3.strategic External Analysis

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Chapter 2

The External Environment:

Opportunities, Threats,
Industry Competition, and
Competitor Analysis


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by Charlie Cook
Strategic Management Process and SM Course Flow

Strategic Actions Strategic inputs

Environment Vision


StrategyFormulation Strategy Implementation

Business competitiv Corporate Corporate Structures
Strategy e Strategy Governanc &
strategies e Controls

M&A Cooperativ Strategic
Internationa Entrepreneurshi
Strategie e Leadership
Strategic Outcome

l strategies p
s Strategies


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Environmental Analysis: Levels




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Figure 2.1 The External Environment

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Table 2.2 Components of the External Environmental Analysis

Scanning • Identifying early signals of environmental changes

and trends

Monitoring • Detecting meaning through ongoing observations

of environmental changes and trends

Forecasting • Developing projections of anticipated outcomes

based on monitored changes and trends

Assessing • Determining the timing and importance of

environmental changes and trends for firms’
strategies and their management

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Opportunities and Threats

• Opportunity
– A condition in the general
environment that, if exploited
effectively, helps a firm achieve
strategic competitiveness.
• Threat
– A condition in the general
environment that may hinder
a firm’s efforts to achieve
strategic competitiveness.

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General Environment

• Dimensions in the broader society that influence

an industry and the firms within it:
– Demographic
– Economic
– Political/legal
– Sociocultural
– Technological
– Global
– Physical
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Table 2.1 The General Environment: Segments and Elements

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Segments of the General Environment

Ethnic mix

Population Income
size Demographic distribution

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Segments of the General Environment

• The Economic Segment

– Uncertainty in
• Market growth rates
• Consumer demand
• Inflation and interest rates
• Trade deficits or surpluses
• Budget deficits or surpluses
• Personal and business savings rates
• Gross domestic product

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Segments of the General Environment

• The Political/Legal Segment

– Regulations
– Consumer privacy laws
– Lobbying
– Antitrust, deregulation laws
– Taxation

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Segments of the General Environment

• The Sociocultural Segment

– Changing attitudes and cultural values
• Attitudes and approaches to health care
• Attitudes about quality of worklife
• Diverse and aging workforce/ Gen Z- digital natives
• Women in the workplace
• Concerns about environment
• Shifts in work and career preferences
• Shifts in product and service preferences

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Segments of the General Environment

• The Technological Segment

– Product innovations
– Rapid technological change and the risk of disruption
– Knowledge application
– Growth of the Internet: AI, Robotics, AR/VR, Biotech
– New communication technologies/social media

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Segments of the General Environment

global niche
trends Global
Focusing cultural and
Growth of institutional
the informal attributes

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Segments of the General Environment

• The Sustainability of Physical Environment

– Emerging trends oriented to sustaining the world’s
physical environment
– Recognition of the interactive influence of ecological,
social, and economic systems
– Growing concerns for sustainable industry
development and increased corporate social
responsibility for the future effects of globalized

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Industry Environment Analysis

• Industry Defined
– A group of firms producing products
that are close substitutes.
– Firms use a rich mix of different
competitive strategies to pursue above-
average returns when competing in a
particular industry.
– An industry’s structural characteristics
influence a firm’s choice of strategies

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Table 2.3 The Spectrum of Industry Structures

Oligopoly Duopoly Monopoly

Concentration Many firms A few firms Two firms One firm

Entry and Exit No barriers Significant barriers High barriers


Product Homogeneous
Differentiation Potential for product differentiation

Information Imperfect availability of information
Information flow
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Figure 2.3 The Five Forces of Competition Model

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Threat of New Entrants:
Barriers to Entry
• Economies of scale
• Product differentiation
• Capital requirements
• Switching costs
• Access to distribution channels
• Cost disadvantages independent of scale: IPR,RM,
Location, Govt. subsidies
• Government policy: trucking, liquor, tobacco, radio,
TV, banking
• Expected retaliation
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Barriers to Entry

• Economies of Scale
– Marginal improvements in efficiency that a firm
experiences as it incrementally increases its size
• Factors (advantages and disadvantages)
related to large- and small-scale entry
– Flexibility in pricing and market share-niche markets
– Costs related to scale economies- low overheads
– Competitor retaliation unlikely for small entries

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Barriers to Entry (cont’d)

• Product Differentiation • Switching Costs

– Unique products – One-time costs customers incur
– Customer loyalty buying from a different supplier
– Products at competitive • New equipment
prices • Retraining employees
• Psychic costs of ending a relationship
• Capital Requirements
– Physical facilities
• Distribution Channel Access
– Inventories – Stocking or shelf space
– Marketing activities – Price breaks
– Availability of capital – Cooperative advertising allowances

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Barriers to Entry (cont’d)

• Cost Disadvantages • Expected retaliation

Independent of Scale – Responses by existing
– Proprietary product competitors may depend
technology on a firm’s present stake in
– Favorable access to the industry (available
raw materials business options)
– Desirable locations
• Government policy
– Licensing and permit
– Deregulation of industries

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Bargaining Power of Suppliers

• Supplier power increases when:

– Suppliers are large and few in number.
– Suitable substitute products are not available.
– Individual buyers are not large customers of suppliers
and there are many of them.
– Suppliers’ goods are critical to the buyers’
marketplace success.
– Suppliers’ products create high switching costs.
– Suppliers pose a threat to integrate forward into
buyers’ industry.

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Bargaining Power of Buyers

• Buyer power increases when:

– Buyers are large and few in number.
– Buyers purchase a large portion of an industry’s total
– Buyers’ purchases are a significant portion of a
supplier’s annual revenues.
– Buyers’ switching costs are low.
– Buyers can pose threat to integrate backward into the
sellers’ industry.

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Threat of Substitute Products

• The threat of substitute products increases

– Buyers face few switching costs.
– The substitute product’s price is lower.
– Substitute product’s quality and performance are
equal to or greater than the existing product.
• Differentiated industry products that are
valued by customers reduce this threat.

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Intensity of Rivalry Among Competitors

• Industry rivalry increases when:

– There are numerous or equally balanced competitors.
– Industry growth slows or declines.
– There are high fixed costs or high storage costs.
– There is a lack of differentiation opportunities or low
switching costs.
– When the strategic stakes are high.
– When high exit barriers prevent competitors from
leaving the industry.

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Applying Five-Forces Analysis
Forecasting Industry Profitability
 If we can forecast changes in industry
structure we can predict likely impact on
competition and profitability.
Strategic Positioning
• Once we know which structural features of the
industry support profitability and which depress
profitability, we can choose a favorable positioning
within the industry.
Strategies to Improve Industry Profitability
 Which of the structural variables that are depressing
profitability can we change by individual or
collective strategies?
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Table 2.2 Profitability of US Industries
(selected industries only)
Median return on equity (%), 1999-2007


Household & Personal Products 26.0 Motor Vehicles & Parts 9.3
Pharmaceuticals 21.0 Insurance Life & Health 9.1
Petroleum 20.1 Forest & Paper Products 7.3
Tobacco 21.6 Food Production 6.5
Food Consumer Products 19.5 Semiconductors & Electronic 6.2
Securities and Investment Banking 18.4 Network & Communications 5.9
Beverages 17.2 Telecommunications 5.8
Medical Products & Equipment 17.2 Entertainment 2.7
Scientific & Photographic Equip. 15.6 Airlines (12.6)

Commercial Banks 14.8

Computer Software 14.0
Aerospace & Defense 13.9
Interpreting Industry Analyses

Low entry barriers

Suppliers and buyers

have strong positions
Strong threats from Industry
substitute products

Intense rivalry
(Low profit potential)
among competitors

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Interpreting Industry Analyses (cont’d)

High entry barriers

Suppliers and buyers

have weak positions
Few threats from Industry
substitute products

Moderate rivalry
among competitors (High profit potential)

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Strategic Groups

• Strategic Group Defined

– A set of firms emphasizing similar strategic
dimensions and using similar strategies.
– Intra-strategic group competition is more intense than
is inter-strategic group competition due to:
• Similar market positions
• Similar products
• Similar strategic actions

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Strategic Groups

• Strategic Dimensions • Implications

– Extent of technological – Intense competitive
leadership rivalry within a group
– Product quality threatens profitability of
– Pricing Policies all group members.
– Distribution channels – Strengths of the five
forces differ across
– Customer service
strategic groups.
– The closer the groups
are in their strategies,
the greater the rivalry
between groups.

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The World Automobile Industry:
Strategic Groups


Adapted from Exhibit 2.9 The World Automobile Industry: Strategic Groups

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Competitor Analysis

• Competitor Intelligence
– The ethical gathering of needed information
and data that provides understanding of:
• What drives the competitor, as shown by its future objectives.
• What the competitor is doing and can do, as revealed by its
current strategy.
• What the competitor believes about the industry, as shown
by its assumptions.
• What the competitor’s capabilities are, as shown by its
strengths and weaknesses.

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Competitor Analysis (cont’d)

• How do our goals

Future Objectives
compare with our
competitors’ goals?
• Where will the emphasis
be placed in the future?
• What is the attitude
toward risk?

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Competitor Analysis (cont’d)

Future Objectives
• How are we currently
Current Strategy • Does this strategy
support changes in the
competitive structure?

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Competitor Analysis (cont’d)

Future Objectives • Do we assume the

future will be volatile?
• Are we operating under
Current Strategy
a status quo?
• What assumptions do
Assumptions our competitors hold
about the industry and

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Competitor Analysis (cont’d)

Future Objectives

Current Strategy

• What are our strengths

Assumptions and weaknesses?
• How do we rate
compared to our
Capabilities competitors?

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Competitor Analysis (cont’d)

Future Objectives Response

• What will our competitors

Current Strategy
do in the future?
• Where do we hold an
Assumptions advantage over our
• How will this change our
Capabilities relationship with our

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Figure 2.3 Competitor Analysis Components

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• Complementors
– The network of companies that sell complementary
products or services or are compatible with the
focal firm’s own product or service.digital camera
and printer; Intel and Microsoft etc
• If a complementor’s product or service adds value to the
sale of the focal firm’s product or service, it is likely to
create value for the focal firm.
• However, if a complementor’s product or service is in a
market into which the focal firm intends to expand, the
complementor can represent a formidable competitor.

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Ethical Considerations

• Practices considered both legal and ethical:

1. Obtaining publicly available information
2. Attending trade fairs and shows to obtain
competitors’ brochures, viewing their exhibits, and
listening to discussions about their products,
consulting professional firms
• Practices considered both unethical and illegal:
– Blackmail (
– Trespassing
– Eavesdropping/spying
– Stealing drawings, samples, or documents
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