Elements of The Poem The River

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The River

Poet Language and Style Structure

Mood and Tone

Point of view

Moral Values Themes



What is a poet? The poet is the person ho rote the poe Poet for The River Valerie Bloo

Structur Th structur is th nu b r f st nz n lin s th t th h s. p Th Structur f r Th Riv r 6 st nz s 4 lin s p r st nz

Point of view The oint of view is from whose stand oint the oem is ex ressed - first erson, or third erson. Point of view for The River Third erson

Setting Where the oem took lace or where the action is ha ening The setting for The River The river ed The hills and valleys The trees on the anks of the river The countryside

Th A lif

s n r l st t hich th p ph siz nt b ut s rv s t


s f r Th Riv r

Th ny f c s f n tur R lity nd pp r nc

Moral Values The hidden values that can e found in the oem The Moral values for The River Have a ur ose in life Be res onsi le for our actions Treasure moments in life Cultivate a ositive attitude Do not e destructive

Mood and tone The general feeling created in the oem The Mood and tone for The River The first three stanzas, no articular mood Stanza 4 and 5 are ositive and ha y Stanza 6 is negative and the mood is angry and destructive

t le and Lan ua e

Whether the words are new or old The st le and lan ua e for The River m ols Meta hors Personification Re etition

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