Line Organisation and Functional Organisation

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Line organisation is the basic framework for the whole

organisation. It represents a direct vertical relationship
through which authority flows. This is the simplest
and oldest type of organisation. Also known as
military or departmental organisation.

Functional organization is a type of organizational

structure that uses the principle of specialization based
on function or role.
 Line organisation  Functional organisation
functions with a is where the organisation
structure wherein direct is divided/segmented into
lines of authority flow smaller groups based on
from the top management specialised functional
and the lines of areas such as
responsibility flow in the production, finance and
opposite direction. marketing.
 Level of specialisation is  It is fully specialized form
low in line organisation of organization. It hires
since it follows scalar specialists and experts
chain and hence the for business operation.
decisions taken by line Specialists will guide
managers may affect the using his specialisation
organisation. and with the help of the
subordinates will try to
attain the specified
 Every worker is  The principle of unity of
accountable to one boss command is violated under
in the department under functional organisation
this type of organisation. since a worker or group of
workers may have to receive
In this manner it is in
order or orders from the
accordance with the
line supervisor as well as
principle of unity of the staff specialist which
command. may result in confusion
among the. Some staff may
impose direct orders to the
workers misleading them .
 Discipline is strictly  There is lack of
maintained in this type of discipline in functional
organisation. Singleness organizational structure.
of responsibilities Discipline among the
facilitates discipline in workers as well as lower
the organisation. The supervisory staff is
workers at the lower difficult to maintain as
levels will be more loyal they are required to work
and responsible to one under different bosses
single boss rather than to and this may hamper the
a number of bosses. progress of the
 It is suitable where scale  Functional organisation
of operations is limited or can be suitable for big
business is on small scale, machine-based or
scale basis, work is labour based enterprise.
simple and routine in The operations of the firm
nature, the labour need high degree of
management problems specialisation.
are not complex and can
be easily resolved, and
the workers are
 Duties and  Difficulty in fixing
responsibilities are responsibility because of
clearly defined for each multiple authority and it
individual with reference is very difficult for the top
to the work assigned to management to fix the
him. As a result responsibility of a
everybody knows to particular foreman. There
whom he is responsible arises a tendency for
and who are responsible shirking of responsibility.
to him. Nobody can avoid
 The main disadvantage of  The functional foremen
this system is that it have to carry out the
tends to overload the limited number of duties
existing executive with concerning their area of
too many responsibilities. work. This considerably
The work may not be reduces the burden of
performed effectively on work and makes possible
account of innumerable for the foreman to carry
tasks before the single out the work in the best
executive. possible manner.
 Under line organization,  Functional organisation
ultimate authority lies in offers a great scope for
the hands of top expansion of business
management and enterprise without any
departmental managers dislocation and loss of
or heads have little efficiency as each man
powers. This adversely grows on account of his
affects their initiative and own speciality.
enthusiasm to motivate
the subordinates working
under them.

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