Chapters 3-5 Summative Test

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1. “A good plan is half of the work done”, goes a
popular reminder to curricularists. What would
the other half refer to in curriculum development?
A.Curriculum designing
B.Curriculum implementation
C.Curriculum modification
D.Curriculum planning
1. “A good plan is half of the work done”, goes a
popular reminder to curricularists. What would
the other half refer to in curriculum development?
A.Curriculum designing
B.Curriculum implementation
C.Curriculum modification
D.Curriculum planning
2. Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Theory in
curriculum change, describes that change will
occur if one condition exists. Which one?
A.Driving Force > Restraining Force
B.Driving Force = Restraining Force
C.Driving Force < Restraining Force
D.Restraining Force ≠ Driving Force
2. Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Theory in
curriculum change, describes that change will
occur if one condition exists. Which one?
A.Driving Force > Restraining Force
B.Driving Force = Restraining Force
C.Driving Force < Restraining Force
D.Restraining Force ≠ Driving Force
Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Theory and
Curriculum Change
3. What kind of curriculum change is being
described? “The principal, together with the teachers
agreed that the time schedule should be shortened by
ten minutes for every subject to provide for a
common preparation time for the year-end Division
A. Substitution
B. Alteration
C. Restructuring
D. Perturbation
3. What kind of curriculum change is being
described? “The principal, together with the teachers
agreed that the time schedule should be shortened by
ten minutes for every subject to provide for a
common preparation time for the year-end Division
A. Substitution
B. Alteration
C. Restructuring
D. Perturbation
Categories of Curriculum Change
A. Substitution- complete overhaul
B. Alteration- minor change
C. Restructuring- major change
D. Perturbation – changes that are disruptive, adjustment
within a short period of time
E. Value Orientation- shift in the emphasis
4. In preparation for the implementation of the
curriculum, all teachers are required to write a lesson
plan to guide teaching. However, DepEd issued an order
that exempts teachers with two or more years of
teaching experience to write a detailed lesson plan. This
order refers to
A. D.O No. 70 s. 2012
B. CMO. No. 74 s. 2017
C. D.O No.02, s. 2018
D. CMO No. 82, s. 2020
4. In preparation for the implementation of the
curriculum, all teachers are required to write a lesson
plan to guide teaching. However, DepEd issued an order
that exempts teachers with two or more years of
teaching experience to write a detailed lesson plan. This
order refers to
A. D.O No. 70 s. 2012
B. CMO. No. 74 s. 2017
C. D.O No.02, s. 2018
D. CMO No. 82, s. 2020
D.O No. 70 s. 2012
- Guidelines on the Preparation of Daily Lessons
CMO. No. 74 s. 2017
- Policies, Standards and Guidelines for BEEd
D.O No. 02, s. 2018
- Amendment To Deped Order No. 15, S. 2017 (Guidelines
On The Allocation Of Funds For Venue, Meals And Snacks,
And Room Accommodation For Official Activities
Organized And Conducted By The Department Of
CMO No. 82, s. 2020
5. How would the level of knowledge appear in the
hierarchy from simple to complex?

A. Fact > Concept > Procedure > Metacognition

B. Fact > Opinion > Generalization > Theory
C. Concept > Opinion > Generalization > Theory
D. Concept > Opinion > Fact > Theory > Principle
5. How would the level of knowledge appear in the
hierarchy from simple to complex?

A. Fact > Concept > Procedure > Metacognition

B. Fact > Opinion > Generalization > Theory
C. Concept > Opinion > Generalization > Theory
D. Concept > Opinion > Fact > Theory > Principle
6. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of
teaching-learning strategies will you use to achieve
the highest level of learning according to Edgar
A. Reading, Hearing, Seeing
B. Reading, Listening, Looking
C. Watching, Looking, Seeing
D. Doing, Discussing, Demonstrating
6. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of
teaching-learning strategies will you use to achieve
the highest level of learning according to Edgar
A. Reading, Hearing, Seeing
B. Reading, Listening, Looking
C. Watching, Looking, Seeing
D. Doing, Discussing, Demonstrating
Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning
7. Instructional support materials to be used in teaching
should elicit responses of the learners to enhance their
learning. Which is the best instructional support that
you should utilize in order to maximize learning
potential of students?
A.Auditory materials
B.Visual materials
C.Tactile materials
D.Experiential materials
7. Instructional support materials to be used in teaching
should elicit responses of the learners to enhance their
learning. Which is the best instructional support that
you should utilize in order to maximize learning
potential of students?
A.Auditory materials
B.Visual materials
C.Tactile materials
D.Experiential materials
8. Each learner has differentiated learning styles and so
with the teachers. However, each one has a preferred style
that is more often utilized. What would be the implication
of this fact to your implementation of the curriculum?
A. As a teacher, use your own teaching style unmindful of the learning style
of the students.
B. Adjust to the learning styles of the learners and provide differentiated
C. Just focus on the learner’s styles even if you do not have any skill in
delivering it.
D. Go back to the traditional teaching styles that were used by teachers in
the past.
8. Each learner has differentiated learning styles and so
with the teachers. However, each one has a preferred style
that is more often utilized. What would be the implication
of this fact to your implementation of the curriculum?
A. As a teacher, use your own teaching style unmindful of the learning style
of the students.
B. Adjust to the learning styles of the learners and provide differentiated
C. Just focus on the learner’s styles even if you do not have any skill in
delivering it.
D. Go back to the traditional teaching styles that were used by teachers in
the past.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of
9. The alignment of planned, written and implemented
curricula is a fundamental principle in curriculum
development. The determination of the different
components are aligned is the process of

A. Curriculum Evaluation
B. Curriculum Modification
C. Curriculum Enhancement
D. Curriculum Reform
9. The alignment of planned, written and implemented
curricula is a fundamental principle in curriculum
development. The determination of the different
components are aligned is the process of

A. Curriculum Evaluation
B. Curriculum Modification
C. Curriculum Enhancement
D. Curriculum Reform
10. Which of the following is NOT a reason for
evaluating the curriculum?

A. To identify the strength and weakness of the existing

B. To monitor the progress of the implementation
C. To recruit new teacher for the new curriculum
D. To determine if the outcomes are achieved
10. Which of the following is NOT a reason for
evaluating the curriculum?

A. To identify the strength and weakness of the existing

B. To monitor the progress of the implementation
C. To recruit new teacher for the new curriculum
D. To determine if the outcomes are achieved
11. Which of the following curriculum evaluation
models refers to the use of final evaluation process for
the modification of the curriculum?

A. Bradley Effectiveness Model

B. Tyler Objective-Centered Model
C. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model
D. Stakes Responsive Model
11. Which of the following curriculum evaluation
models refers to the use of final evaluation process for
the modification of the curriculum?

A. Bradley Effectiveness Model

B. Tyler Objective-Centered Model
C. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model
D. Stakes Responsive Model
Curriculum Evaluation Models
A. Bradley Effectiveness Model- development of
B. Tyler Objective-Centered Model-
C. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model- for decision making
D. Stakes Responsive Model- focuses more on activities
E. Scriven Consumer Oriented Evaluation
12. Instructional materials like books, modules
and other printed tool kits purchased by users
will utilize one of these evaluation models.
A.Scriven’s Consumer Oriented Evaluation
B.Bradley Effectiveness Model
C.Stake Responsive Model
D.Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model
12. Instructional materials like books, modules
and other printed tool kits purchased by users
will utilize one of these evaluation models.
A.Scriven’s Consumer Oriented Evaluation
B.Bradley Effectiveness Model
C.Stake Responsive Model
D.Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model
13. By qualification, it means that the individual must
possess competencies along which criteria?
I. Knowledge
II. Application
III. Skills and values
IV. Degree of Independence

A. I, II, IV
13. By qualification, it means that the individual must
possess competencies along which criteria?
I. Knowledge
II. Application
III. Skills and values
IV. Degree of Independence

A. I, II, IV
14. Inassessment of learning, making
meaning of the knowledge or information
refers to
B. Understanding
C. Evaluating
14. Inassessment of learning, making
meaning of the knowledge or information
refers to
B. Understanding
C. Evaluating
15. Ina multiple-choice test, the list of probable
options always contains a correct or best answer
and a set of:
A. Decoys
B. Alternatives
C. Wrong answers
D. None of A, B, C
15. Ina multiple-choice test, the list of probable
options always contains a correct or best answer
and a set of:
A. Decoys
B. Alternatives
C. Wrong answers
D. None of A, B, C
16. Which item type tries to determine
relationship of 2 or more ideas?
A.Multiple choice
B.Simple recall
C.Imperfect matching type
D.Perfect matching type
16. Which item type tries to determine
relationship of 2 or more ideas?
A.Multiple choice
B.Simple recall
C.Imperfect matching type
D.Perfect matching type
17. In modern times, machine have saved human endeavor,
however there are limitations. Which characteristics do
human have which the machine lack?
I. Creativity
II. Flexibility
III. Compassion
IV. Empathy
A. I and II
B. II, III, and IV
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
17. In modern times, machine have saved human endeavor,
however there are limitations. Which characteristics do
human have which the machine lack?
I. Creativity
II. Flexibility
III. Compassion
IV. Empathy
A. I and II
B. II, III, and IV
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
Statistics show that 80% of the skills trained in the
last 50 years can now be outperformed by machines.
What does this imply?
A. Individuals must be taught how to use the machines at their
B. Replace all human laborers with machines.
C. Do away with machines at let individuals do the job for they
are more effective.
D. Individuals should invent more machine.
Statistics show that 80% of the skills trained in the
last 50 years can now be outperformed by machines.
What does this imply?
A. Individuals must be taught how to use the machines at their
B. Replace all human laborers with machines.
C. Do away with machines at let individuals do the job for they
are more effective.
D. Individuals should invent more machine.
19. Which concept/s about Artificial Intelligence must be taught to learners?
I. AI can enhance or optimize creativity but cannot create.
II. AI is a great creative tool for scientists, musicians, and writers.
III. Learners must be made to understand that AI can’t replace workers
in creative jobs but can do the routine jobs at the service of humans.

B.I, II, and III
C.II and III
D.I and III
19. Which concept/s about Artificial Intelligence must be taught to learners?
I. AI can enhance or optimize creativity but cannot create.
II. AI is a great creative tool for scientists, musicians, and writers.
III. Learners must be made to understand that AI can’t replace workers
in creative jobs but can do the routine jobs at the service of humans.

B.I, II, and III
C.II and III
D.I and III
20. In Education 4.0, which teaching-learning strategies
I. Problem-based learning (PBL)
II. Project-based learning (PrBL)
III. Service learning immersion
IV. Shadowing
A. I, II, and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
20. In Education 4.0, which teaching-learning strategies
I. Problem-based learning (PBL)
II. Project-based learning (PrBL)
III. Service learning immersion
IV. Shadowing
A. I, II, and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. II and III and IV
D. I , II, III and IV
21. The
2019 pandemic forced the educational
system to make curricular reforms, so as not to
enhance the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Which approach in the teaching delivery should
be avoided?
A. Remote teaching
B. Blended learning
C. Flexible learning
D. Face-to-face learning
21. The
2019 pandemic forced the educational
system to make curricular reforms, so as not to
enhance the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Which approach in the teaching delivery should
be avoided?
A. Remote teaching
B. Blended learning
C. Flexible learning
D. Face-to-face learning
22. Schoolcurricula in all levels embed content
and strategies which would address natural or
man-made disasters. The most recent and
unprecedented is the
B. Covid-19
C. Rise of ocean water
D. Crash of C-130 military aircraft
22. Schoolcurricula in all levels embed content
and strategies which would address natural or
man-made disasters. The most recent and
unprecedented is the
B. Covid-19
C. Rise of ocean water
D. Crash of C-130 military aircraft
23. Which is considered as the turning point in
the Philippine Educational System in 2013?

A. RA 10533
B. RA 7836
C. RA 10968
D. RA 7722
23. Which is considered as the turning point in
the Philippine Educational System in 2013?

A. RA 10533
B. RA 7836
C. RA 10968
D. RA 7722
A. RA 10533 – Enhanced Basic Education Act 0f 2013
B. RA 7836- Philippine Teachers Professionalism Act of
C. RA 10968- Philippine Qualifications Framework Act
D. RA 7722- Higher Education Act of 1994
24. Whatwas the major reason for the two
additional years of basic education as the senior
high school?
A. In order for the student to mature before going to college
B. So that the Philippine Education System will enhance
C. Because making basic education as 12 years is embedded in
the constitution
D. To reduce the number of students who go to college
24. Whatwas the major reason for the two
additional years of basic education as the senior
high school?
A. In order for the student to mature before going to college
B. So that the Philippine Education System will enhance
C. Because making basic education as 12 years is embedded in
the constitution
D. To reduce the number of students who go to college
25. The ultimate goal of establishing standards
like the Teacher Education Program Outcomes
(CMO 74-82, s. 2017), the PPST (DO 42, s.
2017) and CFT-SEA are to develop
A. Teacher quality
B. Teacher qualifications
C. Quality teacher
D. A, B, and C
25. The ultimate goal of establishing standards
like the Teacher Education Program Outcomes
(CMO 74-82, s. 2017), the PPST (DO 42, s.
2017) and CFT-SEA are to develop
A. Teacher quality
B. Teacher qualifications
C. Quality teacher
D. A, B, and C

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