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Būtinos pastraipos ir jų eilės tvarka:

Dėstymas (1-3)
Baigiamoji pastraipa (pvz., Jau turiu baigti...)
Baigiamoji frazė (pvz., Best wishes,)

PS .....
Kreipiamės būtinai vardu!

Dear Linas,
Hi Linas!

• Įžanga neturi būti per ilga – geriausia 2-3

• padėkojame už laišką (jei jį gavome)
• užsimename apie ką mes rašysime ir
dėstyme nebegrįžtame prie to, ką mums
rašė draugas...
Thank you for your letter so much! It was
great to hear that you had an excursion to
the Lake District. You know, I’ve just
come from a school trip, too!
Last week we visited ….

35 words
Turi šiek tiek priminti pokalbį, o ne pasakos
Tokį įspūdį sukurti padėtų:
Well, I had really a great time in Vilnius...
Well, you'll never guess what my favourite
music is ...
You know, this trip was so exciting because we
met ....
I really was astonished by ...
Anyway, as I'm sure you know by now, Vilnius is
the capital of Lithuania
Anyway, as I was saying earlier, I
Luckily, we didn’t .....
I've got a fantastic new job.
My new teacher is an absolute nightmare.
It's been ages since I last visited a live
Drop me a line when you have time and tell
me what you have been up to lately.
I guess, we will meet up in Lithuania in
I can't help thinking I should've told you
If you let me have your number, I'll give you
a call at the weekend.
Do you think you could send me a copy of
the photos?
Would you mind if we didn't go camping?
You don't mind, do you?
By the way, did you know that ...
Now where was I? Oh yes, I nearly forgot,
we’re having a street music festival in
June ...
To tell you the truth, I ...
Well, to cut a long story short, we
Could you come over to spend some time with
me during the summer.Let me know what dates
would be good for you.
I know this is your first visit to Britain, so please
let me know what kind of things you'd like to do
when you're here.
Sorry I'm a bit late replying, but I've been really
busy studying for my exams
Of course, a day sightseeing in London would
be great, too.
Baigiamoji pastraipa:
• ‘netikėta’ priežastis, kodėl baigiu laišką
• Užsimenu apie svarbiausią dalyką savo
• Laukiu atsakymo
Anyway, I guess it’s time I got on with
that studying I’ve been avoiding. Drop me
a line when you have time and let me
know what you think about my excursion
to Palanga.

Best wishes,
Waiting for your questions and comments

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