Presentation 1

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By Arabella Hall
Idea Generation.

Initial words:


It was extremely useful to

initiate imagination to have
ideas start to flow more and
I picked three base words then did
focus groups to develop and create
some base ideas.
Butterfly Effect. This then branched off into
other ideas as I did another
focus group on this word

I then branched out into a

rough potential idea of a film
showing the strength of the
Butterfly Effect.

One of the ideas that I liked from the first focus group was the Butterfly Effect.
Seven Deadly Sins.

Another idea that came from the first

focus group was The Seven Deadly

My rough idea from this was to do a short film that includes all slight I did really like this idea it was initially
aspects of each of the sins and ending up with wrath and murder. one of my favourites. I feel it could be
perfect for a specific target audience
Final rough idea outline.
The idea was to have two main characters go travelling together for fun.
After doing some more focus This then led to the idea of them falling into something that they didn’t intend too.
groups I came to the conclusion
of the main focus being
Potential Issues. I will be researching locations and have
access to a car that can help get from
location to location.

Some of the issues I thought of in

- Locations
- Actor timetables
- Equipment
- Camera movements and angles
- Colouring
Challenges I want to focus on. - Tones
- Cut lengths
- Editing
I have done a lot of recent research on Cinematography due to my interest in it,
I did my essay on it and want to improve to the best of my ability in this aspect of film.
This is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Why I should produce this production.

I want to entertain my audience. I like the idea behind films with a sense of
relatability and a big aspect of shock that can keep people on edge. As well as having
aspects of comedic relief through humor. Over all having a heartfelt message at the end.
Over all;

I will producing a short film based on two best friends who decide to go on a road
trip together and come across a large amount of money in a supermarket. This
leads to them being followed and having to go through a lot of challenges together
even though they never intended to get tied into this situation.


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