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Information Management
• Information, as we know it today, includes both electronic
and physical information. The organizational structure
must be capable of managing this information throughout
the information lifecycle regardless of source or format
(data, paper documents, electronic documents, audio,
video, etc.) for delivery through multiple channels that
may include cell phones and web interfaces.
Database Design and Modeling
• Record- It is consists of related pieces of data called
attributes or data. The example below is an example of a
record that has three data fields.


Dela Cruz Juan M
Penduko Pedro M
Sta. Maria Nena F
Activity #1

• Create your own database table that

composed of the following:
• 3 Data fields that composed of “Student
no.”, “Full name”, and “address”.
• Database
– It is a collection of record or tables.
 Primary Key
 Is a unique data that identifies each record in a table.
Foreign Key
 is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that refers to the PRIMARY
KEY in another table.
The table containing the foreign key is called the child table, and the table
containing the candidate key is called the referenced or parent table.
Student Table
Section table
Student num
(Primary Key) Student section
Last Name Student year
First name Adviser
Gender President
Student Section vp

Creating a relationship between tables using foreign key

Activity #2

• Create a database table that composed of the following:

• 3 datafields with 1 primary key.
• Data modeling: is the first step in the process of database design. This step
is sometimes considered to be a high-level and abstract design phase, also
referred to as conceptual design. The aim of this phase is to describe:

 The data contained in the database (e.g., entities: students, lecturers, courses,

 The relationships between data items (e.g., students are supervised by lecturers;
lecturers teach courses)
 The constraints on data (e.g., student number has exactly eight digits; a subject
has four or six units of credit only)
The two types of Data Models techniques are

• UML (Unified Modeling Language)

• Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
• In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a use case
diagram can summarize the details of your system's users
(also known as actors) and their interactions with the
system. To build one, you'll use a set of specialized
symbols and connectors
Use case Diagram Components

• Actor
• Relation
• Use case
• System Boundaries

• Someone interacts with use case (system function).

• Named by noun.
• Actor plays a role in the business
• Similar to the concept of user, but a user can play
different roles
• For example:
– A prof. can be instructor and also researcher
– plays 2 roles with two systems
• Actor triggers use case(s).
• Actor has a responsibility toward the system (inputs),
and Actor has expectations from the system (outputs).
Relation (Communication Link)

• The participation of an actor in a use

case is shown by connecting an actor to
a use case by a solid link.
• Actors may be connected to use cases by
associations, indicating that the actor and
the use case communicate with one
another using messages.
Use Case

• System function (process - automated

or manual)
• Named by verb + Noun (or Noun
• i.e. Do something
• Each Actor must be linked to a use
case, while some use cases may not
be linked to actors.
System Boundaries
• The system boundary is potentially the entire
system as defined in the requirements
• For large and complex systems, each module
may be the system boundary.
• For example, for an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system for an organization,
each of the modules such as personnel, payroll,
accounting, etc.
• can form a system boundary for use cases
specific to each of these business functions.
• The entire system can span all of these modules
depicting the overall system boundary


Student Book
Activity #3

• Create your own UML diagram that composed of the

• 1 actor “School Admin”
• 1 relationship
• 3 use cases
• 1 system boundaries
Entity Relationship Diagram

• Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD, ER

Diagram or ER model, is a type of structural diagram for
use in database design. An ERD contains different
symbols and connectors that visualize two important
information: The major entities within the system
scope, and the inter-relationships among these
Entity Relationship Diagram
• Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD, ER
Diagram or ER model, is a type of structural diagram for
use in database design.
• When we talk about entities in ERD, very often we are
referring to business objects such as people/roles,
tangible business objects intangible business objects
(Log), etc. "Relationship" is about how these entities
relate to each other within the system.

• An entity can be place, person, object, event or a

concept, which stores data in the database. The
characteristics of entities are must have an attribute, and
a unique key.
• Examples of entities:
1. Person: Employee, Student, Patient
2. Place: Store, Building
3. Object: Machine, product, and Car
4. Event: Sale, Registration, Renewal
5. Concept: Account, Course
Entity set

• Student- An entity set is a group of similar kind of

entities. It may contain entities with attribute sharing
similar values. 
• Entities are represented by their properties, which also
called attributes. All attributes have their separate
values. For example, a student entity may have a name,
age, class, as attributes.
Entity Attributes

• Also known as a column, an attribute is

a property or characteristic of the entity
that holds it.
• The ER diagram example below shows an
entity with some attributes in it.

• Relationship is nothing but an association among two or

more entities. E.g., Tom works in the Chemistry

For example:
• You are attending this lecture
• I am giving the lecture
• A student attends a lecture
• A lecturer is giving a lecture.

• Defines the numerical attributes of the

relationship between two entities or entity sets. 
• One-to-One Relationships
• One-to-Many Relationships
• May to One Relationships
• Many-to-Many Relationships
• One entity from entity set X can be associated with at
most one entity of entity set Y and vice versa.
• Example: One Employee can manage one department.
• One entity from entity set X can be associated with multiple entities of entity
set Y, but an entity from entity set Y can be associated with at least one
• For example, one Publisher is consisting of multiple Book.
Many to One
• More than one entity from entity set X can be associated with at most one
entity of entity set Y. However, an entity from entity set Y may or may not be
associated with more than one entity from entity set X.
• For example, many Book belong to the same Section.
Many to Many

• One entity from X can be associated with more

than one entity from Y and vice versa.
• For example, Courses as a group are enrolled
with multiple Students.

1. Determine the Entities in Your ERD. Start by identifying

the “what's in your system or architecture.
2. Add Attributes to Each Entity.
3. Define the Relationships Between Entities.
4. Add Cardinality to Every Relationship in your 5. ER
Diagram. Finish and Save Your ERD.
Business Rules &
Business Rules
• A business rule is a statement that imposes some
form of constraint on a specific aspect of the
database, such as the elements within a field
specification for a particular field or the
characteristics of a given relationship.

• Business Rules are used every day to define

entities, attributes, and relationships. Usually, these
are rules that involve employees or staff and are
rules that specify what they can and cannot do.
Database Business Rules Importance
Business rules describe the business policies
that apply to the data stored on a company's
databases. In other words, business rules reflect
how a business perceives its use of data. Some
business rules are especially important to the
database designer because they can be
incorporated into the logical schema of the
There are certain constraints that designers
apply to ensure that a database honors a
company’s business rules. These constraints
help preserve data integrity. Business-rules
constraints fall into two categories:

1. Field Constraints within tables, and

2. Relationship Constraints between tables

Field Constraints
There are various field constraints that can be imposed
on a database to honor business rules. Consider the
example below:

1. Business Rule: We ship our fertilizer to just four states:

Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.

2. Field Constraint: These states are represented in a

Customers table in a field called State as: TX, NM, OK,
and LA. A constraint is placed on the State field so that
only those four state abbreviations are accepted into the
database for that specific table.
Relationship constraints
There are also various constraints that can be placed
on the relationships (links) between tables. Consider the
example below:

1. Business Rule: Every vendor must supply at least one


2. Relationship Constraint: The relationship between the

Vendors table and Products table must be governed by a
participation constraint wherein a single record in the
Vendors table must be related to at least one record in the
Products table.
Logical Schema: The overall logical plan of a database;
typically a completed ER diagram.

Constraints: Rules a database designer imposes upon

certain elements in a database to preserve data integrity.

Data Integrity: A term used to describe the quality (in terms

of accuracy, consistency, and validity) of data in a database,
in the sense that values required to enforce data
relationships actually exist. Problems with data integrity
occur when a value in one table that’s supposed to relate to
a value in another can’t, because the second value either
has been deleted or was never entered.
Two Major Types of
Business Rules in
Database-Oriented Rules
Establishing and maintaining constraints within a
database is fundamental to enforcing data integrity, but
not all business rules are created in the same way or for
the same reason.

In basic terms, a database-oriented rule is a constraint

dictated by the business based on their unique data
integrity needs. For example, requiring certain types of
data, like the name of a state, be entered into certain
fields, like a State of Residence field.
Application-Oriented Rules
Application-oriented rules are ones that are
automatically applied based on the design of a
database. For example, if a business was applying data
restrictions based on a user’s location, the application-
oriented rule might automatically apply that restriction
based on the user’s state of residence. It’s not a
checkbox that must be clicked but an automatic rule
imposed by the application.
Database Relationship
Database relationships are associations
between tables that are created using join
statements to retrieve data.
How Are Relationships
The two following elements define how a database
relationship is established:

Primary Key - A column whose value uniquely identifies a

table record.

Foreign Key - A column whose values reference the primary

key of another table.

A connection between a parent table and the child table

exists by referencing the parent's primary key. The
reference's behavior defines the relationship type between
two database tables.
Why Are Relationships
Important In a Database?
Relationships in a database help create meaningful
information. As a result, database relationships result in:

Reduced Data Redundancy: Relationships help reference

information stored in existing tables, reducing repetition.

Better Organized Databases: Relationships help implement

database normalization techniques. Normalization helps yield
a better organized and robust database.

Referential Integrity: As databases grow, joins, queries and

sorting become expensive. Relationships help reduce the
number of transactions and improve data validity.
3 Types of Relationship

Both tables can have only one record on each side of

the relationship. Each primary key value relates to none
or only one record in the related table.

Most one-to-one relationships are forced by business

rules and do not flow naturally from the data. Without
such a rule, you can typically combine both tables without
breaking any normalization rules.




A one-to-many relationship occurs when one entity has a
multivalued relationship with another entity. In the following figure, you
see that a one-to-many relationship exists between the two entities—
employee and department. This figure reinforces the business rules
that a department can have many employees, but that each individual
employee can work for only one department.

The primary key table contains only one record that relates to none, one,
or many records in the related table.





Each record in both tables can relate to none or any

number of records in the other table. These relationships
require a third table, called an associate or linking table,
because relational systems cannot directly accommodate
the relationship.




Management Information System is a computer-
based information system which is basically
concerned with processing data into information
which is then communicated to the various
departments in an organization to support the
operations, the management and the decision-
making function in the organization.
• According to subhalakashmi joshi Management
information system, or MIS, broadly refers to a
computer-based system that provides managers with
the tools to organize, evaluate and efficiently manage
departments within an organization

A.  Management is the effective utilization of human and

material resources to achieve the enterprise objective 
  It is a process consisting of the five basic functions:
  1 Planning 
 2 Organizing 
  3 Staffing
 4 Directing
 5 Controlling
A. Information : Information in MIS, means the processed
data that helps the management in planning, controlling and

B. Data means unstructured raw facts, observations or

unevaluated messages in isolation. Data involves facts and
figures. Information on the other hand is like a finished
• A system is an orderly grouping of
interdependent components linked together
according to a plan to achieve a specific
objective. . Human body is a system
composed of various parts, which are
working together towards a common
objective , that is to live
I. Input
II. Processor 
V. Hardware(physical devices) 
VI.Software (information processing instructions) 
VIII.Network (communication channels)
•  Executive Support Systems ("ESS") - designed to help
senior management make strategic decisions. ESS
typically involve lots of data analysis and modeling tools
to help strategic decision-making.
•  Decision-support systems ("DSS")- specifically designed
to help management make decisions in situations where
there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of
those decisions.
•  Knowledge Management Systems ("KMS")- to help
businesses create and share information. These are
typically used in a business where employees create
new knowledge and expertise - which can then be
shared by other people in the organization to create
• Transaction Processing Systems ("TPS")-designed to
process routine transactions efficiently and accurately.
Managers often use these systems to deal with such
tasks as payroll, customer billing and payments to

• Automation Systems (“OAS”)-that try to improve the

productivity of employees who need to process data and
information. Wide range of software systems that exist to
improve the productivity of employees working in an
office (e.g. Microsoft Office XP) or systems that allow
employees to work from home or whilst on the move. 
How is a Management Information
System Useful in Companies? 
•   Planning and Control : MIS improves the quality of
plants by providing relevant information for decision
– making. MIS serves as a link between managerial
planning and control. It improves the ability of
management to evaluate and improve performance.

•  MIS Minimizes Information Overload : MIS change

the larger amount of data into summarized form and
therefore, avoids the confusion which may arise
when managers are flooded with detailed facts. 
How is a Management Information
System Useful in Companies?
•  MIS Encourages Decentralization : Decentralization of authority is possibly
when there is a system for monitoring operations at lower levels. MIS is
successfully used for measuring performance and making necessary change in
the organizational plans and procedures.

•  Costs : Invest in a consultant to help define your core requirements that include
information for strategic planning and project management. To be useful and
successful, a management information system should focus on company
products and services, customers, operating costs, marketing opportunities and
the company's exposure to risk.

•   MIS brings Coordination : MIS facilities integration of specialized activities by

keeping each department aware of the problem and requirements of other
departments. It connects all decision centers in the organization
•  With a good MIS support, the management of marketing ,
finance, production and personnel becomes more efficient. 

• The MIS begins with the definition of a data entity and its
attributes, respectively, designed for information generation in
the organization.
• The MIS calls for a systemization of the business operations for
an effective system design.

•   This leads to streamlining of the operations which complicate

the system design. 
•  MIS improves the administration of the business by bringing
a discipline in its operations as everybody is required to follow
and use systems & procedures. 

• This process brings a high degree of professionalism in the

business operations.

•  Since the goals and objectives of the MIS are the products of
business goals & objectives, it helps indirectly to pull the
entire organization in one direction towards the corporate
goals and objectives by providing the relevant information to
the people in the organization
• Data can easily be accessed and analyzed without time
consuming manipulation and processing. • Decisions can
be made more quickly and with confidence that the data
are both time-relevant and accurate. 

• Integrated information can be also kept in categories that

are meaningful to profitable operation.

• Significant cost benefits, time savings, productivity gains

and process re-engineering opportunities are associated
with the use of data warehouse for information
• On the basis of specific functional areas, MIS
can be categorized as follows: 

• 1. Marketing Management Information System 

• 2. Human Resource Information System 
• 3. Financial Management Information System 
• 4. Production and Inventory Management
Information System
Enterprise Resource Planning
What is Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning - a platform companies use

to manage and integrate the essential parts of their
businesses. Many ERP software applications are critical to
companies because they help them implement resource
planning by integrating all the processes needed to run
their companies with a single system.
Understanding Enterprise Resource Planning

You can think of an enterprise resource planning system as

the glue that binds together the different computer systems
for a large organization. Without an ERP application, each
department would have its system optimized for its specific
tasks. With ERP software, each department still has its
system, but all of the systems can be accessed through
one application with one interface.

ERP applications also allow the different departments to

communicate and share information more easily with the
rest of the company. It collects information about the
activity and state of different divisions, making this
information available to other parts, where it can be used
How Does It Work

ERP has evolved over the years from traditional software models that
made use of physical client servers and manual entry systems to cloud-
based software with remote, web-based access. The platform is
generally maintained by the company that created it, with client
companies renting services provided by the platform.

Businesses select the applications they want to use. Then, the hosting
company loads the applications onto the server the client is renting, and
both parties begin working to integrate the client's processes and data
into the platform.

Once all departments are tied into the system, all data is collected on
the server and becomes instantly available to those with permission to
use it. Reports can be generated with metrics, graphs, or other visuals
and aids a client might need to determine how the business and its
Benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning
Businesses employ enterprise resource planning (ERP) for
various reasons, such as expanding, reducing costs, and
improving operations. The benefits sought and realized between
companies may differ; however, some are worth noting.

 Improves accuracy and productivity

 Improves reporting
 Increases efficiency
 Increases collaboration

An ERP System doesn’t always eliminate inefficiencies

within a business or improve everything. The company
might need to rethink how it organized or risk ending up
with incompatible technology.
ERP Solution Providers
App-based access
Give the right users precise access to the right apps — not the entire network.
Adaptive access controls
Get near real-time security signals and risk scores to automatically protect your apps.
ZTNA as a service
Eliminate operational costs and technical debt from maintaining VPNs and other
Multi-cloud flexibility
Control access to apps across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud & your infrastructure via
one secure portal.
Third-party access
Make M&A changes and contractor access easy without costly changes to the network
or architecture.
Identity & context-aware
Use multiple signals in real time: identification, device security, threat intelligence &

Fulton & Roark -Men's grooming product maker Fulton & Roark successfully
implemented enterprise resource planning to better track inventory and financial data.
Like many other businesses, the North Carolina company used spreadsheets to track
inventory and accounting software to record financial data.

Cadbury - Cadbury, a global confectioner and maker of the popular chocolate Cadbury
egg, also successfully implemented an ERP system. The company had thousands of
systems but could not keep pace with its rapid growth and used ineffective warehouse
management systems.

Oracle - Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning is a cloud-based ERP software

 application suite introduced by Oracle Corporation in 2012. Oracle ERP Cloud
manages enterprise functions including accounting, financial management, project
management, and procurement.
What Is the Importance of Enterprise Resource Planning?

 Enterprise resource planning software offers single-system solutions that

integrate processes across the business.

 It allows users to interact within a single interface, share information, and

enable cross-functional collaboration.

 ERP systems have become standard practice for businesses seeking to

maximize resource utilization.

 An ERP system is also useful for planning and coordination.

 ERP software improves communication and collaboration.

 As a comprehensive source of data, an ERP system also provides a host of

reports and analytics that can be difference-makers for the business.
What Are the Types of ERP?

On-premise Cloud-based

On Premise Off Premise

Staff Working from a single site Better Technology
In your office in the corner Faster Internet, Mobile working
Dedicated area – Stationary Cupboard Private Cloud iCo-Lo, HostedI.Public Cloud, Resides in a Data
Comms Room Centre
It’s your Network it’s your rules You have to Conform - It’s their rules
Heterogeneous by nature – dissimilar HW Homogeneous – Shared services
Complete Control and Flexibility Iaas, SaaS, PaaS
Compatible Technologies
Capital Expenditure Operational Expenditure
Cost depreciate over 4-5 years Lower Upfront cost – subscription model
Full outlay recorded in year of purchase Beware of Hidden cost – i.e staff training or Internet
Make sure it fits on funding
Owned outright Lease/Rent/Subscribe
Ultimate control All or some of the provision
The network is yours Be aware of the contract terms
Management responsibility is yours Simplified
Housing/Power/Heating/Ventilation/Noise Third Party – understands what’s being provided
Network design for optimal efficiency Relationship Management
Remote access considerations Still Have the Internal Network
Security, Backup and Recovery
The Cycle is in your hand Follows Providers Cycles
Plan, Test, Deploy, Manage, Re-train, Support Forces upgrades – good & bad
Annual or every few years Keeps you up to date, secure and effective
Cultural change – going with the flow
Your Policy, Your Responsibility to be compliant Remains your responsibility
Data Compliance Uk Regulatory standards Less direct control – ensure provider complies
Network Policies ICT policies to reflect the model
Whole of system – don’t forget your internal elements
Build to Peak …with cost overhead On Demand – capacity led
Invest to allow optimal usages from the network Scale and pay as you need
Pay upfront and hope the investment is returned Be aware of contracts
Hybrid Model
A hybrid model is for businesses whose needs are in between what custom and off-the-shelf
solutions offer.
Consider a hybrid model if you find yourself in one of the following situations:
1st : Your company can efficiently run on ready-made ERP software and you require just a
couple of additional features.
2nd: Your company already has a custom ERP developed by your in-house team or an offshore
development team and you would like to add new modules.
Which ones are the main applications depends on the
business and the industry it operates in. Most companies
can benefit from supply chain management, logistics, and
financial applications to help them streamline their
operations and expenses.
The Bottom Line
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) manages and
integrates business processes through a single
system. With a better line of sight, companies can
better plan and allocate resources. Without ERP,
companies tend to operate in silos, with each
department using its own disconnected system.
Brences, Ian

Some authors have extended the definition of DSS to include any

A decision support system (DSS) is an
system that might support decision making and some DSS include a
information system that supports business or
decision-making software component defines a properly termed DSS
organizational decision-making activities.
as follows:
DSSs serve the management, operations and
planning levels of an organization (usually
1. DSS tends to be aimed at the less well structured, underspecified
mid and higher management) and help
problem that upper-level managers typically face;
people make decisions about problems that
2. DSS attempts to combine the use of models or analytic
may be rapidly changing and not easily
techniques with traditional data access and retrieval functions;
specified in advance unstructured and semi-
3. DSS specifically focuses on features which make them easy to
structured decision problems. Decision
use by non-computer-proficient people in an interactive mode;
support systems can be either fully
computerized or human-powered, or a
4. DSS emphasizes flexibility and adaptability to accommodate
combination of both.
changes in the environment and the decision-making approach of
the user

The concept of decision support has evolved mainly from the theoretical studies of organizational decision making done
at the Carnegie Institute of Technology during the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the implementation work done in the
1960s. DSS became an area of research of its own in the middle of the 1970s, before gaining in intensity during the
De Guzman. Albert & Tan, Kyle

The software system is composed of model management
systems. A model is a simulation of a real-world system with the
goal of understanding how the system works and how it can be
improved. Organizations use models to predict how outcomes will
change with different adjustments to the system.
For example, models can be helpful for understanding systems that
are too complicated, too expensive or too dangerous to fully
explore in real life. That's the idea behind computer simulations
used for scientific research, engineering tests, weather forecasting
and many other applications.

Optimization-Modeling Process

Optimization problems are ubiquitous in the mathematical modeling of

real world systems and cover a very broad range of applications.
De Guzman. Albert & Tan, Kyle

DSS User Interface

It is an interactive graphical interface between the DSS and its users. The primary goal of the DSS
user interface is to make it easy for the user to manipulate the data that is stored on it. It displays the
results (output) of the analysis in various forms, such as text, table, charts or graphics. The user can
select the appropriate option to view the output according to his requirement. Businesses can use the
interface to evaluate the effectiveness of DSS transactions for the end users.

DSS Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is an integral part of a decision support system database, containing

information from both internal (information collected in a transaction process system) and external
(newspapers and online databases) sources. It is a library of information related to particular subjects
and is the part of a DSS that stores information used by the system's reasoning engine to determine a
course of action.
Romasanta, Lynn & Tampus, Jasper Alburo

Types What is does? How it works?

Data Driven Makes decisions based on data Uses data mining techniques to discern
trends and patterns for predicting future
from internal databases or events. Often used to help make decisions
external databases. about inventory, sales, and other business

Model Driven Customized according to a Used to analyze different scenarios to

meet user requirements for example,
predefined set of user assisting with scheduling or developing
requirements. financial statements.

Communication Uses a variety of Increases collaboration between

users and the system; improves
communication tools to allow
Driven more than one person to work overall efficiency and effectiveness of
a system.
on the same task.

Knowledge Driven Data resides in a continuously Provides data to users that’s

updated knowledge base that’s consistent with a company’s
maintained by a knowledge business processes and
management system. knowledge base.

Document Driven Type of information Enables users to search webpages or

databases, or find specific search
management system that uses
terms, such as those related to
documents to retrieve data.
policies and procedures, meeting
minutes and corporate records.
Cabotaje, Charie Joyce & Bua, Nadjah Jumrani

Bank Loan Management System GPS Route Planning

A Decision Support System can be
It is used to verify the credit of used to plan the fastest and best routes
the loan applicant and predit the between two points by analyzing the
available options. These systems often
likelihood of the load of being include the capability to monitor traffic
recover in real-time to route around congestion.
Villena, Clifford & Garcia, Edrick

A Decision Support System (DSS) is important by means of helping

businesses to make better decisions, large amounts of data are
analyzed, and the best solutions are then presented to an

It combines data and expertise from various fields and sources to

provide users with information that goes beyond the usual reports
and summaries. This is designed to be used by people to make better
Refamonte, Kristine & Pastor, Francis
Refamonte, Kristine & Pastor, Francis

Expenditures involved in production - producing goods and services requires

actual expenditures.
Too much dependence on DSS - this can result to not developing any further
Information overload - not each bite of information is necessary in decision
Devaluation of subjectivity - DSS promotes objectivity and relegates
Overemphasis on decision making - may not be required in many of the

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