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What is noise
Noise is defined as
unwanted sound.
Noise Pollution is an
excess of annoying
degree of sound
coming from a
particular area.
Examples – Traffic or
Aeroplane engines.
A decibel is used for the measurement
of noise. 1 db is the faintest sound that a
person can hear. Sounds that are 85 db
or above can cause permanent damage
to your ears.
How is it
Noise pollution in Mexico
Almost 10 million people live in Mexico
City, so which is considered one of the
cities with the highest noise pollution
The Legislative Assembly of Mexico City,
reformed in 2012 the “Law of Civic
Culture”, to generate an environment free
of noise pollution.
Generating noise is not a crime, but it is a
fault administrative.
How to stop adding to noise pollution?
Set the volume of your
The music system in Avoid lighting noisy
television to the point
your car should not be bombs and firecrackers
where it is only audible
loud for the people during celebrations or
to you and not to your
outside to hear. parties.

While out with parents,

Be aware of the level of make sure they avoid
volume at which you honking or blowing the
speak at home. horn of the vehicle
when not needed.

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