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Big question:

Linking Time (5 – 10 minutes)

• Review ‘An Inspector Calls’- what are

Need to Meta Think?
three important ideas you learned
You need to be able to do this for the
from Priestley, social context, history,
lesson! war etc..
• Write down your predictions on
• You need to read the play by next
Connection finding: The ability to use connections from past experiences to seek
possible generalisations

Key words:
Connection finding to new learning Motto
I dare do all that may
become a man
Macbeth is an ambitious man, fated to be king. He starts
— Act I, scene 7
the play as Thane of Glamis, but is told by the witches ACP
that he will soon be declared Thane of Cawdor and later
His ambition is awakened by Lady Macbeth who suggests he Summary of Macbeth:
should seize his destiny by murdering Duncan. Immediately • Married to Lady Macbeth
after killing Duncan, he seems terrified that he cannot be • He told the future by The Witches
forgiven for his actions. However, he becomes more and more • He murders Duncan
willing to do anything to achieve his ambitions, even having his • He is initially friends with Banquo but then
former friend Banquo killed. He becomes more arrogant and sees him as a threat Check
tyrannical after being told by the witches that he cannot be • Orders The Murderers to kill his enemies
killed by anyone “of woman born”. • Defeated in battle by Macduff
His arrogance proves to be his downfall, and he is finally killed
by Macduff.

Connection finding: The ability to use connections from past experiences to seek possible generalisations
Hard working time


Let’s read Act 1 of Macbeth Check

Write down important quotations.

Summarise Act 1. VAA

Write down what has been foreshadowed. Check

What are your predictions for this play?

Shakespeare in Seven Minutes: Macbeth Summary - YouTube

Practice: The ability to train and prepare through repetition of the same processes in order to become more
Collaborative Classroom
Think, pair, share
Act 1
1. Why is Scotland at war at the opening of the play?
2. What three predictions do the witches make in Scene 3? Check
3. Who is named heir to the Scottish throne?
4. What is the “double trust” that makes Macbeth hesitate to
kill Duncan?
5. How do the murderers plan to implicate Duncan’s grooms?
6. What atmosphere and tone are created in the short opening
7. When we are first introduced to Macbeth by the nobleman
to Duncan, what is the reader’s initial impression?
8. In what ways is Banquo “lesser than Macbeth, and greater”? Check
9. What impression do you form of Lady Macbeth Act 1?
10. How is Macbeth feeling in his soliloquy in the beginning of
Scene 7? What is his state of mind?
11. Shakespeare ends Act One with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
plotting the murder of Duncan. How exactly do they plan to kill

Collaborative: The ability to seek out opportunities to receive responses to your work; present your own views and ideas clearly and concisely;
listen to the views of others; be willing and able to work in teams; take a variety of roles and be able to evaluate your own ideas and contributions.
Exit Plan!
ACP Check

1. Gather ALL of your items and throw any rubbish

2. Check the tray tables under the desk and clear it if necessary
3. Return any chairs or desks to their original positions
4. Make sure you know where your next lesson is, and that you
VAA Check

have the equipment required

5. Prepare to be dismissed row by row quietly
6. Walk on the right and be ready to learn!

Automaticity: The ability to use some skills with such ease as

they no longer require active thinking

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