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Present Continuous

#1. Para indicar ações que estão acontecendo agora.

#2. Para indicar ‘processos’ que estão em andamento

#1. Para indicar ações que estão acontecendo no
momento da fala.

Now, I am teaching you some English.

I am talking to you.

I am writing on the blackboard.

You are looking at me with serious faces.

You are wondering “what is she doing there?”.

#2. Para indicar ‘processos’ que estão em andamento
I’m changing.

She is going through a difficult time.

They are watching Big Mouth. They’re starting season two.

Mother: Where is Jack?

Jill: He is upstairs.

Mother: What’s he doing?

Jill: He’s listening to the radio.

Mother: And the kids?

Jill: They are getting dressed for school.

Na afirmativa
verbo to be (present simple)   +   verbo-ING (verbo “principal”)
They are carrying the baby!

Na negativa
verbo to be (present simple) + not  +   verbo-ING (verbo “principal”)
She is not coming to the prom.

Na interrogativa
verbo to be invertido   +   verbo-ING (verbo “principal”)
Is he really missing your birthday?
Use os verbos dados para responder as perguntas?
What are you doing (listen to the radio)
I’m listening to the radio

They are getting dressed.

What are the children doing? (get dressed)

I am watching TV.
What are you doing? (watch TV)

What is Mary doing? (read the newspaper) Mary is reading the newspaper.

John is sorting the mail.

What is John doing? (sort the mail)

They are driving to work

What are those men doing? (drive to work)

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