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Chapter 3 Exam

1. If you wanted to set up a blog, which software would be most helpful?

a. Samba
b. MySQL
c. Postfix
d. Dovecot
e. WordPress
2. If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use?
a. Evolution
b. LibreOffice
d. Compiz
e. Firefox
3. Which application would you use to edit and piece together sound files to make a
a. Audiolicious
c. Thunderbird
d. Bash
e. Audacity 1
4. The Samba application is a:
a.Security Server
b.File Server
c.Mail Server
d.Web Server
5. Which of the following are examples of desktop software?
• (choose two)
a.Music player
b.File share
c.Web browser
e.Web server
6. Which of the following are examples of text editors?
• (choose four)
7. Which of the following are true about compiled programming languages?
a. Ruby is a compiled language
b. Compiled languages are great for system administration tasks like scripting
c. C is a compiled language
d. Perl is a compiled language
e. A programmer is usually more productive when using a compiled language
8. Which of the following pieces of software deal with file sharing?
• (choose three)
a. X-Windows
b. PostgreSQL
c. Netatalk
d. Samba
e. NFS
9. POP and IMAP are related to:
f. Serving web pages
g. Reading and writing music
h. Email
i. Letting users log in to multiple servers with 1 set of credentials
j. Sharing files 3
10. When a computer boots, it can get its network information through:
b. DNS
e. X11
11. A package manager:
• (choose two)
a. Downloads software from the Internet
b. Keeps track of which files belong to which packages
c. Can optionally repartition your disk to make room for Linux
d. Performs a fresh install of Linux
e. Emails you when software is out of date
12. An interpreted programming language:
• (choose two)
a. Takes fewer resources to run than a compiled language
b. Is converted into machine specific instructions as the program runs
c. Requires a linking step but no compilation step
d. Tends to offer more features than compiled languages
e. Requires a compilation step but no linking step
13. Which package manager is used in Fedora, a Red Hat derived system?
a. tar
b. bash
c. yum
d. vim
e. apt-get
14. The Linux shell:
• (choose three)
a. Is customizable
b. Has a built-in text editor
c. Allows you to launch programs
d. Has a scripting language
e. Is responsible for tracking the location of configuration files
15. The two main families of Linux shells are:
• (choose two)
a. Emacs
b. C Shell
c. Bourne Shell
d. Python Shell
• Korn shell 5
16. Which server software would you use to create a company directory that you
could search and authenticate against?
a. bind
b. OpenLDAP
c. Samba
e. Netatalk
17. A Mail Transfer Agent’s primary purpose is to:
f. Serve email to end clients
g. Deliver mail between servers
h. Manage the end user’s inbox
i. Filter out spam
j. Act as a gateway between faxes and email
18. Which of the following are examples of a web server?
• (choose two)
a. NFS
b. postfix
c. WordPress
d. Nginx
e. Apache
19. If you wanted to let a Linux machine share files with Windows clients and servers,
you would use:
a. Netatalk
b. DNS
c. Samba
d. NFS
e. bind
20. Virtualization means:
f. A user can connect to a server over the network and use a virtual console
g. Many users can share one hard drive
h. A machine can swap memory to disk
i. A single host can be split up into multiple guests
j. Two users get different memory spaces on the same machine
21. In virtualization, what are the host and guest?
• (choose two)
a. The terms can be used interchangeably
b. A guest is a virtual machine
c. A host is a virtual machine
d. The host is the machine that runs the virtual machines
e. The guest is the machine that runs the virtual machines
22. Which of the following is a tool that helps you anonymize your Internet browsing?
a. Web proxy
b. Tor Browser
c. Iptables
d. AnonFirefox
e. CookieCleaner

23. Which of the following are traits of cloud computing?

• (choose two)
a. You don’t have to worry about performance any more
b. Resources can be accessed from anywhere over a network
c. Scales IT resources so you pay for what you use
d. You own the hardware but pay for it over time
e. Only Linux works in cloud computing
24. If you wanted to write a report that was to be printed, you would probably use:
f. A wiki
g. Adobe Flash
h. Firefox
i. Chrome
j. LibreOffice
25. To protect your privacy online, you can configure your computer to check for updates
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
26. Cloud computing is:
c. Is made possible by faster internet speeds
d. Is useful for both business and home users
e. Allows users in different geographical regions to work together in real time
f. Requires fewer resources because systems are shared among many users
g. All are correct
27. The term for individual computers running multiple systems at the same time is:
h. MultiRun
i. Cloud priority
j. Distribution
k. Virtualization
l. Googleization
28. Two components that provide the ability to implement a firewall include:
• (choose two)
a. iptables
b. gufw
c. ifconfig
d. Cerberus
e. ipfw
29. Which of the following are traits of a multiuser operating system?
• (choose three)
a. Many users can log in simultaneously with a unique account
b. Users can protect their information from other users
c. Resources are shared between users
d. Each user can only log in once per day
e. An administrative user gets a dedicated CPU
30. If you want to store logins and passwords for different websites in a secure manner,
you could use:
f. A text file in your home directory
g. A LibreOffice document
h. A sticky note on your monitor
i. KeePassX
j. In a spiral bound notebook in your file cabinet
31. What are tradeoffs of increasing the level of privacy you have in your web browser?
• (choose two)
a. You may have to explicitly permit some cookies to be saved
b. Sites may not work properly
c. You may get viruses
d. Websites may load slower
e. Images won’t load properly
32. In graphical mode, you can get to a shell by running which applications?
• (choose two)
a. Terminal
b. Gbash
c. console
d. Xterm
e. Guiterm

33. Social network “like”buttons can track your activity across the Internet.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False 11
34. Which of the following are properties of a strong password?
• (choose three)
a. At least 10 characters long
b. Based on easy to remember items like birthdays
c. Includes symbols
d. Long so that it can be reused on multiple sites
e. A mix of upper and lower case
35. What can be done to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your
computer remotely?
• (choose two)
a. Block third party cookies
b. Turn on a firewall
c. Block all cookies
d. Use strong passwords on all user accounts
e. Don’t use wireless networks – only wired
Chapter 5 Exam
1. Which environment variable contains a list of directories that is searched for commands to execute?
b. PS1
c. PS2
2. Select the command that can report the location of a command:
a. what
b. which
c. where

3. A pair of single quotes ( ‘ ) will prevent the shell from interpreting any metacharacter.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False

4. A pair of double quotes (” ) will prevent the shell from interpreting any
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
5. Using a pair of back quotes ( ` ) will cause a shell to execute the back-quoted
text as a command and substitute the output back into the original command.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
6. The semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple commands to be executed
in order.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
7. The double ampersand characters (&& ) are used to separate commands to be
executed conditionally, where if the command to the left of the ampersands fails,
then the command to the right of the ampersands will be executed.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
8. To be able to output messages to the screen, use the _______ command:
c. echo
d. print
e. display
f. type
9. The _______ command will print a list of the commands that you’ve previously
g. list
h. eval
i. history
j. exec 15
10. To execute the same command as previously executed five commands
ago, you would type:
a. @-5
b. !5
c. !-5
d. &5
11. The shell program interprets the commands you type into the terminal into
instructions that the Linux operating system can execute.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
12. The acronym CLI stands for:
c. Computer Line Interface
d. Command Line Interpreter
e. Command Line Interface
e.Computer Link Interpreter
13. What one character treats the character that follows it as if it was surrounded by single quotes?
a. /
b. #
c. %
d. \
14. The echo command:
e. Copies variables from one to another
f. Tests a variable for duplication
g. Is used for variable assignment
h. Is used to output text to the console
i. Duplicates the input stream to the output stream
15. The most common shell used for Linux distributions is the ________ shell.
j. Fish
k. Bash
l. Tsch

16. HOME is an example of _________.
a. An environment variable
b. A path variable
c. A local variable
d. An internal command
e. An alias

Chapter 6 Exam
1. What is the standard option to provide a command line program to view
its documentation?
a. -h
b. –info
c. –help
d. –doc
2. The command man -k is the same as the command apropos.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False

3. The whatis command is the same as man -w.

c. False
d. True
4. The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is:
a. /usr/software/doc
b. /var/lib/doc
c. /usr/share/doc
d. /var/share/doc
5. Which two pager commands are used by the man command to control movement within the
• (choose two)
a. grep
b. less
c. page
d. more
6. Commands typically executed by a user are covered in what section of the manual?
e. 5
f. 3
g. 2
h. 1

7. To search the man page sections for the keyword example, which of the following
command lines could you execute?
• (choose two)
a. man -k example
b. apropos example
c. man -f example
d. whatis example
8. The statement that describes the difference between a man page and an info page is:
e. The man page is like a guide; the info page is a more concise reference.
f. The info page is like a guide; a man page is a more concise reference.
g. The man page is a long detailed reference; the info page is very terse.
h. There is very little difference between them.
9. If you are reading the synopsis of a command from a man page, then items in square
brackets are:
i. Required arguments
j. Comments
k. Optional
l. Required options
10. The following sections commonly appear on a man page:
• (choose three)
11. Section 5 of the manual pages covers:
e. System administration commands
f. Games
g. User commands
h. File Formats
12. To start searching a man page, the first key you press is:
i. f
j. /
k. s
l. !
13. In order to exit viewing a man page, press:
a. q
b. z
c. x
d. y
14. To get help on using the info command, execute:
• (choose two)
a. man info
b. info -q
c. info info
d. help info
15. To get help while using the info command, press:
 g
 A
 Shift+H
 Shift+z
16. To exit the info page, press:
a. Q
b. x
c. z
d. x
17. When interpreting the SYNOPSIS of a command found on a man page,
the “|” means:
e. The items it separates can be used together
f. The items it separates cannot be used together
18. The _____ command is normally executed daily to update the
database of all files that are on the system.
g. find
h. locate
i. search
j. updatedb
19. The _____ command is normally executed to search for a command or man
a. updatedb
b. whereis
c. find
d. man -k
20. The _____ command can be used to find any file, not just commands or
man pages.
e. apropos
f. whereis
g. whatis
h. locate
21. The info command merges all available documentation into a single “book”.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
22. Section 9 of man pages relates to what?
a. Library Calls
b. Games
c. Kernel Routines
d. System Calls
e. Miscellaneous
23. The man command searches each of the sections in order until it finds a
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
24. The whatis command will only return the first result for which section a man
page is stored in.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
Chapter 7 Exam
1. Hidden files are files that begin with what character?
a. A plus (+)
b. An asterisk (*)
c. A dash (-)
d. A period (.)
2. What option for the ls command will display all files, including hidden files?
a. -a
b. -L
c. -H
d. -w

3. The top-level directory on a Linux system is represented as:

a. /home
b. C:
c. /root
d. /
4. Is the following path absolute or relative?
• /etc/ppp
a. Absolute
b. Relative
5. Is the following path absolute or relative?
• sysadmin/Documents
a. Relative
b. Absolute
6. Is the following path absolute or relative?
• ../../home/sysadmin
a. Absolute
b. Relative 28
7. The tilde (~) is used to represent:
a. Any two single characters
b. Nothing; it has no special meaning
c. The directory above the current working directory
d. A user’s home directory
8. Which of the following commands can be used to access the home directory of
the user “bob” while logged in as root?
(choose two)
e. cd &&
f. cd /home/bob
g. cd ~bob
h. ~bob
9. The double dot (..) can be used with the cd command to represent:
i. A user’s home directory.
j. Any two single characters
k. Nothing; it has no special meaning.
l. The directory above the current working directory

10. The cd command by itself will take you to what directory?
a. None; it is not a valid command
b. The system root directory
c. Your home directory
d. The directory above the current working directory
11. What command will allow you to change your current working directory?
e. list
f. chdir
g. ls
h. cd
12. The double dot (..) can be used to represent the directory…
i. …below the current directory.
j. …above the current directory.
k. …with any two single numbers.
l. …above the current directory only when using the cd command.

13. The ls command without options or arguments…
a. …prompts for a directory to list.
b. …generates an error as this command requires arguments.
c. …lists the contents of a user’s home directory.
d. …lists the contents of the current directory.
14. The first character in a long listing (ls -l) indicates:
e. The permissions
f. The owner
g. If something is a file, directory, or symbolic link
h. The size
15. Which option for the ls command, when used in conjunction with
the -l option, will display human-readable file sizes?
 -S
 -H
 -h
 -M 31
16. Which of the following commands will prevent any aliased options to
the ls command?
a. %ls
b. /ls
c. `ls
d. \ls
17. The ls command color codes results by default.
True or False?
e. True
f. False
18. The command ls -S will sort files:
g. By modification date, newest to oldest
h. By size, largest to smallest
i. By number of symlinks, largest to smallest
j. By size, smallest to largest
Chapter 8 Exam
1. When using the cp command, you must provide both a source and a destination.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
2. Which option(s) can be used to prevent cp from overwriting an existing file?
• (choose two)
a. -z
b. -n
c. -N
d. -i

3. The command rm -r will…

e. remove a directory along with any files or subdirectories.
f. generate an error; -r isn’t a valid option.
g. remove only empty directories.
h. prompt for each confirmation before deleting each file in a directory.
4. Which option can be used with the rm command to prompt before
a. A
b. -P
c. l
d. -i
5. The rm command can delete multiple files at once.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
6. Which of the following commands can be used to rename a file?
c. cp
d. rm
e. mv
f. name 34
7. The touch command can be used to:
• (choose two)
a. Update the timestamp of existing files
b. Change ownership of a file
c. Create new files
d. Change a file’s name
8. Which of the following are glob characters?
• (choose three)
a. The square brackets “[” and “]”
b. The question mark “?”
c. The dash character “-“
d. The asterisk “*”
9. The main purpose of using glob characters is to be able to provide a list of filenames to a
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
10. The asterisk character is used to represent zero or more of any character
in a filename.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
11. Which of these commands will return /etc/gai.conf /etc/pam.conf /etc/ucf.conf?
• (choose two)
 ls /etc/???.????
 echo /etc/???.*f
 echo /etc/*?.*o?
 ls /etc/p???.**
12. Brackets cannot be used to a represent a range of characters.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
13. Which command would list files that do not begin with a
“T” or a “W”?
a. echo /etc/*[TW!]
b. echo /etc/!TW
c. echo /etc/[!TW]*
d. echo /etc/[*TW]!

Chapter 2 Exam
1. When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
• (choose four)
a. Does your organization require long-term support for the system
b. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
c. If the application software is supported by the distribution
d. Will commercial support be required for the OS
e. Popularity on social media
2, Embedded Systems means:
f. Users must support the systems themselves
g. You can view the software’s source code
h. Companies must share their changes
i. Businesses cannot charge anything for the software, only the hardware
j. Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose
3, The most popular Linux platform for mobile phones is:
k. IOS
l. Android
n. Slackware
e. MobileLinux 38
4. Linux distributions use this to add and remove software from the system:
a. Application Programming Interface (API)
b. Partitioning tool
c. Package manager
d. Bash
e. Compiler
5. In Linux, RPM can be defined as:
f. Random program memory
g. Relational peak monitoring
h. Radical performance machine
i. The speed a record plays back at
j. The Package Manager program for Red Hat Linux
6. Linux originally only ran on:
k. Macintosh
l. Intel 386 PCs
m.Raspberry Pi computers
n. Specialized processor chips
o. Xerox copy machines
7. A long software release cycle is:
a. Better because old hardware can be utilized beyond its service life
b. Only offered by Red Hat and SUSE
c. Makes programming more difficult since new features cannot be used
d. Valued by businesses that want stability
e. Characterized by infrequent security fixes
8. Which distribution is related to Red Hat?
f. Raspbian
g. Debian
h. Ubuntu
i. Slackware
j. Fedora
9. SUSE is derived from which distribution?
k. Fedora
l. Debian
m.Red Hat Enterprise Linux
n. Slackware
o. Scientific Linux
10. IoT is one application of embedded systems:
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
11. Artificial intelligence has little potential for gains in efficiency,
safety and productivity.
c. True
d. False
12. The Raspberry Pi is popular with experimenters because:
e. It runs Microsoft Office
f. End users have to pay for programming expenses
g. It’s cheap and adaptable
h. The hardware never changes
i. It takes months or years to develop an application

13. The release cycle:
a. Only has meaning for paid software
b. Should be short so you always have the freshest releases
c. Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade
d. Describes how long software will be supported
e. Dictates how often software is updated
14. Debian is a community effort that supports many hardware platforms
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
15. Linux Mint is:
c. Compatible with Android systems
d. A fork of Ubuntu Linux
e. A proprietary version of Ubuntu with advanced features
f. A refreshing after dinner treat
g. Distributed in every country without license restrictions

16. A computer running Linux can:
a. Outperform proprietary systems at certain tasks
b. All of the above
c. Function as a web server
d. Serve a government agency
e. Be used to create new programs
17. Bundling utilities, management tools, and application software with a Linux kernel is called
f. A distribution of Linux
g. A text editor
h. A type of hardware
i. A trademark
18. A network of inexpensive computers connected to sensors and controllers is called:
j. Internet of Things (IoT)
k. Creative commons
l. Open source networking
m.Closed source computing
n. Relationational database
19. The Linux platform that runs on mobile phones is called:
a. MicroLinux
b. IOS
c. Android
d. Teledroid
e. LinuxMobile
20. What does a distribution provide to add and remove software from the system?
f. Compiler
g. Application Programming Interface (API)
h. Bash
i. Package Manager
j. Partitioning tool
21. A software release cycle describes:
k. How often upgrades come out for software
l. How often the software’s memory is released back to the operating system
m.How often the computer must be upgraded to support new software
n. How often security fixes are implemented
o. How often the computer must be rebooted
22. Which distributions are made by, or are clones of, RedHat?
• (choose two)
a. Debian
b. CentOS
c. Fedora
d. Ubuntu
e. Slackware
23. Ubuntu is derived from which distribution?
f. Slackware
g. Debian
h. Scientific Linux
i. Red Hat Enterprise Linux
24. The most important consideration when choosing an operating system is:
j. What the intended use of the system is
k. How much performance is needed
l. The licensing model of the operating system
m.The total cost of ownership
n. Whether or not it is cloud-friendly 45
25. A maintenance cycle:
a. Describes how often updates for software come out
b. Should be short so you always have the freshest releases
c. Only has meaning for paid software
d. Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade
e. Describes how long a version of software will be supported
26. If a software release is in a state in that it has many new features that have not been
rigorously tested, it is typically referred to as beta software.
• True or False?
a. True
b. False
27. Software is backward compatible if:
c. It can be upgraded without downtime
d. People still use old versions
e. It still supports old file formats or applications
f. If the next version still works the same way
g. It works across Linux/Mac/Windows
28. Apple’s OS X is:
• (choose three)
a. Derived from Linux
b. Able to natively run Windows binaries
c. Primarily used to manage network services
d. A fully certified UNIX distribution
e. Tightly integrated with Apple hardware
f. Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project
29. Microsoft Windows:
• (choose three)
a. Has a scripting environment called PowerShell
b. Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions
c. Offers both desktop and server products
d. Has a short maintenance cycle
e. Has a Linux compatibility mode
f. Has a new desktop version every year.
30. When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
• (choose five)
a. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
b. Will users require a GUI
c. Will commercial support be required for the OS
d. Does your organization require long-term support for the system
e. Popularity on social media
f. If the application software is supported by the distribution

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