AMAZON VA Lecture 2

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Product search/ Product hunting

 Analyzing an item sold on Amazon, how many people like it, how many people
are earning monthly from that city, and how much people tend to buy it, is called
product searching. You can also call product analysis or product hunting
Product hunting includes

 Searching a product on amazon for sale

 Analysing the product and select it as a winning product
Product analysis

 Market trends
 Demand
 Seasonal
 No of competitors
 Sales revenue
 Profit margin
Which tools are used for Product hunting?

 There are numerous tools for product researching, but the best tools that consider
to be the best in result are:
 Helium 10
 Jungle scout
 Viral launch
 E-grow(especially used for UAE market)

For more tools you access to Mr. Google
What’s the use of a product searching with
a virtual assistant
 Virtual assistant searches for products and pays for them.
 Product searching requires a tools that allows you to analyze which product is
What kind of Product should be the goal?

 Find a Product that people are buying or want to buy in large numbers but sellers
are less likely to meet that need, and buyers are likely to call everyone who looks
appropriate, if there are only a few
What is the benefits of product
 From product hunting/Researching we find the item that has less loss and higher
What is keywords?

 Keywords are the words that’s help the customer find their product
 Keywords searches for anything on the internet and keywords describe what the
user is looking for
What is the gated category

 a category whose product requires approval from amazon and amazon takes
sometime and after checking amazon Allows it to be put on their store
Gated category lists

 Babies items
 Toys and games
 Households and health
 Industrial and scientific items
 Electronics
 Automobiles
What is Google trend?

 Google trend is service provided by google that lets us know what is trending and
what is people like most.
 Pampas grass in trend
 Hand sanitizer not in trend
What is BSR

 BSR is actually an acronym for best seller rating. Understand that if your product
sells the most number of times in a month in a particular category compared to
other sales, your product will be ranked first in terms of BSR
What is patent

 A patent is like registering one's property so that no one can sell it and the right to
sell goes to him alone
How many types of patent

 Utility patent
 Design patent
 Plant patent
Utility patents

 The use of something like this is seen in the patent and if something has this
patent on it then you can't send anything that works like this thing.
Designing patents

 Such a patent looks at the design of an item. If an item is patented, you cannot use
a design like this item.
Plant patents

 This patent is a bit complicated to understand but it is about the species of plants
if one can create a new species of plant so he saved it from plant patent.

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