

Largest = a > b ? a : b;
Largest = a > b ? ( a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c) ;
• Expression: Sequence of operators and operands is known
as expression
• Expressions evaluates to a single value.
• Precedence : tells the order in which the operators in a complex
expression should evaluated.
Example: 2+5*2. Here 5*2 first evaluates
• Associativity : Associativity is used when there are two or
more operators of same precedence in an complex
• It can LR or RL
Example: 2 *3 / 2

Evaluate the given expressions
Expressions on Relational and Logical Operators
Expressions on Increment and Decrement Operators
Type Conversion in C
• The type conversion process in C is basically converting
one type of data type to other to perform some
• The conversion is done only between those data types
wherein the conversion is possible, Example – char to int
and vice versa.

There are two types of Type Conversion,

1. Implicit Type Conversion

2. Explicit Type Conversion(type casting)
Implicit Type Conversion
• Implicit Type Conversion : This type of type conversion
is automatically done by the compiler. Compiler usually
performs this type of conversion when a particular
expression contains more than one data type. In such
cases either type promotion or demotion takes place.

Explicit Type Conversion
• Explicit Type Conversion: This process is also called type
casting and it is user defined. Here the user can type
cast the result to make it of a particular data type.
• Explicit type conversion is temporary.

int a = 3 , b = 2;
float c, d;
c = a / b; c=1
d = a / (float)b; c=1.5

float = 6.5 , b = 2.0;

int c;
c=3 c = (int)a /(int) b;

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