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Business Research Methods

Session - 2
Session - Two
Session Topic Chapter No.  / Reading material /

Part 1 – Introduction to Business Research and Data

2 Research Approaches Reference: Chapter 2, BRM6e, Bougie

and Sekaran, Wiley
The Research Process
• Problem definition
– Exploration
– Diagnosis (Symptoms vs. causes)
– Refining a management problem to a research problem

• Solution approach
– Ontology and epistemology
– Frameworks/models/extant knowledge

• Research design

• Data collection, preparation and analysis

• Reporting and decision-making

Understanding and Refining the Problem

• Problem definition
– Exploration
– Diagnosis (Symptoms vs. causes)
– Refining a management problem to a research problem

• Solution approach
– Ontology and epistemology
– Frameworks/models/extant knowledge
• What is happening

• Why is it problematic

• Viability of research
– Importance of the issue
– Costs and benefits
– Potential roadblocks

• Pitfalls
– Propensity toward quick fixes
– Confusing interpretations with facts
– Tunnel vision
• Level of analysis

• Instruments and tools (Multidimensional assessment)

– McKinsey 7S framework
– Fishbone diagram
– Root cause analysis

• Reaching the causes from the symptoms

• Defining the management problem

– The existing situation
– Why is it problematic
– The desired situation

• Concretize the solution constraints

Diagnosis – Problem Types
– Two dimensions
• Consensus
• Knowledge availability w.r.t. the solution

– Four types
• Technical/routine problems (Planning, Action)
• Information and consensus problem (Leadership)
• Consensus problem (Negotiation, Persuasion)
• Information problem (Research)
Reframing – Management to Research Problem

• Research objectives – Why or Purpose

– The focus of inquiry

• Research question(s) – What are we answering

– Clarifies the issue(s) to be resolved in knowledge terms

• Relevance, Feasibility, Interesting

Examples – Management to Research Problem

• Ben Taylor, Marketing head of XYZ corp. is anxious

about stagnant sales of their high-end fashion wear

• Exploration, Diagnosis, Research problem

• Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

• Price, Product, Place, Promotion

Examples – Management to Research Problem
• To identify the appropriate (re)positioning strategies for
the high-end fashion product line of XYZ corporation

• What do the early-career professionals look for in a

fashion brand?

• Which brand associations should XYZ work on, to

improve its brand image among the early-career

• How should the current promotion mix and content be

Types of Research Questions

• Exploratory
– Why consumers resort to formal complaints such as to
regulators and courts for issues involving petty losses?

• Descriptive
– Which factors are associated with consumer complaints to
delinquent firms

• Causal
– Does student diversity improve learning outcomes for MBA
Different Approaches to Research
• Based on Ontology and Epistemology

• Positivism
– Scientific method, e.g., hypothetico-deductive

• Constructionism

• Critical Realism

• Pragmatism

• Induction and Deduction

The Research Proposal

• Agreement on the Management Problem, the research

problem, methodology, study time and cost

• A working title and study background

• The management problem

• Research problem indicating purpose and RQs

• Scope and relevance of the study

The Research Proposal

• Research design
– Study type (exploratory/descriptive/causal)
– Data collection method
– Sampling design
– Data analysis

• Timeframe

• Budget

• Bibliography
Pre-read for 3rd session

• Case I
– Shodh: Market Research for Economy Housing

• Group case assignment I

– I will email the details
– Submission deadline EOD immediately preceding
3rd session

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