DD Tut 12

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Digital Design

First Semester 2022-2023

Tutorial : 12
Registers and counters
Q1. A serial decrementer block with a 4-bit shift register is shown in the figure
below. 4-bit shift register is initially loaded with a binary value (say M) other than
0000. Design the serial decrementer circuit (as Mealy sequential Circuit) using
only one JK Flip-flop (which has both Q and Q’ outputs) and one logic gate,
such that after 4 clock cycles the shift register contains binary value equal to M-1.
(e.g., If shift register contains 1101 initially then after 4 clock cycles the shift
register should contain 1100)
Q2. Modify the circuit diagram of a 4-bit twisted ring counter such that it skips the 1111
state. Draw the modified circuit.
Q3. Design a three-bit arbitrary sequence counter which counts in the following
Using D FFs and gates

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