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 Authority is a legitimate power to influence and command a thought into

action. It usually goes with a position and entails a level of consent,
depending on a chain of command.
 Authority is more of a power vested in an entity usually in a higher
position, and the level of authority decreases as it transcends down to a
lower position.
 Responsibility refers to a duty or obligation that comes along with
authority. Being held accountable the moment an entity acquires such
power, and this is something that can’t be delegated to others.
 Its role is mainly to follow and obey, upholding ethics and morals to the
highest standard, being responsible means to act with common sense,
authority, maturity, and reliability.
 Lack of parity between responsibility and authority often results in not
achieving the desired outcome.
 The objective of the authority is to  The objective of responsibility is to
make decisions and implement them perform duties effectively assigned
effectively. by the superiors.
 Authority of a manager is the right  It is the duty of the subordinate to
way of commanding subordinates, perform organisational tasks,
issuing orders, and getting the team functions or activities assigned to
to comply with them. him.
 Here, orders and commands play a  Here, duties and obedience play a
vital role. vital role.
 It can be delegated by superior to his  It is absolute and can never be
subordinates. delegated.
 Authority requires the ability to give  Responsibility requires the ability to
orders, have the qualities of a leader. follow orders.
 An authority is the outcome of a  A responsibility is the outcome of a
formal position or from legal superior-subordinate relationship in
provisions in an organization. which the subordinate agrees to
carry out the duty given to him.
 The flow of authority is from the  The flow of authority is from lower
upper level to lower level. level to upper level.
 The authority lasts for a long period  The responsibility ends as soon as
of time. It usually has a longer life the work bestowed on the employee
than responsibility. is complete.
 In the end, authority and responsibility are two sides of a coin.
Responsibility comes hand in hand with authority. However, it is
important to bestow some responsibility to a subordinate to make sure
that the task is performed by him successfully.
 Greater authority comes with greater responsibility. The one who enjoys
authority with no responsibility can never accomplish work given to him
successfully. Therefore, it is important to ensure a balance between
authority and responsibility.
 Everyone in the organization has authority as well as a responsibility, but
the degree of both varies from the lower level to the upper level.

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