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Kristina Rassokha, 309G
My name is
Kristina. This
wonderful name
was given me by
my father. And I
am really proud
of it.
My story…
When my father was very young he and his mother (my granny) found some
dictionary with names and their meanings. They were just curious about it and
probably wanted to find their own names. But, out of a sudden, they saw my
name in the dictionary. My grandmother liked the name at once and probably
thought that the name sounds beautiful for a girl. My dad didn`t say anything.
But now when I asked him why he has named me like that he said: “ Well, you
know, we are men, and we never show our emotions towards something, but
when I read the name Kristina for the first time I liked it and knew exactly that
if I have a daughter I will name her Kristina”. After that speech I was very
delighted and I just hugged my dad. So, now I know why I am named like that.
But I still have some questions about the meaning, etymology and
characteristics of this name. let`s look deeper in it together!
According to the information in the internet, I
found out that my name came to us in the
Russian language from Greece, along with the
adoption of the Orthodox faith in
Russia. Translated from the Greek Christina
(Χριστός) - "the name of Christ" or "dedicated
to Christ." It sounded like Christina , but later,
due to the phonetic features of the Russian
language, it changed to Kristina. So it can be
argued that the name Christina means "the
name of Christ" or "dedicated to Christ" .
The meaning of the name Kristina
Kristina is growing up as a good
and affectionate girl. She easily
gets along with other children and
plays well with them. A little timid
and shy, Kristina, getting used to
the environment, reveals herself to
the fullest. Kristina is also
characterized by kindness and
responsiveness, but if someone
uses these qualities of hers, she
can be upset for a very long time.
In her studies,
Kristina shows
perseverance. She is
already a talented
child in learning,
endowed with such a
pleasant feature. She
is better at the
humanities and
languages, but she
also teaches the exact
sciences well.
Characteristics of the name Kristina

Kristina is characterized by a craving for a beautiful life. She

draws a picture for herself like in a magazine and strives to
bring it to life. She can be described as a friendly and
sociable person. She easily finds friends and they help her
through life. Even if she asks for something, it does not
burden them, and they even gladly help her. Sometimes she
seems arrogant and even cold, but this is a feature of all
At work, but just in life,
Christina does not like
to make hasty
decisions. She must
weigh everything and
know all the pros and
cons. Works great in
responsible positions,
but only where speed of
reaction is not
required. A crisis
manager will not work
out of her. She is also a
good team worker,
easily finds a common
language with the team.
Family means a lot to
Kristina. She values ​
home comfort very
much and therefore
does not like to
discuss family
matters. After
marriage, he directs
all his energy given
by nature to the
arrangement of
family life and
home. This is
especially true for the
period when children
The secret of the name Kristina…
• Kristina has one little secret. Kristina, despite her friendliness, has a
very touchy character. She hates criticism in her address, even if it is
well-deserved. She can easily take offense at even the most harmless
remark. And most importantly, she remembers it for a long time and
will remind you of it when the opportunity arises.
• Another secret of Kristina is that a very ardent temperament is hidden
behind the feigned coldness. She is forced to take on seriousness so
that her suitors give her a break from them at least a little.
Thanks for your attention!

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