Bilbao 2

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‫متحف بيلباو‬

‫تحضير ‪ :‬هادي موسى و محمد حمد‬

Table of contents

• Introduction
• Why Bilbao, cause of foundation
• Concept
• How Bilbao city did go bankrupt?
• Impact on the surroundings
• The Bilbao effect and criticism
• Conclusion
• Museum of modern , contemporary art and deconstructivism

• Designed by architect frank Gehry

• Located in Bilbao, Basque country, Spain

• Set on the edge of Bilbao’s River Nervion

• The computer has enabled Gehry to generate formal and spatial

complexity inconceivable few years ago.

• 100 $ US dollars fund by Basque government to the Solomon R.

Guggenheim Foundation for construction.

• 3 architects - Gehry, Coop Himmelblau and Arata Isozaki - were invited to

compete for the project. Each was given three weeks and one site visit to
produce a proposal.

• Gehry won the day.

Why Bilbao, cause of foundation

• After the civil war in 1940 , Bilbao lost major of its industries leading to emergence of public
spaces in town.
• looking to find a way to transform itself into a vibrant city built on service economy.
• the city made a conscious decision to save itself from suffering by having Guggenheim
museum for economic stratifaction, social exclusion, need of socio cultural centers and more
public spaces.
• The design of the building follows deconstructivism.
• And is one of the most admired works of contemporary
• Inspired by the shapes and textures of a fish.
• Seen from the river, the form resembles a boat,
• but seen from above it resembles a flower.
• The museum is essentially a shell that evokes the past industrial
life and port of Bilbao.
Impact on the surroundings

• POPULAR TOURIST attraction, drawing visitors from around the globe.

• ECONOMIC GROWTH: In its first three years, almost 4 million tourists visited the museum generating €500 million in economic activity.

• JOB OPPORTUNITIES: created around 4500 jobs, in transportation and hospitality and retail establishments (hotels, cafes, bars etc.).

• LANDMARK: The psychological effect of the museum recover the civic pride among people of Bilbao after the civil wars and deindustrialization,
the museum emerged as a landmark.

• IMOPROVED BILBAO'S OUTLOOK: The improvement in mobility through a network of trams, the expansion and creation of green areas,
collaboration with private investment, and the empowerment of local people for developing their own initiatives Improved Bilbao's outlook

• ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: awareness towards the environmental well being in the citizen and administration of Bilbao, as a result
Nervión river was cleaned of industrial waste.


The Bilbao effect and criticism

• THE EFFECT: defined as a phenomenon of a city’s transformation following

the construction of a significant piece of architecture socially and

• The effect means more than the urge to travel. It can garner revenue from
its own residents and from tourists.

• Criticism: architecture states that a lot of credit is attributed to the museum

more than it deserves. They criticise the effect while claiming that the effect
itself is inexistent.
• Edwin Heathcote, Architecture and design critic of the Financial Times, goes
as far to say that the Bilbao effect is a myth. Bilbao is deemed as a city that
got lucky due to several coincidences coming together.

• The "Bilbao Effect," however, is not the first of its kind. Sydney's Opera House, Paris'
Pompidou center, and many other cities such as Frankfurt, Glasgow, and Pittsburgh all used
iconic architecture to improve their cities' economy and status.

• But it's called the "Bilbao Effect" and not the "Sydney Effect" because of the stark contrast
of the ambition to transform Bilbao.  Bilbao was a post-industrial wasteland. The city was
built on dying shipbuilding and steel industries, which were impossible to revitalize for the
21st Century. Cities like Sydney, Paris, and Frankfurt were already modern metropolitan
cities with a flourishing artistic and architectural culture.

• The Bilbao Effect is an excellent example of how architecture and design can positively
affect the economy and culture of a city.

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