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PDRR Framework

Hussain Shaik
27th Dec’22
PDRR Framework
 It provides a structure that describes the programs
Reliability Leadership
requirements to support below 3 themes that effectively helps
the organization to minimize unplanned losses:

 How can I PREVENT failures from occurring

 What can be done to DETECT this before it happens?
 If it happens, how can I RESPOND & RECOVER to minimize Prevent
(D) (RR)
& Recover
the impact?

 Developed PDRR Mindset behaviors across all organization

levels helps to effectively manage reliability processes at plant
level and that makes easier to achieve reliability targets
RCFA / Lesson Learned
 Promotes a complete “event cycle” proactive mindset
 Ensures “layers of protection” against events

RCFA / Lesson
Reliability Leadership Prevent Detect Respond & Recover

• Troubleshooting
• Visible leadership across • Procedures & Competency • Operator Care Programs • Failures are investigated to
• Repairs & Re-startups
organization with clear assurances • Engineering Surveillance root causes
reliability goals • Critical Spares
• Equipment Strategies • Equipment Inspection • Apply lesson learnings
• Set priorities & managements
• Maintenance Execution Programs
• Resources & stewardship

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