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Fundamentals of International
Cojuhari Ecaterina
Gucinski Petru
Strelciuc Ana Maria
Vasilatii Igor 
One of the first schools of management thought, the classical management
theory, developed during the Industrial Revolution when new problems
related to the factory system began to appear. 

Managers were unsure of how to train employees (many of them non‐

English speaking immigrants) or deal with increased labor dissatisfaction,
so they began to test solutions. As a result, the classical management
theory developed from efforts to find the “one best way” to perform and
manage tasks.

• Every piece of equipment used in

the production process had to be
timed and tested by a “Time
Engineer” to determine the most
efficient way to complete a series of
tasks. (How Scientific Management
is Applied, via Google Books)
The classical scientific school owes its roots to several major
contributors, including:

Frank and Lillian

Frederick Taylor Henry Gantt
Frederick Taylor
Taylor’s book described the theory of scientific management: the use of
scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be done.

Taylor succeeded in getting that level of productivity. How?

 By putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and
equipment, having the worker follow his instructions exactly, and
motivating the worker with an economic incentive of a significantly
higher daily wage. Using similar approaches for other jobs, Taylor
was able to define the “one best way” for doing each job.

Overall, Taylor achieved consistent productivity improvements in the

range of 200 percent or more. Based on his groundbreaking studies
of manual work using scientific principles, Taylor became known as
the “father” of scientific management. 
Key principles - by Frederick Taylor

■ Develop a science for each element of an individual's

work to replace the old rule-of-thumb method.
■ Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop
the worker.
■ Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure
that all work is done in accordance with the principles
of the science that has been developed.
■ Divide work and responsibility almost equally between
management and workers. Management does all work for
which it is better suited than the workers.
Henry Gantt
In 1884 he first began work as a Mechanical Engineer
with Pool and Hunt of Baltimore. In 1887, he
joined Frederick W. Taylor in applying scientific
management principles to the work at Midvale
Steel and Bethlehem Steel-working there with Taylor until
In his later career as a management consultant, following
the invention of the Gantt chart, he also designed the
'task and bonus' system of wage payment and additional
measurement methods worker efficiency and productivity.
Frank and his wife Lillian, a psychologist, studied work to
Frank and Lillian eliminate inefficient hand-and-
body motions.


The Gilbreths also experimented with the design and use of th
eproper tools and equipment for optimizing work performance.

Frank is probably best known for his bricklaying experiments. By carefully

analyzing the bricklayer’s job, he reduced the number of motions in laying exterior
brick from 18 to about 5, and in laying interior brick from 18 to 2. Using Gilbreth’s
techniques, a bricklayer was more productive and less fatigued at the end of the day.
historical role and significance
It was advocated fitting the worker to the work and focusing scientific
methods on the appropriate design of each. The success of scientific
management in some organizations provided the impetus in business
for I/O psychologists to focus on field application versus basic
laboratory science. The human relations movement and basic research
findings in social psychology offered counterarguments to a strictly
applied focus (e.g., scientific management principles) for the young
field. Kurt Lewin’s critique of Taylorism in 1920 argued that
psychologists and efficiency experts should work together to make
work both more productive and more satisfying. Steven Hunt’s recent
critique asked rhetorically whether organizational citizenship
behaviors would detract from performance in Taylorist jobs—a
question that may be countered, how many jobs are Taylorist?
■ a nation in the form industrial peace and harmony
■ increased production
■ lesser cost of production
■ higher standard of living for every section of society
■ higher national income
■ rapid industrial development
positive / negative consequences
■ Applying scientific management methods in manufacturing
originally resulted in a dramatic reduction in the cost of products.
This enabled more people to be able to afford buying them. Wages
rose and unskilled workers moved into higher paying machine
operator jobs. Scientific management studies enable an organization
to make better decisions about how to improve operations so that a
company can achieve its strategic goals. 
■ Implementation of scientific management studies produced, in some
cases, inhuman working conditions caused by mass production
lines. Poor treatment of workers led to the rise of unions and
increased strikes and unrest.
Actuality How today’s managers
use scientific management?

Many of the guidelines and techniques that Taylor

and the Gilbreths devised for
improving production efficiency are still used
in organizations today. 

When managers analyze the basic

work tasks that must be performed, use time-and-
motion study to eliminate wasted motions,
hire the best-qualified workers for a job, or design
incentive systems based on output, they’re
using the principles of scientific management.

School Here is where our
presentation ends

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