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Evolution Chapter 16

• CH 16
• Evolution-change over time
• Darwin- father of evolution
• - H.M.S. Beagle in 1831 (22 years old)
• Darwin’s “On the origin of species”

• -species on earth are descendents of

ancestral spp. diff. than modern spp.

• natural selection– mechanism for

• Natural selection-pop’s change if
individuals w/certain traits leave
more offspring than others
• Darwin observed:
• -organisms are well suited to their

• -fossils that resembled living organisms &

some that didn’t look like anything ever seen

• -Galapagos Islands-diff climates b/w islands &

diff adaptations for tortoises, iguanas & birds
Each island different climate and ecosystems
• He had to wait to present his
ideas for awhile
• WHY?
• 16.2
• Ideas that shaped Darwin’s thoughts:
• Hutton & Lyell- said that geological
changes take a long, long, time!! (Darwin
had Principles of Geology w/him)
• Processes occurring now also did for all
of earth’s history
• If earth changes over time why not life?
• Lamarck-1st to notice species change
over time

• -organisms tend toward perfection

• -use & disuse
• -inheritance of acquired traits
• Malthus:

• If pop’s keep growing, pop’s run out of

space & food
• pop controlled by:
• War
• Famine
• disease
• 16.3
• Darwin shares his idea’s

• Wallace thought same idea’s

• Caused Darwin to publish

Artificial selection-nature
made variations we selected
what we wanted
• Evolution by natural selection:

• Struggle for existence-each spp

competes for food, space, living

• Survival of fittest-inherited char that ↑’s

an organism’s chance of survival
• Descent w/modification-natural selection
makes organism’s w/diff structures, diff
niches, habitats etc…

• Common descent-we are all related;

derived from an ancient spp
• Evidence for evolution
• 1. Fossils-everywhere
• 2. Geographic
distribution of living
• 3. Homologous body structures-structures
w/diff mature forms but develop from same
embryonic tissue
Different in diff animals but basically the
same structure w/ modifications.
• Analgous structures- have same function but
are not the same in structure (not evidence
for evolution)
• 4. Comparative embryology
• 5. Vestigial organs-organ w/no useful
• 6. Molecular evidence (DNA)**most accurate
in support of evolution
• Evolution: How Do We Know Evolution
• Summary of Darwin’s theory
• Organism’s differ, some of this variation is

• Organism’s make more offspring than

survive, & many that survive don’t

• b/c more are made that survive,

competition occurs
• Organisms best suited to the
environment survive & reproduce the
best; this (natural selection) causes spp
to change over time

• Spp alive today are descended

w/modification from ancestral spp
• Fossils of ancient whales show that they
had legs & walked on land at one time.
Evidence also shows that they were likely
related to wolves. What does this tell

• It is likely that whales & wolves shared a

common ancestor a long time ago
• Explain why antibiotic resistant
bacteria survive and how
populations change in response to
this advantage

• Why does this become a problem so

fast in bacterial populations?
• How does DNA tell you which 2 species are
most closely related?

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