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Fundamental concepts of

Object oriented programming

Object oriented?
 a computer programming model that
organizes software design around data, or
objects, rather than functions and logic
Real-world object
Constructs or idea
Also known as entity
Objects In software engineering
a data to store or process
An entity in a system
A Data type
Main Principles of OOP
 Encapsulation
 Abstraction
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 This principle states that all important
information is contained inside an object
and only select information is exposed.
 Objects only reveal internal mechanisms
that are relevant for the use of other
objects, hiding any unnecessary
implementation code.
 Classes can reuse code from other classes.
Relationships and subclasses between
objects can be assigned, enabling
developers to reuse common logic while
still maintaining a unique hierarchy.
 Objects are designed to share behaviors
and they can take on more than one form.
Programming Languages
 Java
 Ruby
 Python
 C++
 …more
Programming Paradigms
Comparison of OOP and Procedural
Structured / Procedural Programming Object Oriented Programming

Code is divided into modules or functions Code is made up of classes and objects

Top-down approach Bottom-up approach

Difficult to maintain Easy to maintain

Less flexibility and abstraction More flexibility and abstraction

No code reusability Code reusability

Data is not secured Data is secure

Main functions calls other functions Objects communicate by passing messages

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