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Lesson 3:

Function of Philosophical
Perspectives on Art
Functions of Art
When it comes to
function, different art
forms come with
distinctive functions.
There is no one-to-one
between an art and its
Personal Functions of art
The personal functions of art are varied and
highly subjective. Yhis means that
it's function depend on the person the artist
who created the art. An artist may create an
art out of the needs to his audience. It can
also be mere entertainment for his intended
audience. Often, the artist may not even
intend to mean anything with his work.
Social functions of Art
Art is considered to have a social function if and when
it addresses a particular collective interest as opposed
to a personal interest. Political art is a very common
example of an art with a social function.

Physical Functions of Art

The physical functions of art are easiest to spot and
understand. The physical function of art can be found
in artworks that are crafted in order to serve some
physical purpose.
Other Functions of Art
•Music as an art is also interesting to talk about in
relation to function. Music in its original form was
principally functional.

•Sculpture, on the other hand, is another

functional art form that has long existed for
various purposes. Just like music, from the early
days of humanity, sculptures have been made by
man most particularly for religion.Sculptures were
also made to commemorate important figures in
Other Functions of Art

•Another art form that readily lends itself

to multiple functions is architecture. In
fact, architecture might be the most
prominent functional art form. Building
are huge, expensive, and are not easily
constructed and replaced.
Does art always have to be
While it has been shown that most arts
are functional still there are the some
which are not. The value of a work of
art does not depend on function but on
the work itself.
Art as a Representation
- Aristotle considered art as an aid to
philosophy in revealing truth. The kind if
imitation that art does is not antithetical to the
reaching of fundamental truths in the world.
talking about tragedies, for examples, Aristotle
(1902) in the Poetics claimed that poetry is a
literacy representation in general. Akin to other
art forms, poetry only admits of an attempt to
represent what things might be.
Art as a Disinterested
-Kant mentioned that judgment of
beauty, and therefore art is innately
autonomous form specific interest. It is
the form of art that is adjudged by one
who perceives art to be beautiful or
more so, subline.
Art as a Communication of
- Arts play a huge role in communication to its
audience’s emotions that the artist previously
experienced. Art then serves a as language, a
communication device that articulates feelings and
emotions that are otherwise unavailable to the
audience. In the same way that language
communications information to other people, art
communicates emotions.

Glendalou Ornillo
Hannah Nicole Lagang
JoshuaManalo Ligutom
Princess Joyce Java

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