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Maternal and reproductive health nursing

Advanced nursing
leadership and
By Gesila E.(Ass. Prof. of maternal &RH nursing)
Class year: January 2023.
AMU, CMHSs, school of nursing

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At the end of this course the student will be able to cou rseob jectiv es

• Formulate philosophies of administration relevant to the area of function.

• Explain theories, principles and scope of administration, and theories of leadership.

• Apply principles and techniques of administration and supervision in the management of nursing


• Demonstrate skill in interpersonal relations, communication and group process and group dynamics.

• Describe the challenges and problems in health administration in Ethiopia.

• Apply principles of management in hospitals, nursing education programs, and community health care

units at all level.

• Demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice

• Identify areas of research in nursing management

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Introduction to nursing leadership and management

Presentation outline
 Concepts of management and leadership
 Management and leadership: comparison
 Management theories
 Management philosophies, objectives, and principles
 The management processes
 Types of managers, managerial roles & management skills

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• Brain storming

#Q. When you think up NURSING LEADERSHIP, and MANAGEMENT what jumps
out at you?
#Q Mention and elaborate few of these concepts?

#Q What would you like to learn more about?

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Concepts of management and leadership
 Motivation  Planning  Recruiting
 Communication  Quality  Punishment
 Information  Budget
 Conflict
 Decision  Delegation
 Organizing  goal
 Introducing Change
 Influencing  Needs/allocation
 Team building
 Controlling  Principles
 productivity  Performance  Outcome
 Maintain Discipline  Policy  Organization
 Power
 Negotiating
 Politics  Data collection
 Critical thinking  Marketing
 Empowerment
 Credibility  Motivation
 Philosophy
 feedback
Person oriented vs situation oriented vs group oriented

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Concepts of management and leadership

‘BE, KNOW, DO’ Concept of Leadership:

BE a professional who possess good character traits. Examples –
BE a professional. Honesty, competence, candor, commitment, integrity, courage,
straightforwardness, imagination.

KNOW yourself. Examples – strengths and weakness of your

character, knowledge, and skills.

KNOW– follower, leader, KNOW human nature. Examples – Human needs, emotions,
communication, and and how people respond to stress.

situation. KNOW your job. Examples – be proficient and be able to train

others in their tasks.

KNOW your organization. Examples – where to go for help its

climate and culture, who the unofficial leaders are.

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DO provide direction– goal setting, problem solving, decision making, planning.

DO implement– communicating, coordinating, supervising, evaluating.

DO motivate.-develop moral and spirit in the organization, train, coach, counsel.

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Theories of leadership and management

• Defin. Leadership is the ability to influence followers, to inspire

confidence, and to generate support among followers for the leader’s
direction and vision.
• Leadership is viewed as a component of management; however, it is
not the same thing (Peters, 1987).

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• ..... Leaders empower others and lead others willingly; in

simplistic terms, leadership usually involves one individual
trying to change the behavior of others.
• Furthermore, leaders challenge the current or prevailing
wisdom and, by doing so, create new meaning for members of
an organization (Peters, 1987).

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Trait Theories of Leadership

• 1930s and 1940s

• The trait theories assert that leaders possess certain characteristics
(i.e., physical or personality traits and talents) that non leaders do not.
• Attributes, such as shyness, laziness, and timidity, are considered
the antithesis of characteristics a leader should possess.
• An example of a physical attribute associated with leadership is
height (i.e., a tall person may be able to look down on others and,
therefore, may cut an imposing figure of authority).

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• ... The converse may be true as well.

• Some individuals believe if someone is born shorter than most

people, the individual may have to be more assertive or aggressive,
and those behaviors may result in the development of a strong

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• Personality traits or characteristics associated with leaders include

intelligence, self-confidence, charisma, initiative, self-awareness,
self-control, the ability to communicate effectively with individuals
and in groups, goal orientation, self-directedness, the ability to
assume consequences for actions and decisions, and the ability to
tolerate stress.

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• ... In lesser leadership positions, technical competence is important

because it would be difficult to establish rapport with group members
if the leader did not understand the technical details of the work
(DuBrin, 2007).

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• Trait leader traits are the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-
confidence, drive, intelligence, and job relevant knowledge
(Drafke, 2009).
• Another framework, the Five personality framework, advances the
premise that five major personality traits or factors—extroversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to
experience—are predictors of leadership (Robbins & Judge, 2015).

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• Research in this area concluded that relationships between

personality traits and leadership style do indeed vary depending
on the context (De Hoog, Den Hartog, & Koopman, 2005).

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Emotional Intelligence
• The concept of EI refers to managing one’s self and one’s
relationships effectively.
• EI includes the abilities of self-confidence, empathy, & visionary
• Four key characteristics
– Self-awareness
– Self-management/self control
– Social awareness-—the leader has empathy for others,
including subordinates, & is intuitive about
organizational “political” forces.
– Social skills/relationship skills-—the ability to
communicate clearly and convincingly.
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Behavioral Theories of Leadership or functional theory
of leadership.

• 1940s mid-1960s
• The major difference b/n trait theories and behavioral theories is
that trait theories are concerned with the leader’s individual
characteristics, whereas behavioral theories seek to explain
specific actions taken by the leader (Wagner & Hollenbeck,

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• Go through leadership and management theories.

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 It is the process used to accomplish organizational goals
through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling
people and other organizational resources.

• It is the process of reaching organizational goals by working

with and through people and other organizational resources.

• It is the process of directing, coordinating, and influencing

the operation of an organization so as to obtain desired
result and enhance total performance.

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Management (cont’d)
 It is both an art and science.

• Management is the art of getting things done, effectively and

efficiently, through other people.

• Efficiency
Means doing the thing correctly; refers to the
relationship between inputs and outputs; seeks to
minimize resource costs
• Effectiveness
Means doing the right things; goal attainment

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Management (cont’d)

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 It is a managerial ability to accomplish group goals by working

with and through people.

 It is influencing behaviour toward the achievement of

organizational objectives.

 It is the art of influencing others to their maximum

performance task, objectives.
• Leadership is influence

(Hersey & Campbell, 2004, p. 12)

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in order to lead, one must develop competencies

1. ability to diagnose or understand the situation you want

to influence,
2. adaptation in order to allow your behaviors and other
resources to close the gap between the current situation
and what you are hoping to achieve, and
3. communication.
(Hersey & Campbell, 2004).

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Difference between Leadership and Management

• Terms often used interchangeably

• Concepts are quite different

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Difference between Leadership and Management

Based on authority Based on influence 1

Leadership Management

An informal designation Formally designated position 2

An assigned position An achieved position 3

Leadership Management
Dependent and improved by use of
Leadership Independent of management 4
effective leadership skills
Nurse's role in the assigned managerial
positions Leadership Part of every nurse's role 5
Focusing on people, inspiring and
motivating followers, based on personal Focusing on service, based on position
power power
Management Leadership
Acting as a boss Acting as a facilitator, and coachManagement
1/8/2023to maintain stability shipAimed to change for improvementManagement

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• Management

– Focuses on months to years time frames

– Focuses on eliminating risk

– Focuses on specialization and getting the right people in the
right jobs
– Focuses on compliance (enforcing the desired standards of
– Managing resource within the constraints of the systems
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• Leadership

– Focusing on the long term vision or goal

– Focuses on strategies that take calculated risks

– Building strong relationships and ensuring the team is

well balanced
– Encouraging effort and commitment, and team work

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Manger vs leaders
• The manger administers; the leader innovate
• The manger maintains; the leader develops
• The manger focuses on system and structure; the leader
focuses on people
• Control vs inspire trust
• Short-range view vs long –range perspective
• How and when vs what and why
• His eyes on the bottom line vs eye on the horizon
• imitates vs originates
• Accept the status quo vs challenge it
• Classic good soldier vs his own person
• Does things right vs does right things
[Bennis, 1994, ]
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