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The Concept of Public Administration

02 Importance of Public Administration

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Read the following news articles
1. Without a government for a year, Belgium shows what happens to politics without politicians. Retrieved from
2. Kerajaan boleh berubah, perkhidmatan awam kekal Retrieved from 
3. Malaysiakini > Kerajaan datang dan pergi, perkhidmatan awam kekal, Retrieved from
4. The King & The King Servant
Why do we need The term PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION need to
be defined, because:
to define each and 1. Public Administration concepts and
terminologies are not static and do not
every terms? – apply in a uniform way in all places and
including the term 2. Public Administration, through its nature, is
different from private or business
PUBLIC administration.
3. to establish the general boundaries and to
ADMINISTRATION express the main concept of discipline and
practices of public administration,
4. To place the concept in a large political,
economical and social context,
5. To provide a common understanding.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION known with various

The bureaucracy (birokrasi) / Public

DIFFERENT bureaucracy (birokrasi awam)

NAME The Old Public Administration

(Pentadbiran Awam Lama / Tradisional )

Government organization / social

organization / Government

Public Administration / Public Management /

Public Service

(Ahmad Atory, 2001; Lynn, 2006; Nhema, 2016; Norma Mansor & Raja Norliza, 2015)
• Public Administration could be defined based on TWO (2) views;
(i) Subject Matter View, and (ii) Professional and Practices View

Matter • PA as a field of study emerged in the
View 1880s (general & mostly acceptable view)
• refers to the disciplined / the study of the
public sector / public service / government
/ public
• body of knowledge pertaining to the
operational processes of the government;

(Hughes, 2003; Marini, 2000 in Leonina-Emilia& Ioan

(2010; Shafritz, Russell & Barick 2015)
PA Professional and Practices View

MEANS to serve; to manage

to care for or to look after people, to

manage affairs

Latin Origin
Read as ‘ad’
to lead, direct or lend a helping hand
and ‘ministrate’

To Govern
From ‘ad’ and ‘ministrate’
Leonina-Emilia & Ioan (2010)
1. In the Romanian dictionary, administration
refers to the activity of administrating,
leading, directing, as well as to the total of
administrative organs in a country or section
Hughes 2003 The Oxford of an institution encharged with
Dictionary defines administrating that institution.
administration as: ‘an act of
2. The Ilustrative Oxford Dictionary defines
administering’, which is then
‘to manage the affairs of’ or administration as business management,
‘to direct or superintend the public affairs management, governing.
execution, use or conduct 3. In the Public Administration Dictionary
of’, (Fox & Meyer, 1996) is shown that
administration involves performing activities
by persons in charged with common
objectives. Some authors believe that
administration means public affairs

Woodrow Wilson Simon - “By Public Marshall E. Dimock -

“Public Administration is Administration is “Administration is
a detailed and systematic meant the activities of concerned with ‘what’ and
application of law.” ‘How’ of the government.
the executive branches
The what is the subject
of the national, state, &
matter, the technical
local governments.” knowledge of a field which
enables the administrator
Leornard. D. White “Public to perform his tasks. The
Waldo - “Public Administration consists of all ‘How’ is the technique of
Adminitration is the art and those operations having for management according to
science of management as their purpose the fulfillment of which co-operative
applied to the affairs of the programmes are carried to
public policy as declared by
state.” success.”

concerned with the organization use of managerial, political

and legal theories and
of government policies and processes to fulfil legislative, The aggregate machinery (policies,
programmes as well as the executive and judicial rules, procedures, systems,
behaviour of officials (usually non- mandates for the provision of organizational structures, personnel
government regulatory and and so forth) funded by the State
elected) formally responsible for
service functions. budget and in charge of the
their conduct. management and direction of the
Luther Gulick, "public affairs of the executive government
all processes, Administration is that part of the
The management and implementation
organizations and science of administration, which
of the whole set of government
individuals (the latter has to do with government and activities dealing with the
acting in official positions thus concerns itself primarily with implementation of laws, regulations
and roles) associated with the executive branch where the and decisions of the Government and
carrying out laws and work of government is done, the management related to the
other rules adopted or though there are obviously provision of public services.
issued by legislatures, problems in connection with the
executives and courts legislative and judicial branches

United Nations Economic and Social Council 2006


Government has the function for PA

In number of cases PA depends on government

PA: the main thrust of government activities.

activities of the government are commonly divided

02 into three major branches, namely, Legislative
(Perundangan), Executive (Eksekutif) and
Judicial (Kehakiman)
Legislative make laws
Executive enforces the laws
Judicial interpret laws
Ahmad Atory 2001; Hilling, 1966; Leonina & Ioan 2010; Wang Xiangdong 2005
University of Rhuna Sri Lanka, n.d

Source: Hoffman, S. (2014). Government Information 101: Part 1, U.S. Gov Basics. Retrieved from

Retrieved from


Asian Urban Information Center of Kobe. (2003). Retrieved from
Public / community / people / citizens /
The public and public administration are inseparable. Public refers to
something that has to do with general, common and national interest.

‘the public’ in the term ‘public administration’ itself,

derives from the fact that decisions are made by a
public body, namely by governments and the many
constitutive institutions that we know as the state,
whose actions have the force of law.

the motivation of the individual public servant was

Add Skills – 70%
assumed to be that of the public interest; in that service
to the public was provided selflessly.lls – 80%

Hughes 2003 , Maddison & Denniss, 2009; Sapru, 2011;

University Of Pretoria, n.d.; Skills – 90%
Functions and Role of Public Administration

1. the basis of government.

2. an instrument for executing laws, programmes (policies) of the state.
3. a stabilising force in the society as it provides continuity.
4. instrument of national integration.
5. delivering public goods and services (ie services like safety, utilities) to all without bias
6. maintaining public order, social security, welfare and economic infrastructure and
enforcement of contractual
7. treating all public equally.
of PA

• Public Administration as a discipline is not very old and it is only a hundred years. During these
years Public Administration has passed through several phases of development. We can
broadly divide the history of Public Administration into the following five periods:-
• Period I 1887 – 1926
• Period II 1927 - 1937
• Period III 1938 - 1947
• Period IV 1948 - 1970
• Period V 1971 - continuing

• Phase 1 - Woodrow Wilson’s “The Study of Administration” was the first to

present the demand for separation (Politics Administration Dichotomy) between
politics and administration. The scholars of this phase have practiced more on the
(Locus) basis of public administration. The bureaucratic institution of the
government is the mainstay of public administration.
• Phase 2 - In this phase of the evolution of public administration, discussions on
public administration have been tried as scientific discussions since this time. It is
thought that there are a number of scientific principles in the discussion of public
administration that need to be disclosed.
• Phase 3 - In this phase of the evolution of public administration, basically, the
theoretical concept of public administration is challenged from two perspectives.
• Phase 4 - Administrative theorists of this time recognized the
relationship of public administration with politics. As a result,
public administration became dependent on political science. In
this situation, there is confusion about what is the discussion
area of public administration.
• Phase 5 - During this time, the context of politics has gained
special importance in the discussion of public administration.
Accusing the conflict between politics and administration as
narrow and self-serving, the new writers have identified
administration as a problem of political theory. This was mainly
in the United States and Europe.

 The traditional model of public administration rests in important ways on the

articulation by Max Weber of the nature of bureaucracy.
 Weber emphasized control from top to bottom in the form of monocratic hierarchy,
that is, a system of control in which policy is set at the top and
 carried out through a series of offices, with each manager and worker reporting to
one superior
 and held to account by that person.
 The bureaucratic system is based on a set of rules and regulations flowing from
public law; the system of control is rational and legal.
 The role of the bureaucrat is strictly subordinate to the political superior.

• Development Administration (DA) as a field of study

emerged in 1950s and 1960s with the third world
countries as the focal point. The term “third world”
may be attributed to the French demographer and
economic historian Alfred Sauvy, who at the height of
the Cold War in 1952, used the term to distinguish
developing countries outside the two power blocs;
namely, the First World and the Second World
respectively. (Chilcote 1984)

 Development Administration is about projects, programs,

policies and ideas which are focused at development of a
nation, with the point of view of socio-economic and socio-
political development of society in general, carried out by
talented and skilled bureaucrats.
 For effective Development Administration the structure of
Administration itself must be empowered, large and capable
enough to sustain the pressures by the developmental
In simpler words it means to develop administrative health
by rationalizing and institution building and bringing about a

• In essence the objective of Administrative development can be summarized

 Building decision making capabilities.
 Development of skill and specialization to tackle complex issues in the
 Giving importance to training, effective use of technology to bring about
change in Administrative approach.
 Increasing administrative capacity, capabilities, removing corruption and
bringing in more accountability.
 Creating leaders out of bureaucrats for promotion of development

The term new public administration simply means that there was a public
administration which was old. Literally this is correct. But the fact is that with
the change of all the major and minor aspects of society the administration
of society has undergone changes, because the public administration is to
cope with the changes. Otherwise it cannot meet the basic necessities of
Whatever may the form of government be, there must exist an admin­
istration. This is fundamental notion and from this comes the notion of new
public administration
The public administration of pre-1960s was primarily concerned with the
budgeting, efficiency, decision-making and the implementation of decisions.
But the events of post-Second World War threw a challenge to these basic
concepts or aspects of public administration.
• The term “New Public Administration” or New PA may have emerged
from the Minnowbrook Conference in 1968 in Syracuse University. The
conference was the brainchild and inspiration of Dwight Waldo who
brought together young public administrators and scholars to discuss
important issues and varying perspectives on public administration. The
conference created a hullabaloo.
• New PA then called for client-oriented administration, non-bureaucratic
structures, participatory decision-making, decentralized administration
and advocate-administrators. (Frederickson 1971; Nigro and Nigro
1989) With the above contentions, it can be said that the theme of New
PA is “change” and the challenge is for the public administrators is their
capacity to accept change

• In the 1980s and early 90s, as if there was a

collective assault on the organization questioning
conventional and traditional ways of doing things –
both in the private and public sectors -various
strategies and modalities underscoring the imperative
for fundamental internal and external reform in the
organization emerged. They ranged from being more
“client” or “customer” oriented, to the decentralization
of authority to being more “business oriented”
especially for those in government.
• The new public management (NPM) movement was apparently
practiced by the European countries in the late 1907s and
1980s but was essentially launched several luminaries such as
Christopher Hood (1991), Christopher Pollitt (1990), and
Michael Barzeley (1992), among others in early 90s. Similar
movements such as reinventing government and reengineering
also emerged around the same time. This section introduces
NPM, reinventing government and reengineering government.
When did these ideas emerge? What were their key features?
And were these really more of the same?
• The best example of the NPM practice can be seen in
New Zealand’s administrative reforms. Their
government privatized substantial public functions,
redeveloped their personnel system in order to be
more performance-oriented, instituted new processes
of productivity measures, and reengineered
departmental systems to reflect government’s
commitment. (Boston 1996; as cited in Denhardt
2004: 136-137)

Public Administration as an Organisation
What is Theory?
Classical Theories of Public Administration
• Theory of bureucracy – Max Weber & Woodrow Wilson
• Scientific Management – Frederick Taylor; Luther Gullick, Henry Fayol
Human Relations Movement
• Herbert Simon, Mary Parker Follet, The Hawthorn Study, Maslow
Hierrachical Needs, Theory X and Theory Y
Contemporary Theories of Public Administration
• New Public Management;
• New Public Service.
• Good Governance
The concept of organization and theory

Organization: a group of people who work

together to pursue a goal. They use resources
and technologies to achieve effective
performance of their goals. Uncertainties and
risks manage by organizing activities, leadership
process, and structures (Rainey, 2009; p. 20-21)

Theory use to understand how Public

Administration as an organisation could be
efficiently operate to fulfil various demands for
Public Administration
Example: just, equity, equality, efficient and
effective public service, strengthen the socio-
economic condition, controlling people behaviour,
minimising health risk (ie COVID-19), security of the
people from any threat, to protect sovereignty of the
country etc
What is Theory?
• derived from Latin word theoria and the Greek word theoro
• theory for scientific study is a frame of reference; or in easy word
refers as contemplation, speculation, hypothesis and sight thoughts,
conjectures or ideas; an abstracted generalization or a kind of
shorthand that may be used as a fact; a summary statement providing
an explanation of a phenomenon or range of phenomena that co-
varies under particular conditions.
• Teori dalam kajian saintifik merujuk kepada satu kerangka sistematik
atau dalam bahasa mudah jangkaan, andaian, idea, spekulasi yang
digunakan sebagai fakta, atau membuat kesimpulan terhadap mana-
mana fenomena

(Marume, Jubenkanda, Namusi & Madziyire, 2016; Thornhill & van Dijk, 2010)
The Necessity For Theory In
Public Administration
• to understand on Public Administration as an efficient organization.
• to appreciate the significance, purpose, means and ends of Public
Administration in the social system.
• To strengthen Public Adminbistration. Relatively a new field of study,
being only 100+ years in existence, and still in the same state of
change, chaos and confusion about the modern administrative world,
• need for wider knowledge of administrative phenomena
• to develop a reasonably coherent conceptual system for classifying of
data, that will make it possible to deal with universals & realities
• to find the truth in Public Administration
• to develop a theory

(Marume, Jubenkanda, Namusi & Madziyire, 2016)


Classical theories (1887-1926)

 labelled by Herbert Simon as the ideas and contributions of end of the 19th century
and early 20th century.
 PA is a science as a Science / scientific = specific process, systematic process,
construct or principles, a concept with specific values for PA to be efficient and
separate from politics
 Could be divided into two categories: (A) bureaucratic approach, and (B) scientific
1.1 Theory of Bureaucracy – (a) Max Weber & (b) Woodrow Wilson
promoting the one best way of performing a task : Scholars:
1.2 Frederick W. Taylor Scientific Management
1.3 Luther Gulick (POSDCORB (the 7 Principles of Management)
1.4 Henry Fayol (The 14 Management Principles)
Theory of Bureaucracy-Max Weber 45

 Max Weber  Introduced the concept of ideal bureaucracy-

(1864-1920) (birokrasi ideal)
 German scholar to
make a systematic  Bureaucracy = organisation (ideal organisation)
analysis on  The idea of ideal bureaucracy is widely adopted
by most countries.
 According to Weber, the ideal bureaucracy work
on several principles: (birokrasi yang ideal
berfungsi dengan beberapa prinsip)
Principles of Bureaucracy
1. managers formal authority > managers formal authority; is the power to
hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning
the use of organizational resources
2. Rules, regulation standard operating procedures for unity of command /
create norms / to effectively control behaviour within an organization
3. hierarchical system > whom to report to and who reports to them
4. designated tasks and authority associated with various positions in the
organization should be clearly specified for managers and workers to know
what is expected of them
5. Appointment and Promotion Base on Competency not Base on
Sentiment > appointed on the basis of professional qualifications
2. Theory of Bureaucracy- Woodrow Wilson

• Expanded Weber’s the idea of bureaucracy – In 1887

produced an essay, "The Study of Administration”
which introduced the politics-administration
dichotomy (separation).
• In Wilson’s words, public administration is "the detailed
and systematic execution of public law" and he believes
there should be a strict separation of politics from
administration because administration lies outside politics
and administrative
Photo: Woodrow Wilson • eliminate the arbitrariness and corruption in the
1. the 28th president of the
United States from 1913 to administration (elak pertimbangan ikut kehendak hati &
1921. rasuah)
2. A member of the Democratic
Party, • Critique: there has not been completed and clear separation
between politics and administration. These days both
elements are overlapping and works together to achieve
various PA goals

the one best way of performing a task > seek to answer on how a task situation
can be structured to get the highest production from workers.
(cara terbaik untuk menyempurnakan kerja)


1. a science for each element of a man's work, which
replaces the old rule-of-thumb method.
2. scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the
workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work
and trained himself as best he could.
3. heartily cooperate with the men so as to ensure all of the
 Born into a wealthy work being done in accordance with the principles of the
family in the US in 1856 science which has been developed
 Taylor collected his
4. almost equal division of the work and the responsibility
ideas in the article
titled “The Principles of between the management and the workmen/
Scientific Management” workwomen. The management take over all work for
published in 1911 which they are better fitted than the workmen/
workwomen, while in the past almost all of the work and
the greater part of the responsibility were thrown upon
the men.
4. Luther Gulick : POSDCORB
(the 7 Principles of Management)
• Provide view on keeping organization
efficiency and increased productivity.
• Originally derived from an essay entitled
“Notes on the Theory of Organization written
by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick
published in collection “The papers on the
Science of Administration (1937)
• Invented the famous mnemonic POSDCORB to
explain the key responsibilities of a public
Luther Gulick : POSDCORB
P (the
Planning (perancangan) : Working 7 Principles
out the of Management)
board outline the things that need to be done and the
methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose which is set for the enterprise.

O Organising (pengorganisasian) formal structure of authority through which work

subdivisions are arranged, defined and coordinated for the defined objective of
the organization

S Staffing (penstaffan): function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining
favorable conditions of work. Both qualitative and quantitative
D Directing (arahan): The continuous task of making decisions and embodying
them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader
of the enterprise

Co Coordinating (koordinasi): Interrelating the various entities and processes of the

R Reporting: Keeping those to whom the executive is responsible as well as
subordinates informed through records, research and inspections
B Budgetting: budgeting in the form of planning to ensure sources of income,
accounting and control on expenditures
(Agrawal & Vashistha, 2013; Marijani, 2018)
5. HENRY FAYOL: 14 principles of general management

• Developed a set of 14 principles concerning the structuring

of organisations. These are:
1. Division of work (pembahagian tugas)
2. Authority (kuasa)
3. Discipline (disiplin)
4. Unity of command (punca arahan)
Published a book Administration 5. Unity of direction (objektif/matlamat)
Industrielle et Generale (1917),
6. Scalar chain (punca kuasa)
7. Centralisation (pemusatan)
8. Order
9. Equity (kesaksamaan)
10. Remuneration (duit/ganjaran kebendaan)
11. Subordination of individual interests to general interests
(kehendak individu VS matlamat organisasi)
12. Stability of tenure and job security (perjawatan)
13. Initiative (inisiatif pekerja)

Also refers as neo-classical
(Inclusion of behavioral sciences(human behavior) into Public
1. Herbert Simon
• Produced a book ‘Administrative Behavior’, Herbert
Proposed the concepts of:
i) bounded rationality and (ii) satisficing > both are
the social and behavioral sciences concepts
introduced to strengthen Public Administration as a
scientific field of study.
• Bounded Rationality (Rational behaviour made decision
rationally. Have ALL information in hands.
• Satisficing Bounded Rationality (constrains faced by
administrator in making decision to make decision) –
Administrator normally do not access ALL information to
make decision
Rationality requires a complete knowledge and anticipation of the consequences
that will follow on each choice. In fact, knowledge of consequences is always

(Mintrom, 2015; Nor Azizah, 2005)

Mary Parker Follett
• believed that management was "the art of
getting things done through people.“
• Introduced the concept the law of situation
rather than positional authority.
• Orders are given because they are
demanded by the logic of the situation
incorporating input from those with
expertise in the area
• for subordinate to accept the order given
to them the situation must be conducive

(Feldheim, 2004)
The Hawthorne Study

Hawthorne experiments sought to determine

the motivating factors behind success and
productivity in the work place. Found that
employee were motivated not only by physical
factors (ie surroundings, salary) but also by
the human aspects of their work.
(motivasi pekerja dikaitkan dengan aspek
kemanusian, tidak sekadar wang, dan

Student will watch video on Hawthorne Study:

Video link:
The Hawthorne Study

 Based on series of experiments, found that

the basic principles of human relations are
as follows:
1. workers are social being, therefore must
be understood as people
2. work is a group activity.
3. the importance of recognition, security,
and sense of belonging
4. non-economic incentive (social rewards)
versus economic incentive (money)
5. informal group within formal organisation
has potential in controlling employee
habits and attitudes
6. consultation considered as the most
effective supervision style
Maslow Hierarchical Needs

What If Maslow Was Wrong?

What happens when
refugees tell us — 
directly and
repeatedly — that
finding meaning in
life is equally or more
important than
finding food that

The Syrian Page, 2012. Retrieved from


Theory X & Theory Y


• known with various names: the post-bureaucratic paradigm,
entrepreneurial government, and reinventing government
• Introduced for enhancing the effectiveness of the sector in
fulfilling and satisfying the needs of the state, public, and
• Firmly disagree with old Public Administration (highly use of
rules and regulations to govern a country). Believe on higher
education degree of flexibility
• Led to the adoption of economic and market in Public
• Which later brought into business and corporate principles in
Public Administration
(Sharifuzah, 2019; UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, 2015)

• Adoption of ‘techniques’ of
business administration and
business ‘values’, which include
the values of competition, a
preference for market
mechanisms as a means of social
choice, and respect for the To improve the
entrepreneurial spirit in public efficiency and
administration effectiveness of
products and
• to move from rules of thumb, services provided
customs and traditions, and ad by public
hoc approaches to business

• cluster of contemporary ideas and

practices that seek the use
private sector and business
approaches in the public sector
(Denhardt & Denhardt, 2007; Frederickson et al 2012; Xu, Sun & Si, 2015)
9 Performance Culture / Result-

Importance elements in
1 Budget Cuts
Based Management /
2 Downsizing Management By Result/
3 Privatization Accountability /
4 Incorporatisation / 10 Strategic Plan
11 Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
5 Autonomous Agencies /
The Creation of “Arms 12 Quality Culture
length” Executive Agencies
13 Customer
6 Contracting-Out 14 User charges
7 promotion of competition 15 More use of information
in the technology
effective delivery of public
services 16 Personnel management
8 Decentralization / 17 Commercialization
Delegation of autonomy /
Empowerment 18 Corporate governance structure
Let Manager Manage
(Sharifuzah, andGlobal
2019; Xu, Sun & Si 2015; UNDP transparent
Centre formanner.
Public Service Excellence, 2015)
New Public Service (NPS)

(Perkhidmatan Awam Baharu)

• Approaches do not yet form a coherent
paradigm and they have different frames of
• Emphasize on the role of PA focus of on
citizens, community and civil society.
• Public Servants are to assist / to help people
to articulate and meet their needs rather than
to control or steer society (Denhardt &
Denhardt, 2000)
• Citizens look beyond narrow self-interest to
the wider public interest and the role of public
officials is to facilitate opportunities for
strengthening citizen engagement in finding
solutions to societal problems.

(UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, 2015)


(UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, 2015)

Good Governance
( Ta d b i r U r u s B a i k )
• to fulfil various political means to be transparent, equitable,
• Good governance has EIGHT (8) major characteristics: (1)
participatory, (2) consensus oriented, (3) accountable, (4)
transparent, (5) responsive, (6) effective and efficient, (7)
equitable and inclusive and (8) follows the rule of law.
• Public Administration as an organization with minimal taken
into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in
society are heard in decision-making; responsive to the
present and future needs of society. inclusive

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

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