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Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 1

Hydrology & Water Management


Engr. Ateeq-ur-Rauf

Department of Civil Engineering,

U.E.T Peshawar (Bannu Campus)
Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 2
Water Management

 Lecture # 10

Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 3

Chapter # 5

Runoff & Stream

Flow Routing
Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 4
Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Def “ Lateral motion of ppt (water) on the land surface”

• Runoff is expressed in term of volume ( before

reaching a river or stream)

• Total runoff for a river or stream /channel is the surface

runoff, sub surface runoff and base flow.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Components of the Flow :

Runoff over land flow + inter flow + groundwater flow


Overland Flow

Channel Flow
Interflow (Stream flow)


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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

The volume of runoff may be expressed in cu-ft or cu-m

The large volume units (commonly used) are second foot day
& Acre feet (AF)

Second foot day

“ The volume of water discharge in 24 hours (one day) at a

rate of 1cu-ft/sec is known as one-second foot day denoted by
(cfs-day) or SFD.”

1 SFD = day x 1cfs = cu-ft (unit)

1 SFD = 24 x 3600 x 1 cu-ft/sec = 86400 cu-ft
1 SFD = 86400 cu-ft
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Acrs feet

“ The volume of water to cover an area of 1 acre to a depth one

foot is called one- Acre-foot.”
1 Acre-feet = 43560 sq-ft x 1ft
= 1 Acre feet = 43560 cu-ft

As 1 SFD = 86400 cu-ft = (86400/43560) A . F

1 SFD = 1.98 = 2 AF
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Factors Affecting Runoff

1. Meteorological Factors

2. Physiographical Factors

1. Meteorological Factors
i) Form of PPT
a) Rainfall : Runoff will be great as compared to snow.
b) Snow fall : Runoff is small in winter and more in summer

ii) Intensity of PPT (depth Vs time)

• Greater the intensity, great will be the runoff.
• For low intensity rainfall rate of infiltration will be
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

iii) Duration of PPT

• Surface runoff is less at the start of rainfall .

• Surface runoff increase with the increase in the duration of


• Rate of infiltration decreases with the time and hence surface

runoff increases.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

iv) Distribution of PPT

• Uniformly distribution of PPT over large area less will be

the runoff as infiltration rate will be more.

• Concentrated PPT over a small area infiltration

will be low & surface runoff will be more.

• This may lead to cause flood in river.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

v) Antecedent PPT (Prior or previous PPT)

Moist Soil small infiltration rate and more will

be surface runoff

Dry Soil High infiltration rate and low be

surface runoff.

vi) Wind, Solar radiation, Temperature & humidity

Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 12

Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

2) Physiographic factors
i) Type of soil
Pervious soil More infiltration Less surface

Impervious soil Less Infiltration more surface runoff

ii) Shape of Area

• If all the tributaries reach the main stream at same time, a

flood may be caused.

• If the tributaries are of different length reaching the main

stream at different time, then no peak flow is caused.

Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 13
Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

iii) Slope of Area

Steep slope More surface runoff flood
Mild slope less surface runoff more infiltration
more base flow
iv) Elevation of Catchment Area
At High Altitudes
In winter Zero or Low runoff (snow fall)
In summer More runoff because of high temperature
causes melting of ice.
v) Land use pattern
• If catchment Area is cultivated flow is obstructed.
• Most of water infiltrate in ground less runoff & Vise Versa.
Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 14
Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

vi) Orientation of Area

• If faces North Less amount of Solar


• Less amount of Solar radiation Snow melting will be

less & hence less
surface runoff.

vii) Types of Drainage Net (Path)

Zigzag path Long time required to reach the main
stream .
Long Time No flood.
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

“ When there is high

stage of river causing

river filled with water

and even overflow its

bank. The surrounding

land is said to be

flooded ”.

Engr.Ateeq-ur-Rauf Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 16

Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Causes of floods
Floods are caused mainly due to the following two types of reasons

1. Meteorological factors.

2. Physiographical factors

1. Meteorological Factors

i) Intensity of rainfall

High intensive rainfall Main & Major causes of flood

Less infiltration , more surface

runoff causing floods

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

ii) Distribution of PPT

• If PPT is distributed over certain portion of area .

• Then there will be less infiltration & more surface runoff which

may lead to floods in river.

2) Physiographical factors

i) Deforestation

• Decreases the infiltration rate

• Increases surface runoff & causes the flood

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

ii) Heavy Construction in Catchment Area

• Decrease subsurface flow cause increase in surface flow which

causes floods

iii) Slope of Catchment area

• Steeper the slope High velocity of flow

• Less infiltration high surface flow & results in floods
iv) Climatic Changes

• Area with glazing sun over the snow.

• Greater chances of flood due to high snow melting by sun-
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

v) Magnitude of Catchment Area

• Larger the catchment area of a stream, greater will be the

chances of flood occurrence & Visa Versa

vi) Type of soil of the Catchment

Clayey soil (less infiltration rate ) more floods

Sandy soil (more infiltration rate ) less floods

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

vii) Improper Drainage System

• Improper & Insufficient drainage facilities increases surface


viii) Water Logging

• Very low infiltration rate Total PPT appears as surface

runoff causing flood.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Importance of Flood Study

• Each an every hydraulic structure has to face the flood,

if it occurs.

• More the information about the flood history of a river

or a channel, the better the design of structure will be.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

• Flood Study considers

1. Qualitative Analysis

Includes the calculation of return period, probability of

occurrence, probability of non-occurrence etc.

2.Quantitative Analysis

Includes estimation of discharge & other flow characteristics

during a probable flood.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Flood Control
Methods / Techniques

1. By construction of leaves & flood walls

2. Through reduction of flood stage by

a) Straightening & deepening the river channel.

b) By providing a by-pass flood channel known as

check-channel or inundation canals.

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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

3. Reduction of Peak discharge by:

a) Temporarily storing a portion of surface Runoff until the

maximum flood has receded.

b) Reducing the amount of surface runoff through a change in

land use which increases the infiltration capacity.

4. Forestation

5. By construction of check-dam
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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

6. Decreasing water logging by different means or techniques

usually adopted for the purpose .

7. Improving the drainage system

8. Avoid deforestation & encouraging watershed management


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Runoff & Stream Flow Routing Lecture # 10

Mid Term Paper Format

6th Semester 8th Semester

Total Question 10 Total Question 08
Time Allowed 2 hrs Time Allowed 2 hrs
Mathematical 48% Mathematical 30%
Descriptive 52% Descriptive 70%

Remember Due date for Assignment # 3

23th jun, 2022
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Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Peshawar 28

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