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Open Source Technology

Open Source Software

The term is used to describe computer
software and products that can be adapted
and implemented for free, giving full
access to the source code for anyone to
use and modify.
This is in stark contrast to commercial
software (or closed source software),
where the source code is protected by
History of Open Source Software
 The story of open source development started long before
Richard Stallman created the Free Software movement.
 In the 50's and 60's almost all the software that existed was
mostly produced by research institutes.
 Software was not seen as a product. In those times, computer
companies were in the hardware business; and software was
made freely available to encourage hardware sales.
 The source code was distributed with the software because
users often had to change the code to fix bugs or add new
features to support hardware issues.
 During this time software was developed and distributed by
communities of user groups and no effort was needed to make
it freely available.
Things started to change in the early 1970's when
operating systems and compilers began to grow
very fast, with the emergence of micro-
For almost a decade until the early 1980's
computer vendors and software companies began
to routinely charge for software licenses, and sell
software as a product imposing legal restrictions
on new software developments through
copyrights, trademarks, and leasing contracts.
 At that time two different groups, both in United
States, were establishing the roots of the current open
source software (OSS) philosophy.
 In the East coast, a programmer at the MIT Artificial
Intelligence Lab launched the GNU Project and the
Free Software Foundation, his name was Richard
 On the West coast, the Computer Science Research
Group (CSRG) of the University of California at
Berkeley were improving the UNIX system, and
started to build lots of applications which quickly
became known as “BSD UNIX”.
One of the most important events in open
source development happened in 1994 when
Robert McCool developed the Apache HTTP
This Web server played a key role in the
development of the World Wide Web, and it
was the first open source alternative to the
Netscape Web server. Today, more than 100
million Web sites use Apache as their Web
server of choice.
The Cathedral and the Bazaar(CatB)
These are the two different free
software development models:
◦ The cathedral is a centralized effort. A defined
group of developers (or even only a single one) is
developing the software. Nobody else is involved
and ideas or patches from the outside will be
ignored. Usually proprietary software is
developed that way.
◦ The Bazaar makes the development open. Many
people are tinkering with the source code without
central control.
Commercial Software vs. OSS
Sr. Open Source Software Commercial Software
1 Open source software is Commercial software is the
the computer software computer software where
developed either by an only the person, team, or
individual, group or an organization that created it
organization to meet can modify also they have
certain requirements and exclusive right over the
it is available openly for software. Anyone needs to
general public for any use it has to pay for it valid
modifications and authorized license.
2 The cost of open source The cost of commercial
software is free. software varies from
moderate to expensive.
3 Open source provides Commercial software
limited technical support. provides guaranteed
technical support.
4 Open source software is Commercial software is
available under free available under high
licensing. licensing cost.
5 In open source software In commercial software
installation and updates are installation and updates are
administered by the user. administered by the
software vendor.
6 The source of funds of open The source of fond of
source software mainly commercial software
depends on donations and depends on its software
support. sale / product licensing.
7 Firefox, OpenOffice, VCL Windows Operating
media player, Thunderbird System, MS Office, SAP,
are some examples of open Oracle, Adobe Photoshop
source software. are some examples of
commercial software.
Free software vs. Freeware
Topic Free Software Freeware
About Free software Freeware refers to
is software that can be software that anyone can
used, studied, and download from the
modified without Internet and use for free.
restriction, and which
can be copied and
redistributed in
modified or unmodified
form either without
Inception 1983 by Richard The term freeware was first
Stallmanto satisfy the used by Andrew
need for and to give the Fluegelman in 1982, when
benefit of "software he wanted to sell a
freedom" to computer communications program
users. named PC-Talk.
Features All the features are free. All the features are free.

Distributi Programs can be Freeware programs can be

on distributed free of cost. distributed free of cost.
Example Mozilla Firefox, vim, Adobe PDF, Google Talk,
GNU yahoo messenger, MSN
Coreutils, Linux kernel messenger
Open source development model
 Requirements: The needs and features requested by the client in
the particular product to utilize their organizational needs to the
best of purpose.

 Design: Again, the basic agenda after knowing the client requires to

prepare a design in which development will take place along with
the successful integration factor keeping in mind.

 Implementation: The phase where the design is implemented or

we can generalize this term also the CODING PHASE.

 Test/Integration: Once Developed, the code or the product is

integrated and tested with various tools to provide the user with a
100% satisfactory product with the least chances of failures.The
feedback is recorded and taken into consideration by project
members and maintainers to improve the implementation and then a
new development release will be available. This cycle happens as
many times as needed until project members feel that the
implementation is stable enough.
 Deployment: Deployment is the phase when your product is ready
and you deliver it to the clients. When the implementation is
released as stable, the development cycle continues to happen with
the development release (also called development tree) until a
newer stable release is available.

 Maintenance: After the successful deployment, it is the duty of the

developers as per the contract to provide the clients with proper
maintenance to the product in which security enhancements, bug
fixes, and add-ons can be carried out.
Application Programming Interface
 Theacronym for application programming interface is
API, which is a software which can be used by other
softwares, to communicate with other softwares and
An API enables companies to open up their
applications’ data and functionality to
external third-party developers, business
partners, and internal departments within
their companies.
This allows services and products to
communicate with each other and leverage
each other’s data and functionality through
a documented interface.
Developers don't need to know how an
API is implemented; they simply use the
interface to communicate with other
products and services. 
API use has surged over the past decade,
to the degree that many of the most
popular web applications today would not
be possible without APIs.
How an API works
An API is a set of defined rules that
explain how computers or applications
communicate with one another.

APIs sit between an application and the

web server, acting as an intermediary
layer that processes data transfer between
 The steps are :
1. A client application initiates an API call to retrieve
information—also known as a request. This request is
processed from an application to the web server via the
API’s Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and includes
a request verb, headers, and sometimes, a request body.
2. After receiving a valid request, the API makes a call to
the external program or web server.
3. The server sends a response to the API with the
requested information.
4. The API transfers the data to the initial requesting
GNU Project
GNU is an operating system. GNU stands for
Gnu's Not Unix, and it is pronounced as “g-
noo”. It is a recursive acronym.
The GNU operating system is a complete free
software system, upward-compatible with
The original announcement of the GNU
Project, posted by Richard Stallman on 27
September 1983. But, the beginning was
delayed until January 1984.
 Theoriginal purpose of the GNU project was the creation of a free
operating system.
Free as in freedom
◦ The term “free software” is sometimes misunderstood—it has nothing to do
with price. It is about freedom. Here, therefore, is the definition of free
◦ A program is free software, for you, a particular user, if:
 You have the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.

 You have the freedom to modify the program to suit your needs. (To make this freedom
effective in practice, you must have access to the source code.)

 You have the freedom to redistribute copies, either gratis or for a fee.

 You have the freedom to distribute modified versions of the program, so that the
community can benefit from your improvements.
 Since “free” refers to freedom, not to price, there is no
contradiction between selling copies and free software. In fact,
the freedom to sell copies is crucial: collections of free software
sold on CD-ROMs are important for the community, and selling
them is an important way to raise funds for free software
 Richard Stallman made the Initial Announcement of the GNU
Project in September 1983. A longer version called the GNU
Manifesto was published in March 1985.
 Developing a whole system is a very large project. To bring it into
reach, he decided to adapt and use existing pieces of free software
wherever that was possible. For example, he decided at the very
beginning to use TeX as the principal text formatter.
 Because of this decision, and others like this, the GNU system is
not the same as the collection of all GNU software. The GNU
system includes programs that are not GNU software, programs
that were developed by other people and projects for their own
purposes, but which theycan use because they are free software.
 In January 1984 he quit his job at MIT and began writing GNU
 Leaving MIT was necessary so that MIT would not be able to
interfere with distributing GNU as free software.
 If he had remained on the staff, MIT could have claimed to own
the work, and could have imposed their own distribution terms,
or even turned the work into a proprietary software package.
 He had no intention of doing a large amount of work only to
see it become useless for its intended purpose: creating a new
software-sharing community.
 However, Professor Winston, head of the MIT AI Lab, kindly
invited me to keep using the lab's facilities.
 He began work on GNU Emacs (a real-time display editor, as
its edits are displayed onscreen as they occur) in September
1984, and in early 1985 it was beginning to be usable. This
enabled me to begin using Unix systems to do editing
 At this point, people began wanting to use GNU Emacs, which
raised the question of how to distribute it?
 He put it on the anonymous ftp server on the MIT computer that
he used and that computer became the principal GNU ftp
distribution site.
 But at that time, many of the interested people were not on the
internet and could not get a copy by ftp.
 He said, “Find a friend who is on the net and who will make a
copy for you.” Or he could have done what he did with the
original PDP-10 Emacs: tell them, “Mail me a tape and a SASE
(self-addressed stamped envelope), and I will mail it back with
Emacs on it.”
 But I had no job, and I was looking for ways to make money from
free software. So I announced that I would mail a tape to whoever
wanted one, for a fee of $150. In this way, I started a free software
distribution business, the precursor of the companies that today
distribute entire GNU/Linux system distributions.
Is a program free for every user?
 If a program is free software when it leaves the hands of its author,
this does not necessarily mean it will be free software for everyone
who has a copy of it.
 For example, public domain software (software that is not
copyrighted) is free software; but anyone can make a proprietary
modified version of it. Likewise, many free programs are
copyrighted but distributed under simple permissive licenses which
allow proprietary modified versions.
 The paradigmatic example of this problem is the X Window System.
Developed at MIT, and released as free software with a permissive
license, it was soon adopted by various computer companies. They
added X to their proprietary Unix systems, in binary form only, and
covered by the same nondisclosure agreement. These copies of X
were no more free software than Unix was.
Copyleft and the GNU GPL
 The goal of GNU was to give users freedom, not just to be
popular. So they needed to use distribution terms that would
prevent GNU software from being turned into proprietary
software. The method they use is called “copyleft.”
 Copyleft uses copyright law, but flips it over to serve the
opposite of its usual purpose: instead of a means for restricting
a program, it becomes a means for keeping the program free.
 The central idea of copyleft is that we give everyone
permission to run the program, copy the program, modify the
program, and distribute modified versions— but not permission
to add restrictions of their own. Thus, the crucial freedoms that
define “free software” are guaranteed to everyone who has a
 For an effective copyleft, modified versions must also be free.
 This ensures that work based on ours becomes available to our
community if it is published.
 When programmers who have jobs as programmers volunteer to
improve GNU software, it is copyleft that prevents their employers
from saying, “You can’t share those changes, because we are going
to use them to make our proprietary version of the program.”
 A related issue concerns combining a free program with nonfree
code. Such a combination would inevitably be nonfree; whichever
freedoms are lacking for the nonfree part would be lacking for the
whole as well.
 But, anything added to or combined with a copylefted program
must be such that the larger combined version is also free and
 The specific implementation of copyleft that they use for most
GNU software is the GNU General Public License, or GNU GPL
for short.
 By 1990 they had either found or written all the major
components except one—the kernel. Then Linux, a Unix-like
kernel(The program in a Unix-like system that allocates machine
resources and talks to the hardware is called the “kernel.”), was
developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and made free software in
1992. Combining Linux with the almost-complete GNU system
resulted in a complete operating system: the GNU/Linux system.
So, GNU is typically used with a kernel called Linux.  
 The GNU Linux project was started to create a Unix-like
operating system created with source code that could be copied,
modified, and redistributed.
 According to the GNU Linux project, the Linux operating
system's kernel is Linux but all other elements of the system are
 GNU/Linux is used by millions, though many call it “Linux” by
 GNU is aimed initially at Motorola 68000 machine with virtual
Free Software Foundation
 As interest in using Emacs was growing, other people became involved in
the GNU project, and they decided that it was time to seek funding once
 So The Free Software Foundation was founded in 1985 as a non-profit
corporation supporting free software development, with the organization's
preference for software being distributed under copyleft. It continued
existing GNU projects.
 From its founding until the mid-1990s, FSF's funds were mostly used to
employ software developers to write free software for the GNU Project.
Since the mid-1990s, the FSF's employees and volunteers have mostly
worked on legal and structural issues for the free software movement and
the free software community.
 Most of the FSF's income used to come from sales of copies of free software
and of other related services (CD-ROMs of source code, nicely printed
manuals), and Deluxe Distributions (distributions for which we built the
whole collection of software for the customer's choice of platform).
 The FSF is also the steward of several free software licenses,
meaning it publishes them and has the ability to make revisions as
 Today the FSF still sells manuals and other gear, but it gets the
bulk of its funding from members' dues. Anyone can join the FSF
 Free Software Foundation employees have written and maintained
a number of GNU software packages. Two notable ones are the C
library and the shell. The GNU C library is what every program
running on a GNU/Linux system uses to communicate with
Linux. It was developed by a member of the Free Software
Foundation staff, Roland McGrath. The shell used on most
GNU/Linux systems is BASH, the Bourne Again SHell [5], which
was developed by FSF employee Brian Fox.
 The FSF holds the copyrights on many pieces of the GNU system,
such as GNU Compiler Collection. As holder of these copyrights,
it has the authority to enforce the copyleft requirements of the
GNU General Public License (GPL) when copyright
infringement occurs on that software.
Free Software Support
 The free software philosophy rejects a specific widespread business
practice, but it is not against business.
 When businesses respect the users’ freedom, they wish them success.
 Selling copies of Emacs demonstrates one kind of free software business.
 When the FSF took over that business, Richard Stallman needed another
way to make a living. He found it in selling services relating to the free
software he had developed. This included teaching, for subjects such as
how to program GNU Emacs and how to customize GCC, and software
development, mostly porting GCC to new platforms.
 Today each of these kinds of free software business is practiced by a
number of corporations. Some distribute free software collections on CD-
ROM; others sell support at levels ranging from answering user
questions, to fixing bugs, to adding major new features. Free software
companies based on launching new free software products has started to
Importance of Communities in Open Source Movement

 Open source is based on freedom. That freedom includes access to

the source code, freedom to collaborate, and ultimately, the freedom
to innovate. In open source, no one person or company owns a
project. Open source is a philosophy and a movement, and what
makes open source thrive is the community that grows up around it.
 All participants in an open source ecosystem have the opportunity to
shape and improve the software. Users can identify features they
need, and contribute code upstream. Everyone has a chance to make
a difference.
 An open source project has the best chance of growing into a
successful ecosystem if the entire community around it takes an
active role. This includes everyone from code committers, users,
documentation writers, software vendors, platform vendors, and
 Diversity Makes Us Stronger
◦ In the open source world, community is not a construct
defined by physical location.
◦ It’s defined by sharing attitudes, interests, and goals.
◦ By its nature, an open source community spans
geography, political affiliations, religion, and life
◦ There are no arbitrary boundaries of company, country,
or even language. People from all backgrounds with
diverse perspectives can participate.
◦ This diversity is what makes a healthy community thrive.
◦ Diversity of thought, diversity of experience, and
diversity of opinions make us stronger by presenting us
opportunities to solve problems collaboratively.
Open Licenses: GNU General Public License (GPL)

 The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is

the most widely used free software license, which
guarantees end users (individuals, organizations, companies)
the freedoms to use, study, share (copy), and modify the
software. Software that ensures that these rights are retained
is called free software. The license was originally written
by Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
for the GNU project.
 The GPL grants the recipients of a computer program the
rights of the Free Software Definition and uses copyleft to
ensure the freedoms are preserved whenever the work is
distributed, even when the work is changed or added to.
 The GPL is a copyleft license, which means
that derived works can only be distributed under the
same license terms. GPL was the first copyleft license
for general use.
 Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights
with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software,
and (2) offer you this License giving you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
 This General Public License applies to most of the
Free Software Foundation’s software and to any other
program whose authors commit to using it. You can
apply it to your programs, too.
The precise terms and conditions for
copying, distribution and modification
 “This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

 “Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of


 “The Program” refers to any such program or work, and a “work based
on the Program” means either the Program or any derivative work
under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a
portion of it, either Exact or with modifications and/or translated into
another language. Each licensee is addressed as “you”.

 To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of
an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the
earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.
“Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or

A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a

work based on the Program.

To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that,

without permission. Propagation includes copying, distribution
(with or without modification), making available to the public,
and in some countries other activities as well.

To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that

enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere
interaction with a user through a computer network, with no
transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
GNU-GPL Version 2 (GPLv2)
 According to Richard Stallman, the major change in GPLv2 was the
"Liberty or Death" clause, as he calls it—Section 7. This section says
that if somebody has restrictions imposed that prevent him or her from
distributing GPL-covered software in a way that respects other users'
freedom (for example, if a legal ruling states that he or she can only
distribute the software in binary form), he or she cannot distribute it at
all. The hope is, that this will make it less tempting for companies to
use patent threats to require a fee from the free software developers.
 By 1990, it was becoming apparent that a less restrictive license would
be strategically useful for the C library and for software libraries that
essentially did the job of existing proprietary ones; when version 2 of
the GPL (GPLv2) was released in June 1991, therefore, a second
license—the Library General Public License—was introduced at the
same time and numbered with version 2 to show that both were
GNU-GPL Version 3 (GPLv3)
 In late 2005, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced
work on version 3 of the GPL (GPLv3).
 On 16 January 2006, the first "discussion draft" of GPLv3
was published, and the public consultation began.
 The official GPLv3 was released by FSF on 29 June 2007.
GPLv3 was written by Richard Stallman, with legal counsel
from Eben Moglen and Software Freedom Law Center.
 According to Stallman, the most important changes are in
relation to software patents, free software
license compatibility, the definition of "source code", and
hardware restrictions on software modification. Other
changes relate to internationalization, how license violations
are handled, and how additional permissions can be granted
by the copyright holder.
 The third draft was released on 28 March 2007, which
◦ Explicitly removed the section on "Geographical Limitations“.
◦ First-time violators can have their license automatically restored
if they remedy the problem within thirty days.
◦ License compatibility terms have been simplified, with the goal
of making them easier to understand and administer.
◦ Manufacturers who include the software in consumer products
must also provide installation information for the software along
with the source.
 This change provides more narrow focus for requirements
that were proposed in previous drafts.
 The fourth discussion draft, which was the last, was
released on 31 May 2007. It introduced Apache
License compatibility, clarified the role of outside
GNU Lesser General Public License
 The GNU Lesser General Public License or LGPL (formerly
the GNU Library General Public License) is a free software
license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
The LGPL allows developers and companies to use and
integrate LGPL software into their own (even proprietary)
software without being required (by the terms of a
strong copyleft) to release the source code of their own
software-parts. Merely the LGPL software-parts need to be
modifiable by end-users (via source code availability):
therefore, in the case of proprietary software, the LGPL-parts
are usually used in the form of a shared library (e.g. DLL), so
that there is a clear separation between the proprietary parts
and open source LGPL parts.
 The word "Lesser" in the title of the license is used, to show
that LGPL cannot guarantee end-users complete freedom in
the use of software, because only the LGPL-parts (but not any
proprietary software-parts) guarantee end-users the access to
source code and therefore the freedom of modification.
 The GNU Library General Public License (as the LGPL
was originally named) was first published in 1991, and
adopted the version number 2 for parity with GPL version
 The LGPL was revised in minor ways in the 2.1 point
release, published in 1999, when it was renamed the GNU
Lesser General Public License.
 Version 3 of the LGPL was published in 2007 as a list of
additional permissions applied to GPL version 3.
 The LGPL is primarily used for software libraries,
although it is also used by some stand-alone applications.
Differences from the GPL
 The main difference between the GPL and the LGPL is that the
latter allows the work to be linked with (in the case of a library,
'used by') a non-(L)GPLed program, regardless of whether it is free
software or proprietary software.
 The non-(L)GPLed program can then be distributed under any
terms if it is not a derivative work. If it is a derivative work, then
the program's terms must allow for "modification for the
customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such
 Whether a work that uses an LGPL program is a derivative work or
not is a legal issue. A standalone executable that dynamically
links to a library, through a .dll, or similar medium, is generally
accepted as not being a derivative work (as defined by the LGPL).
It would fall under the definition of a "work that uses the Library". 
 One feature of the LGPL is that one can convert any LGPLed
piece of software into a GPLed piece of software (section 3 of
the license). This feature allows for direct reuse of LGPLed
code in GPLed libraries and applications.
Affero General Public License
 The Affero General Public License, often abbreviated
as Affero GPL and AGPL (and sometimes informally
called the Affero License), refers to two distinct, though
historically related, free software licenses:

Version Published by Based on

Affero General Public License, Published by Affero, Inc. in GNU General Public License,
version 1 March 2002 version 2 (GPLv2).

GNU Affero General Public Published by the Free Software GNU General Public License,
License, version 3 Foundation in November 2007 version 3 (GPLv3).
Affero General Public License
 Both versions of the AGPL were designed to close a
perceived application service provider "loophole" (the "ASP loophole")
in the ordinary GPL, where by using but not distributing the software,
the copyleft provisions are not triggered. Each version differs from the
version of the GNU GPL on which it is based in having an additional
provision addressing use of software over a computer network. The
additional provision requires that the complete source code be made
available to any network user of the AGPL-licensed work, typically
a Web application.
 The FSF contemplated including the special provision of AGPLv1 into
GPLv3 but ultimately decided to publish a separate license. The new
license was dubbed the GNU Affero General Public License, the
retention of the Affero name indicating its close historical relationship
with AGPLv1.
 The GNU AGPL was given version number 3 for parity with the GPL,
and the current GNU Affero General Public License is often
abbreviated AGPLv3. The finalized version of AGPLv3 was published
by the FSF on November 19, 2007.
Apache License
 The Apache License is a free software license authored by the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF). The Apache License requires preservation of
the copyright notice and disclaimer. Like any free software license, the
Apache License allows the user of the software the freedom to use the
software for any purpose, to distribute it, to modify it, and to distribute
modified versions of the software, under the terms of the license, without
concern for royalties.
 All software produced by the ASF or any of its projects or subjects is
licensed according to the terms of the Apache License. Some non-ASF
software is also licensed using the Apache License.
 The ASF adopted the Apache License 2.0 in January 2004. The stated
goals of the license included making the license easier for non-ASF
projects to use, improving compatibility with GPL-based software,
allowing the license to be included by reference instead of listed in every
file, clarifying the license on contributions, and requiring a patent license
on contributions that necessarily infringe a contributor's own patents.
Artistic License
 This license establishes the terms under which a given free
software Package may be copied, modified, distributed,
and/or redistributed. The intent is that the Copyright Holder
maintains some artistic control over the development of that
Package while still keeping the Package available as open
source and free software.
 You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly
outside of this license directly with the Copyright Holder of a
given Package. If the terms of this license do not permit the
full use that you propose to make of the Package, you should
contact the Copyright Holder and seek a different licensing
 Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution
(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and
use Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided
that you do not Distribute the Modified Version.
 Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version
(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the
Standard Version of this Package in any medium without
restriction, either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you
duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated
disclaimers. At your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may
not include a Compiled form of the Package.
(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other
modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The
resulting Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and
as such will be subject to the Original License.
 Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source
(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis or
for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the
Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs from
the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting any non-
standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that you do at
least ONE of the following:
◦ (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the
Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright Holder
may include your modifications in the Standard Version.
◦ (b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the user
installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the Modified Version
must bear a name that is different from the name of the Standard Version.
◦ (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to make the
Source form of the Modified Version available to others under
i. the Original License or
ii. a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the
Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy that
the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the Modified
Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely available in that
license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are allowed.
 Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or Modified
Versions without the Source
(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without
the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to get
the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be valid at the
time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any time while you are
carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you must provide new
instructions on demand or cease further distribution.
 Aggregating or Linking the Package
(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or
Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting
aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the
Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other
components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license
apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions as
included in the aggregation.
(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with other
works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to build
stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that include the
Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, provided the result
does not expose a direct interface to the Package.
 Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version
(9) Works that merely make use of the Package, do not, by
themselves, cause the Package to be a Modified Version. In
addition, such works are not considered parts of the Package
itself, and are not subject to the terms of this license.
Creative Commons license
 A Creative Commons license is one of several public
copyright licenses that allow the distribution of copyrighted
 A Creative Commons license is used when an author wants
to give people the right to share, use, and even build upon a
work that they have created. CC provides an author
flexibility (for example, they might choose to allow only
non-commercial uses of their own work) and protects the
people who use or redistribute an author's work, so they
don’t have to worry about copyright infringement, as long as
they abide by the conditions the author has specified.
 As of July 2011, Creative Commons licenses have been
"ported" to over 50 different jurisdictions worldwide.

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