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Future Perfect and

Future Continuous
1. Future Perfect
2. Future Continuous
1. Future Perfect (I)
• Use:
We use the future perfect to say that something will be finished before a
certain time in the future:
-The rain will have stopped by this afternoon.
-The concert will have finished when we get there.
Future Perfect (II)
• Structure:
a) Affirmative: will have + participle
-By 10 pm, all Barça fans will have left the stadium.
b) Negative: won’t have + participle
-Laura won’t have arrived before dinner, so I’ll leave some food in the oven for her.
c) Interrogative: will/won’t + Sbj +have + participle
-When will they have learnt enough Spanish to communicate fluently?
Future Perfect (III)
• Future Perfect is often used with these two time expressions:
a) By + Day/Month/Year (Saturday/March/2030)
- I will have saved 3000$ by March.
b) In + number + days/weeks/months/years or days’/weeks’/months’/years’ time
- In three weeks / in three weeks’ time we will have finished the renovations.
- In two years / in two years’ time I’ll have obtained my B2 certificate of English.
Future Continuous (I)
• We use the future continuous to say that an action will be in progress at a
certain time in the future.
-Don’t phone between 7.00 and 8.30 as we’ll be having dinner then.
-I’ll be working in my studio if you need me.
-Will you be studying if I call you at 6?
-This time next week, I’ll be in the Bahamas sunbathing on a white-sand
Future Continuous (II)
• We can use the future continuous to talk about things which are already
planned or decided for the future:
-You don’t need to get up early. We won’t be leaving until about 9.30.
-I’ll be staying at my friend’s house this weekend.
-I’ll be going to the supermarket later. Do you need anything?
Future Continuous (III)
• Structure:
a) Affirmative: will be + -ing
-I will be holding your hand throughout the rollercoaster ride. Don’t be afraid! Let’s ride!
b) Negative: won’t be + -ing
-I won’t be staying for the night. I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well.
c) Interrogative: will + Sbj + be+ -ing
-Will you be waiting for me when I get off the train?

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