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Music and Lyrics (2007)

Verb Master by Verb Master, Oct 8, 2018

POP! Goes My Heart
I never thought that I could be so satisfied
Every time that I look in your angel eyes
想不到人生會這麼爽 每次凝視妳天使般的眼眸
A shock inside me that words just can't describe
And there's no explaining
言語無法形容我心中的震撼 完全無法解釋
POP! Goes My Heart
Something in the way you move I can't deny
Every word from your lips is a lullaby
妳的一舉一動都讓我凍未條 妳的一字一句都讓我醉茫茫
A twist of fate makes life worthwhile
You are gold and silver
命運的曲折讓此生活得有價值 妳是我的金山銀海
POP! Goes My Heart
I said I wasn‘t gonna lose my head But then pop! Goes my heart
說自己不會失去理智 才說完 爆 ( 心臟 ) ! 我意亂情迷 ( 心臟沒了 )
I wasn't gonna fall in love again But then pop! Goes my heart
本以為不會再有愛情 才說完 爆! 我意亂情迷
And I just can‘t let you go I can't lose this feeling
我不能放開妳 不能失去這種感覺
POP! Goes My Heart
These precious moments we have so few
Let‘s go far away Where there's nothing to do but play
珍貴的相聚時光如此短暫 讓我們遠走高飛 去一個逍遙自在的地方
You've shown to me that my destiny's with you
And there's no explaining
妳讓我明白緣定此生 完全無法解釋
Phrase & Idiom
deny oneself something 節制,克制
 Refrain from satisfying oneself.
There was no way that I
was going to deny myself
ice cream.
lose one's head 【口語】失去理智;情緒失控
 to lose control and not act in a calm way
He usually stays quite calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head.
(there) goes something 【口語】沒了,輸了,失敗了,失去了
 used for expressing disappointment that something has failed, has been lost, or
has been destroyed
Well, there goes any hope that he'll call me again.
twist 複雜的形勢;複雜的行動計劃
 a complicated situation or plan of action
the twists and turns of fate
It has proved very difficult to unravel the twists and turns and contradictions
of the evidence.

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