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Submitted byAbhinav Singh 0719310004

Cognition And Perception

Introduction. Background. Definition. Types. Perception in organisation.


Perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.

The word "perception" comes from the Latin words perceptio, percipio, and means "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mind or senses."


Cognition is the scientific term for "the process of thought. it usually refers to an information processing view of an individual's psychological functions.

Types of perception

Two types :1. Phenomenal refers to any occurrence that is observable and physical. 2. Psychological- this kind of perception involves mind.

Cognition as a process
refers to a faculty for 1.the processing of information, 2.applying knowledge, 3.and changing preferences.

Types of cognition
Cognition, or cognitive processes, can be natural or artificial, conscious or unconscious.

The perception process

1. feedback about ourselves and others 2.not always based on true picture of reality 3. we behave as though our perceptions are real

Defining perceptions in and of organisations


Temporary descriptions of individuals or groups often related to traits or characteristics Examples: legitimacy, trustworthiness, creativity, fairness Enduring categorizations of individuals or organizations related to central and distinctive qualities May be personal or social Examples: artistic, friendly, top-tier, international Enduring descriptions of individuals or organizations related to traits or characteristics, sometimes categorizations related to rank or status. Examples: high-quality, risk-averse, emotional



Why Study Perception in Organizations

motivate and constrain behavior identities motivate affirming behavior image define what not to do maintaining reputations sets long-term strategy create and limit opportunities - identities tell us what is acceptable images allow us to engage in controversial acts reputations provide rewards

Why Study Perception in Organizations

affect learning - identities focus attention - images define who has authority - reputational maintenance defines what we learn

Model Human Processor

Human analog of a microprocessor fits much of the experimental data simulate interaction, produce design guidelines Humans as information processors inspired by information theory (channels, capacities, limits) stark departure from SR theory

Attributes to perception

1. raw data -the information we experience 2. mental process - is unseen but affected by things 3.the end product our perception , sensing or interpretation of our experience

A Few Properties

Constancy perception of objects remains despite changes in retinal image e.g., size and shape Abstraction translate raw signals into higher-level symbols

Cognitive System

Solves problems, makes decisions, allocates resources, schedules actions

Cognitive System Principles

Uncertainty Principle decision time increases with level of uncertainty Variable Rate Principle: cycle time is shorter for increased task demands

Cognition And Perception

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