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Future trends

By James Reid
Cloud computing

Cloud computing is on-demand access, via the internet,

to computing resources applications, servers physical
servers and virtual servers, data storage, development
tools, networking capabilities, and more hosted at a
remote data center managed by a cloud services provider
This will affect business because of having to have all
your data on physical copies it can be on the cloud
allowing for better data management and easier access
The advantages I see is easier data management and
easier access however the disadvantage is it has to be
accessed via internet so if you have no or slow WIFI it can
negatively affect you

Virtualization uses software to create an abstraction

layer over computer hardware that allows the
hardware elements of a single computer processors,
memory, storage and more to be divided into
multiple virtual computers, commonly called virtual
This will affect businesses by making sure hardware
is only being used when needed
The advantages I see is you only need to use the vm
when you need it instead of a whole computer, the
disadvantages I see is sometimes its easier to use
have the whole computer right there
Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a computer-based system

that uses software, screens on each eye, and
interactive controls to allow a person to enter
a virtual, digital world.
It can be used in business to conduct meeting
and show project plans right in front of you
The advantages are it can be a very helpful
and cool tool, however the headsets can be
quite heavy and expensive
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that

superimposes a computer-generated image
on a user's view of the real world, thus
providing a composite view.
It can be used in businesses to show project
plans and writing on a real world surface
The pros are it can replace a lot of physical
props, however the technology isn’t the
greatest at the moment
Mobile Computing is a technology that
allows transmission of data, voice and
video via a computer or any other wireless
enabled device without having to be
connected to a fixed physical link.
This can help businesses by using
communicating easier
The advantages is that communicating over
long distances will be easier but, internet
can be a big factor whether its good or not

Robotic process automation uses intelligent automation

technologies to perform repetitive office tasks of human
This can be used in business to make slow reppeative tasks
usally done by human works much faster and not cause
emotional drain on workers
The advantages are boring and slow tasks can be done much
faster by robots with little to none error, however it puts lots
of people out of jobs
Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics refers to the methods,

tools, and applications used to collect,
process, and derive insights from varied, high-
volume, high-velocity data sets.
Big Data Analytics are good in businesses
because they can solve through data sets that
are way too big for a normal data solver
The advantages are that they can solve
through huge data sets at record speeds. I
don’t really see any disadvantages for this
Driverless Cars

A self-driving is a vehicle that uses a

combination of sensors, cameras, radar and
artificial intelligence to travel between
destinations without a human operator.
They are very beneficial to people and
businesses because it can allow easy and
cheaper transportation.
The advantages are they can drive for way
longer than a human and are much cheaper,
however they can put many people out of a
Internet of Things

The Internet of things describes physical objects with sensors,

processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect
and exchange data with other devices and systems over the
Internet or other communications networks.
Companies can use the internet of things to easier send and
receive data.
The advantages are that you can send and receive data fairly easily
however it depends on your internet connection
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by

machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence
displayed by animals and humans.
Buisnesses can use ai to do countless things
The advantages I see is an ai can learn to solve tasks
and do other things. I don’t see any disadvantages for
3D Printing

3D printing, also called additive manufacturing, is a family of

processes that produces objects by adding material in layers that
correspond to successive cross-sections of a 3D model.
Businesses can use 3d printing to create models for a variety of
The advantages are its very cheap, the only downsides I see is that
It can take a while to create things and they can be quite fragile

A drone is an unmanned aircraft. Drones are more formally known

as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems.
Businesses can use drones for surveillance and even receiving and
dropping off packages
The advantages of drones are they are lightweight and don’t even
run off of gas, the disadvantages I see is they can break pretty
easily and could get stolen
New technology
Bionic lenses
The would be a contact lens with computer parts
in them. They could allow you to do a variety of
things just with your eye.

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