Nat Philo

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National Achievement Test 2023

1. What is the meaning of the word
a) The study of religion and beliefs
b) The study of natural science
c) The love of wisdom
d) The study of art
2. What is the method of philosophical
inquiry that emphasizes the importance
of direct observation and experience?

a) Empiricism
b) Rationalism
c) Dialectic
d) Phenomenology
3. How can an understanding of the
relationship between humans and the
natural world be applied to improve
environmental sustainability?

a) By implementing technological solutions

b) By ignoring the relationship
c) By understanding and addressing the
impact of human actions on the natural world
d) By focusing solely on economic growth
4. You are in charge of organizing a team building
activity for your company. Which of the following
options do you think would be the most effective
in promoting teamwork and creativity among team

a) A scavenger hunt
b) A lecture on the importance of communication
c) A cooking competition where each team has to
come up with a unique recipe using a set of
ingredients provided.
d) A game of paintball
5. Who said "Man is the only animal
who causes pain to others with no
other object than wanting to do so"?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) Arthur Schopenhauer
c) Friedrich Nietzsche
d) Martin Heidegger
6. What term refers to the social
organization of a group of people?
a) Society
b) Culture
c) Community
d) Institution
7. Which of the following best describes the
concept of intersubjectivity?

a) The process by which individuals create their

own subjective reality
b) The way in which individuals understand and
share each other's experiences
c) The tendency for individuals to ignore each
other's perspectives
d) The objective observation of other individuals'
8. How can an understanding of freedom as it relates
to the human person be applied to improve
personal relationships and interactions with

a) By disregarding the rights and freedoms of others

b) By prioritizing one's own desires and goals over those of
c) By treating others with respect and recognizing the
importance of their autonomy and freedom
d) By placing the importance on laws and social norms
over individual's autonomy and freedom
9. You are an environmental scientist and you are tasked
to develop a plan that addresses the impact of human
actions on the environment. Choose the most
effective plan:

a) A plan that focuses on the implementation of

renewable energy sources
b) A plan that focuses on reducing consumption of
natural resources
c) A plan that focuses on increasing recycling efforts
d) A comprehensive plan that includes elements from all
of the above
10. You are given the task of developing a program that
focuses on the holistic development of the human
person in light of the concept of the embodied spirit.
Choose the best program that you would like to create.

a) A program that focuses on physical fitness and nutrition

b) A program that focuses on spiritual practices and
c) A program that combines physical fitness, nutrition, and
spiritual practices in order to foster holistic development
d) A program that focuses on mental and emotional well-
11. Which of the following methods of philosophizing
is considered the most effective in achieving a
deep understanding of the world and one's place
in it?

a) Rationalism
b) Empiricism
c) Existentialism
d) Pragmatism
12.A philosopher has proposed a new definition of
philosophy as "the study of the human mind and its
potential." From your perspective, how would you
evaluate this new definition?

a) It is not a valid definition of philosophy as it does not align with the

traditional view of philosophy as the love of wisdom.
b) It is a valid definition of philosophy as it captures the idea that
philosophy is concerned with understanding the human mind and
its capabilities.
c) It is a valid definition of philosophy but it's too narrow in scope
d) It is not a valid definition of philosophy as it only focuses on
human mind, ignoring other important aspects of philosophy.
13. What is the primary goal of philosophy?

a) To provide answers to questions about the natural

b) To provide answers to questions about moral and
ethical issues
c) To understand the nature of reality and the meaning
of life
d) All of the above
14. What is the name of the method of philosophical
inquiry that involves the use of reason and
argumentation to arrive at a conclusion?

a) Empiricism
b) Rationalism
c) Dialectic
d) Phenomenology
15. What is the relationship between the body and the
spirit in the concept of the embodied spirit?

a) The body and the spirit are two separate entities

b) The body and the spirit are inextricably linked and
interact with each other in a dynamic way
c) The body is subordinate to the spirit
d) The spirit is subordinate to the body
16. Which of the following perspectives on the relationship between
the human person and the environment is most ethical?

a) Human persons should have the freedom to exploit natural

resources for their own benefit without any regard for the
environment or other living beings.
b) Human persons should be stewards of the environment, using
natural resources sustainably and preserving them for future
c) Human persons should have the freedom to exploit natural
resources as long as it does not harm the environment and other
living beings.
d) Human persons should not have any relationship with the
environment, as it is not necessary for human survival
17. Who is the author of the book "The Social
Construction of Reality"?

a) Peter Berger
b) Erving Goffman
c) George Mead
d) Max Weber
18. You are a philosopher and you have been tasked to create a new
concept of freedom that considers the well-being of both the
individual and society. Which of the following would be your new
concept of freedom?

a) Freedom as the ability to do whatever one wants, regardless of

the consequences
b) Freedom as the ability to make choices in line with the well-being
of both the individual and society
c) Freedom as the ability to make choices in line with the well-being
of the individual only
d) Freedom as the ability to make choices without any restriction or
consideration for the well-being of either the individual or society
19. Which of the following strategies might be effective
for promoting intersubjectivity in a group?

a) Encouraging individuals to express their opinions

b) Discouraging discussion and debate
c) Focusing solely on facts and objective information
d) Ignoring the perspectives of minority group members
20. You are a sociologist and you have been tasked to create a new
model of the relationship between the individual and society that
considers the mutual benefit and well-being of both. Which of the
following would be your new model of the relationship between the
individual and society?

a) The individual should always prioritize their own interests over

those of society
b) The individual and society are mutually dependent and should work
together for the benefit of both
c) The individual should prioritize the well-being of society over their
own interests
d) The society should prioritize the well-being of the individual over
the well-being of society
21. What are the similarities and differences between the
concepts of individual and society?

a) Individual is unique and autonomous, while society is

a group of individuals that share common values and
b) Individual is a part of society, and society is a group of
individuals that share common values and beliefs
c) They are the same thing
d) They have no similarities and differences
22. Which of the following perspectives on intersubjectivity is most
effective in fostering understanding and connection with

a) Prioritizing one's own perspective and disregarding the

perspectives of others
b) Treating the perspectives and experiences of others as
fundamentally different and incomparable to one's own
c) Acknowledging the subjectivity of one's own perspective and
actively seeking to understand and empathize with the
perspectives of others
d) Believing that one's own perspective is objectively correct and
attempting to impose it on others
23. What are the characteristics of a society and how do they
affect the individual?

a) A society is a group of people who share common values

and beliefs, and it shapes the individual's identity and
b) A society is a group of people who share common
language, and it shapes the individual's communication skills
c) A society is a group of people who share common economic
status, and it shapes the individual's financial situation
d) A society is a group of people who share common physical
characteristics, and it shapes the individual's appearance
24. What is the concept of 'Death anxiety'
refers to?

a) Fear of physical pain caused by death

b) Fear of death or the loss of life
c) Fear of dying alone or unloved
d) All of the above
25. What are the characteristics of freedom as it relates to the human

a) The ability to make choices and determine one's own actions, respect
for the rights and freedoms of others, and adherence to laws and social
b) The ability to make choices and determine one's own actions,
disregard for the rights and freedoms of others, and disregard for laws
and social norms
c) The ability to make choices and determine one's own actions,
disregard for the rights and freedoms of others, and adherence to laws
and social norms
d) The ability to make choices and determine one's own actions,
disregard for the rights and freedoms of others, and disregard for laws
and social norms
26. How does the relationship between humans and
the natural world affect the well-being of both?

a) It does not affect the well-being of humans or the

natural world
b) It positively affects the well-being of humans but
not the natural world
c) It positively affects the well-being of the natural
world but not humans
d) It positively and negatively affects the well- being of
both humans and the natural world
27. How can an understanding of the relationship
between humans and the natural world be
applied to improve environmental

a) By implementing technological solutions

b) By ignoring the relationship
c) By understanding and addressing the impact of
human actions on the natural world
d) By focusing solely on economic growth
28.A philosopher has proposed a new definition of philosophy as
"the study of the human mind and its potential." From your
perspective, how would you evaluate this new definition?

a) It is not a valid definition of philosophy as it does not align with

the traditional view of philosophy as the love of wisdom.
b) It is a valid definition of philosophy as it captures the idea that
philosophy is concerned with understanding the human mind and
its capabilities.
c) It is a valid definition of philosophy but it's too narrow in scope.
d) It is not a valid definition of philosophy as it only focuses on
human mind, ignoring other important aspects of philosophy.
29. How can the study of philosophy benefit a
person in their daily life?

a) By providing answers to questions about the

natural world
b) By improving critical thinking and reasoning
c) By providing a deeper understanding of
oneself and the world around
d) By providing answers to questions about art
30. In what way can the method of dialectic be
applied in solving real-world problems?

a) By providing logical and systematic

b) By providing evidence-based solutions
c) By fostering dialogue and finding common
d) By using introspection
31. It is an important tool that allows us to
go beyond many of our physical limits.

a) Heart
b) Soul
c) Mind
d) Eyes
32. The following are effects of
anthropocentric model except for,

a) Famine
b) Coastal Clean-up Drive
c) Global Warming
d) Earth Pollution
33. Which of the following statements shows that our
mind allows us to go beyond many of our physical

a) We cannot travel through time, but we are using our

minds to recall the past and even imagine the future.
b) We can write poems and even express ourselves in
many ways.
c) We can sing and dance at the same time.
d) We achieve our goals even if we feel that we are
quitting already.
34. Which of the following is the famous
dictum of Aristotle on the human person?

a) “Man is a rational animal”

b) “No man is an island”
c) “Quitting is not an option”
d) “Every dream count”
35. Which of the following branches of
philosophy deals with correct reasoning?

a) Logic
b) Ethics
c) Metaphysics
d) Aesthetics
36. Which of the following methods of
philosophizing focuses on the use of
questions in order to know the truth?
a) Dialectic Method
b) Socratic Method
c) Historical Method
d) Scientific Method
37. It refers to the prudence in decision-
making regarding the use of resources to
ensure that there is minimum zero waste.
a) Equity
b) Frugality
c) Economic Efficiency
d) Economic Development
38. Which of the following view advocates
ethical treatment of animals.

a) Biocentrism
b) Anthropocentrism
c) Ecocentrism
d) Biodiversity
39. Which of the following is an example of
a) The pizza taste better with pineapple
b) Asia is the biggest continent in the world.
c) Philippines is an example of an
d) Mt. Mayon is an example of an active
40. The following are the things that
prevent us from exercising our freedom
a) Illnesses
b) Weather Condition
c) Manipulation
d) Wealth
41. A police officer threatened to arrest the
suspect if he didn’t comply with his
demands. Which of the following types of
fallacy is the statement referring to?
a) Ad Hominem
b) Ad Populum
c) Ad Baculum
d) Post Hoc
42. It refers to a person taking control of
his or her own life and fulfilling one’s
a) Negative Liberty
b) Positive Liberty
c) Determinism
d) Intersubjectivity
43. Which of the following statements below is an example of
appeal to authority type of fallacy?

a) A little boy says that his friends should not go swimming

in a river because his Mama said there were germs in the
b) Killing people is wrong, so the death penalty is wrong.
c) A political ad that shows the candidate shaking hands
with the community as he leaves church on Sunday morning.
d) The 2nd grade at my elementary school buys the most
popsicles at lunch. Your brother is in 2nd grade at my school,
so he must like to eat a lot of popsicles.
44. It believes that every event in the world
is brought about by underlying causes or
a) Freedom
b) Determinism
c) Intersubjectivity
d) Grace
45. The following are the 3 parts of soul
according to Plato EXCEPT for,
a) Rational
b) Spiritual
c) Appetitive
d) Emotional
46. It is the ability to surpass limits.
a) Intersubjectivity
b) Freedom
c) Transcendence
d) Strength
47. Which of the following is the
common reason why relationship
ends even before it takes root?
a) Trust
b) Unconditional love
c) Sincerity
d) Dishonesty
48. It occurs when two persons “open
up” to each and give and receive one
another in their encounter.
a) Dialogue
b) Body Language
c) Expression
d) Confrontation
49. It enables us to experience
another person’s emotions.
a) Empathy
b) Sympathy
c) Availability
d) Care
50. Why do we need to avoid people who have
pessimistic view in everything that we do?
a) It will hinder us from achieving our dreams
and maximum potential.
b) It will push us to go against our own limit.
c) It changes our perspective to pursue what
we desire to be happy.
d) It encourages us to continue doing our best.

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