14 - Stress OB

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Chapter 9

Managing Stress And The Work-Life Balance

Learning Objectives
Discuss the meaning and nature of work stress. Describe how basic individual differences affect stress. Identify and discuss several common causes of stress. Identify and discuss several common consequences of stress. Explain ways that individuals and organizations can better manage stress. Describe work-life linkages and how they relate to stress.

The Nature of Stress

Stress Defined
Stress is a person s adaptive response to a stimulus that places excessive psychological or physical demands on that person.

The Stress Process

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) describes three stages of the stress process:
Stage 1: Alarm Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Exhaustion

The General Adaptation Syndrome

Stage 1: Alarm
Alarm occurs when a person first encounters a stressor. The person feels panic and wonders how to cope. The individual gathers strength and begins to resist the negative effects of the stressor.

Stage 2: Resistance
Often, the resistance phase ends the GAS. Prolonged exposure to a stressor without resolution may bring on Stage 3 of the GAS.

Stage 3: Exhaustion
At this stage, the person literally gives up and can no longer fight the stressor.

Figure 9.1 The General Adaptation System

Eustress and Distress

The pleasurable stress that accompanies positive events. For example, a person may receive a $10,000 bonus and experience stress in deciding how to spend the money.

The unpleasant stress that accompanies negative events.

Individual Differences and Stress

Is a person s ability to cope with stress. People with hardy personalities have an internal locus of control, are strongly committed to the activities in their lives, and view change as an opportunity for advancement and growth.

Is the extent to which a person sees life in relatively positive terms. Is the glass half empty or half full? In general, optimistic people tend to handle stress better than pessimistic people.

Figure 9.2 Causes and Consequenc es of Stress

Common Causes of Stress: Organizational Stressors

Task Demands
Stressors associated with the specific job a person performs. Some occupations are by nature more stressful than others.

Physical Demands
Stressors associated with the job s physical setting, such as the adequacy of temperature and lighting.

Figure 9.3 Workload, Stress, and Performance


Common Causes of Stress: Organizational Stressors

Role Demands
Stressors associated with the role a person is expected to play.
Role ambiguity arises when a role is unclear. Role conflict occurs when the messages and cues constituting a role are clear but contradictory or mutually exclusive. Role overload occurs when expectations for the role exceed the individual s capacity.

Interpersonal Demands
Stressors associated with group pressures, leadership, and personality conflicts.

Common Causes of Stress: Life Stressors

Life Change
Any meaningful change in a person s personal or work situation. Too many life changes can lead to health problems.

Life Trauma
Any upheaval in an individual s life that alters his or her attitudes, emotions, or behaviors.


Consequences of Stress: Individual Consequences

Behavioral Consequences
The behavioral consequences of stress, such as alcohol abuse, may harm the person under stress or others.

Psychological Consequences
Psychological consequences relate to a person s mental health and well-being.

Medical Consequences
Medical consequences affect a person s physical wellbeing. Heart disease and stroke, among other illnesses, have been linked to stress.

Consequences of Stress: Organizational Consequences

One clear organizational consequence of too much stress is a decline in performance.

The most significant forms of withdrawal behavior are absenteeism and quitting.

Stress can have a negative effect on job satisfaction, morale, organizational commitment, and motivation to perform at high levels.

Consequences of Stress: Burnout

Is the general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and has too few sources of satisfaction.


Managing Stress in the Workplace

Given that stress is widespread and so potentially disruptive in organizations, it follows that people and organizations should be concerned about how to manage it more effectively.


Managing Stress in the Workplace


Individual coping strategies include exercise, relaxation, time management, role management, and supportive groups. Organizational coping strategies include institutional programs and collateral programs.

Figure 9.4 Individual and Organizational Coping Strategies


Work-Life Linkages
Fundamental Work-Life Relationships
Include relationships between dimensions of the person s work life and the person s personal life.

Balancing Work-Life Linkages

Is difficult due to the dual demands of work and life. Important to recognize potential trade-offs in advance. Important to maintain a long-term perspective. Important to decide what to value and what trade-offs will cost.


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