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Prepared by: GROUP 4

Justine P Yumul
Jessie Valdez
JonPol Arquero
Ivan Jade Lumang
Christopher Mercadejas
Lance Ponciano
What is Ethics?
• Ethics is the moral principles that govern a
persons behavior while using a computer. One
of the common issues of computer ethics is
violation of copyright issues.
• Duplicating copyrighted content without the
author’s approval, accessing personal
information of others are some of the examples
that violates ethical principles.
What is the importance of ethics in our life?

• Ethical values, (Honesty, Trustworthiness,

responsibilities), It guides us along a pathway to
deal more effectively with ethical dilemmas by
eliminating those behaviors that do not conform
to our sense of right and wrong our best rational
interests without sacrificing others.
Online/Internet Ethics
• Internet ethics means acceptable behavior for
using internet. We must be honest, respect the
rights and property of others on the internet.
• Acceptance
Internet must be used for communicating with family and
friends. Avoid chatting with strangers forwarding e-mails from
unknown people. We must be aware of risks involves in
chatting/forwarding e-mails to strangers.

* Pretending to be someone else

We must not use the internet to fool others by pretending to be
someone else. Hiding our identity to fool others on the internet world
is a crime and may also be a risk to others.

* Hide personal information

As we know we shouldn’t give to stranger or someone we just met in
the internet our personal info like home address, phone number,
passwords, and interest. As if it can be very dangerous and it might get
shared to others.
Ethical rules for computer users
• Do not use computer to harm others
• Do not use computers to steal someone's information
• Do not access files without the permission of the
• Do not copyright software without the author’s
• Always respect copyrights laws and policies
• Respect the privacy of others, just as you expect the
same from others
• Do not use other user’s computer without their
• Use internet ethically
What is Etiquette?
• Etiquette is a set of rules indicating the proper
and polite way to behave online.
Online Etiquette Or Netiquette
• Simply put, Online etiquette or netiquette
is an acceptable behavior when on the
internet. Think of it as a set of rules or
guidelines. When online users should be
kind, honest, and respect the rights of
other users, essentially acting and
behaving the same offline in daily life as
when online.
How Can We Empower And Help Kids And
Other Children Safe Online
• Being safe online starts with being a good citizen. It also means
setting rules and limits together so kids and adults know each
others expectations when it comes to navigating social media,
internet, and when using technologies. Kids should feel
empowered while online. As adults, we can empowered youth
by providing a safe space where they can come with their
concerns, questions, and observations about what they
experienced online. Teaching online etiquette involves regular
conversations with kids, checking in with them, using real life
experiences as teaching tools
Tip for teaching about online Etiquettes.
1) Treat others how you want to be treated.
The same rule that applies online as it does in real life. Remind
youth about the importance of good manners, and remind them to
discuss sensitive or potentially upsetting topics with the person
directly rather than posting something online.
2) Be Positive and Truthful
Self-censoring message is important. Encourage youth to make
sure their post are not sarcastic, rude, or negative. They should
avoid gossip or sharing information that is not true. Youth should
understand what cyberbullying is, and not engage in any activities
online that is considered harmful to others.
3) Check Or Double-Check Before Hitting ‘Send’
Once you pressed the send the information is out there and cannot
be taken back. Teach kids to think about what are they posting,
texting, or emailing to others. Encourage them to read what they
intend to post numerous times before sending. Even if they
deleted it, someone may have taken a screenshot and shared it
with others
4) Respect others and their confidence.
Remind That if a friend shares something in confidence, that it
should remain in confidence and not be shared with others.
Teach youth to use critical thinking and ask themselves how they
would they feel if something they shared in confidence with
someone was shared with others. They should always seek or ask
permission before sharing the post or photo of someone else.
5) Stay Away From Drama
Talk with them about online drama and how to avoid it. If an
online conversation is becoming negative, encourage them to sign
out. That isn't always easy to do, but may possible to prevent
things from escalating. Responding with a mean message or nasty
text may get the things worse,.
Rules of online etiquette
•  Be respectful. While it is easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things
without standing face-to-face with someone, it is important to remember
that your classmates and teachers are real people who are affected by the
words you say and write. It is essential to keep in mind the feelings and
opinions of others, even if they differ from your own. If you wouldn’t say
it to someone’s face, don’t say it online either.
• Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation
points. It is easy for written text to be misread and misunderstood. Have
you ever sent a text message with good intent but your recipient thought
you were being rude? If so, then you’ve experienced this firsthand. By
being cognizant of strong language, you can identify potential confusions
before sending messages. Tip: Read everything out loud before you send
•  Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Certainly you shouldn’t avoid
being funny. We love to see your personality shine through in online
classes. Many of our teachers are exceptionally funny too. But like
mentioned in Rule #2, make sure that it is clear you are being funny and
not being rude. Emoticons and smileys can be helpful when conveying
humor or sarcasm so that it is read correctly.
• Grammar and Spelling Matter. While texting, text speak can
be great for your friends. In an educational setting (even online)
however, keep it formal. Your written communication should be
professional and reflect proper writing style. Save written shortcuts
and less than stellar grammar for Snapchat if you must, but follow
grammar rules for school.
• Cite your sources. Whenever you are sharing an idea that
originated from someone else (even if it is not word for word), it is
good practice to cite that source. This applies to discussion forums
too. If you read a great thought in your text, share it, but be sure
you let your audience know where you saw it first.
•  Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. 
Enough said there. Nothing is truly private online
•  Be forgiving. Remember that not everyone will know these rules
before posting. Try to be understanding of others when they
struggle with written communication. It is very different than
simply talking to a person face-to-face.
What is Computer ethics?
• Ethics deals with placing a “value” on acts according to whether
they are “good” or “bad”. Every society has its rules about
whether certain acts are ethical or not. These rules have been
established as a result of consensus in society and are often
written into laws. When computers first began to be used in
society at large, the absence of ethical standards about their use
and related issues caused some problems. However, as their use
became widespread in every facet of our lives, discussions in
computer ethics resulted in some kind of a consensus. Today,
many of these rules have been formulated as laws, either
national or international. Computer crimes and computer fraud
are now common terms. There are laws against them, and
everyone is responsible for knowing what constitutes computer
crime and computer fraud.
Computer ethics essentially protect individuals
from online Predation. They prevent Breach of
privacy, identity thief, interference of work, and
unlawful use of proprietary software, among other
events. Computer ethics govern the users behavior
What is the commandments for computer ethics?
• The ten commandments of computer ethics were created
in 1992 by the Computer Ethics Institute. The
commandment were introduce in the paper “In Pursuit
of a ‘Ten Commandments’ for Computer Ethics” By
Ramon C. Barquin as a mean to create “a set of
standards to guide and instruct people in the ethical use
of computer.” The Ten Commandments of computer
ethics copies the style of The Ten Commandments from
The Bible and uses the archaic “thou shalt” and “Thou
Shalt not” found in The King James Version.
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics that have
been defined by the Computer Ethics Institute.
Here is our Interpretation of them.

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