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Christian Thompson, Ellipse, Polari, 2014

WK 7
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar 1919-1923, 1923

Paul Berthon, poster for a Revue at the L’Ermitage,

Paris, 1897

How is design, as a set of practices, gendered?

How is gender designed?

- Binary Distinctions
- Poststructuralism (Judith Butler)
- Heteronormativity
- Homonormativity (Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick)

“Queering” design (Jack Halberstam, Jesse Cline)

Ehrnberger, Rasanen and Ilstedt, Dolphia drill, 2012
Ehrnberger, Rasanen and Ilstedt, Mega Hurricane Mixer, 2012
“Family Friendly Parking”, IKEA in Toledo, USA

Pedestrian Crossing in Valencia, Spain

Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait (Futago), 1988-1990

Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still, #16, 1978


Masculine Feminine
Heterosexual Homosexual
High Culture Popular Culture
Producer Consumer
Culture Nature
Civilised Primitive
Beer Wine
Blue Pink

Femme Den, Beer Research

Alison Bechdel, Illustration for the New Yorker, 2000s

Sonia Singh, Tree Change Dolls, 2014-

Barbie Hack
Brassai, Paris by Night, 1930s
Brassai, Paris by Night, 1930s
Helena Carbello and Ana Carceller, Untitled (Utopia No 29), 2002 Helena Carbello and Ana Carceller, Untitled (Utopia No 27), 2002
Tracey Moffat, Fourth No. 7, 2001 Tracey Moffat, Fourth No. 11, 2001
Jesse Cline, Butt Plug Wedding Ring and Texas Flag, exhibited for MFA Exhibition, University of Texas, 2016
Gilbert Baker, Rainbow Flag, 1978
Helena Carbello and Ana Carceller, Untitled (Utopia No 29), 2002 Helena Carbello and Ana Carceller, Untitled (Utopia No 27), 2002
Still from John Waters’ Polyester, 1981

Patric Dreier, poster design for Cosmic Crush, 2013

John Tsiavis and Nik Dimopoulos, John Fascinator Party, 2007 Charlie Hunnan playing Jax from Sons of Anarchy
Texas Revolution Flag

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