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Name – Sandi Yu Kyaw

Module Name – Human Resources Management

Email – - +959454513566

Batch – SFU-SQA-04-01
Human Resource Management (HRM)

• Human resource management (HRM) is the practice of

recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing an
organization's employees. HRM is often referred to
simply as human resources (HR).
•  A company or organization's HR department is usually
responsible for creating, putting into effect and
overseeing policies governing workers and the
relationship of the organization with its employees.
• HRM is employee management with an emphasis on
those employees as assets of the business. In this
context, employees are sometimes referred to as human
capital. As with other business assets, the goal is to make
effective use of employees, reducing risk and maximizing
return on investment (ROI).
Five ways HR really can impact business strategy
Many experts believe that HR has a holistic perspective on talent alignment to the business strategy. Those
who follow the HR space, in fact, know that helping with “business strategy” is arguably the profession’s
Holy Grail.
HR is a unique position to help leaders understand that how strategy is developed is just as important as
what strategy is. They say HR has the tools, competencies and capabilities to support the organization in
bringing the strategy to life.
HR Dive on the five most critical roles today for HR in shaping business strategy.

1. Keep culture top of mind as an enable of strategy

2. Help leaders clearly identify and articulate the people components of the strategy
3. Build plans to align the organizational ‘Levers” to support the strategy
4. Keep employees engaged around the strategy and other changes ahead
5. Ensure alignment around the organization’s vision and values as a solid foundation
for strategy
Business Strategy

A business strategy is an outline of the actions and decisions a company plans to take to reach its goals and objectives.
A business strategy defines what the company needs to do to reach its goals, which can help guide the decision-
making process for hiring as well as resource allocation. A business strategy helps different departments work
together, ensuring departmental decisions support the overall direction of the company.

Why is a business strategy important?

There are several reasons why a business strategy is important for organizations, including:
• Planning
• Strength and Weakness
• Efficiency
• Control
• Competitive Advantage
Components of Business Strategy
• Vision and business objectives
• Core values
• SWOT analysis
• Tactics
• Resource allocation plan
• Measurement

Types of Business Strategy

1. Cost leadership – competing with a wide range of businesses based on price
2. Differentiation – competing by using a product or service with entirely unique features
3. Focused differentiation – not only competing through differentiation (uniqueness of product/service) but also by 
selecting a small portion of the market to focus on
4. Focused low-cost – competing not only through price but by also selecting a small portion of the market to focus on
5. Integrated low-cost differentiation – competing by using both low cost and differentiation
Human Resource Strategies
HR strategies may be defined formally as part of a strategic HRM process that leads to the development of
overall or specific strategies for implementation by HR and, vitally, line managers.
But an organization that has developed an HR strategy will not be practicing SHRM unless that HR strategy has
strategic relevance to the organization’s success.
As Wright and McMahan (1999:52) indicated, HRM can only be considered to be strategic if ‘it enables an
organization to achieve its goals’.

The purpose of HR strategies is to articulate what an organization intends to do about its HRM policies and
practices now and in the longer term to ensure that they contribute to the achievement of business objectives.
However, it is necessary to bear in mind the dictum of Fombrun et al (1984) that business and managers should
perform well in the present to succeed in the future.
Types of HR Strategies
HR strategies set out what the organization intends to do about its
HRM policies and practices and how they should be integrated with
the business strategy and each other. The two types of HR strategies
 General strategies such as high-performance working; and
 Specific strategies relating to the different aspects of human
resource management such as learning and development and
Best Fit Approach
• It is essential to link HR strategies with an organization’s corporate strategy and objectives.
• A) There must be vertical and horizontal alignment between HR strategy and corporate strategy. A strategy’s
success turns on combining vertical or external fit and horizontal or internal fit.
• B) Competitive advantage models emphasize alignment of relevant HR policies and practices with generic
competitive advantage strategies
Vertical Fit

Vertical fit categorize the alignment of HRM practices and the strategic management processes of the firm.
Vertical fit is managed by directing human resources toward the primary initiatives of the organization.
Vertical fit is the main idea of HRS, and is linked to a contingency based approach and hence creating an overall fit
of the various management strategies (including HRS) in the long term goal.

Horizontal Fit
Horizontal fit implies hand-shaking among the various HRM practices.
Horizontal fit is achieved by efficiently allocating the resources.
The horizontal fit is bothered as to how the processes and activities planned by the HR department and their
management of the resources available to them, are applied within the organization and complements the vertical
Human Resource Planning
• Human resource planning (HRP) is a strategy used by a company to maintain a steady stream of
skilled employees while avoiding employee shortages or surpluses.
• Having a good HRP strategy in place can mean productivity and profitability for a company.
• There are four general steps in the HRP process: identifying the current supply of employees,
determining the future of the workforce, balancing between labor supply and demand, and
developing plans that support the company's goals. (Hayes, 2021)

Types of HR Planning
1. Demand/ Supply Focus Planning
2. Succession Plan
3. Flexible Working Plan
4. Talent Management Planning
5. Skill Gap
Recruitment and Selection Process
₋ Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filing up the vacant positons in
an organization.
₋ Recruitment process is a process of identifying the job vacancy, analyzing the job requirements, reviewing
applicants, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right candidates.
Performance Appraisal and Management

What is Performance Management?

Performance Management is a means of getting better results by managing performance within an agreed
framework of goals, standards and competence requirements.
The key to performance management is that it is forward looking and constructive.
What is Performance Appraisal?
Performance Appraisal is part of the system of performance management, including goal setting, performance
monitoring, feedback and improvement planning.
Performance Appraisal is a formal structured system of measuring and evaluating an employee’s job related
behaviors and outcomes to discover how and why the employee is presently performing on the job and how the
employee can perform more effectively in the future so that the employee, organization and society al benefit.
Best Practice HRM

1. Employment security
2. Selective hiring
3. Self-managed teams/ team working
4. High-Level contingent compensation
5. Extensive training/ Intensive training
6. Reduction of status difference
7. Information sharing
Porter’s Generic Strategies
Ansoff Matrix and Business Growth Strategies
Bowman’s Strategic Clock
WALMART Inc Company
 Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount
department stores, and grocery stores from the United States, headquartered in Bentoville, Arkansas.
 The company was founded by Sam Walton in near by Rogers, Arkansas in 1962 and incorporated under
Delaware General Corporation Law on October 31, 1969.
 It also owns and operates Sam’s club retail warehouses.
 In 2021, Walmart has 11,484 stores and clubs in 27 countries, operating under 48 different names.
 Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue with US$548.743 billion, according to the Fortune Global
500 list in 2020.
 It is also the largest private employer in the world with 2.2 million employees. It is a publicly traded family-
owned business, as the company is controlled by the Walton family.
History ;
• 1945-1969; In 1945, businessman and former J.C Penny employee Sam Walton bought a branch of the Ben
Franklin stores from the Butler Brothers. His primary focus was selling products at law prices to get higher -
volume sales at a lower profit margin, portraying it as a crusade for the consumer.
• 1969-1990; Incorporation and growth as a regional power
• 1990-2005; Retail rise to multinational status
• 2005-2010; Environmental Initiatives
Branding and store design changes
Acquisitions and employee benefits
• 2011-2019;
• 2020s; Continuing Growth and Development

The company has been very effective at establishing a competitive advantage in costs in multiple ways, including;
 Achieving low operational costs through automation and technology;
 Minimized spending on human resources (including very low wages);
 Working closely with supplier that dominate industry brands;
 Own fleet of 3,000 trucks and 12,000 trailers; cutting on outsourcing costs;
 And even meeting with vendors to help them cut their own costs bundling a win-win relationship.
Additionally, Walmart implemented a satellite network system to share information through the company’s network
of stores, distribution centres and suppliers.

The system also helped them consolidate orders for goods enabling Walmart to buy larger quantities at lower

Walmart’s Vision and Mission

Walmart’s corporate vision and mission statements define the fundamental guiding principles of the business.
The company’s success is linked to its effectiveness in fulfilling its vision and mission.
Fulfillment involves implementing an appropriate generic competitive strategy (Porter’s model) and related
intensive growth strategies (Ansoff matrix).
The generic strategy and intensive strategies grow Walmart’s business and ensure its competitive advantages, to
achieve goals based on the specifics of the corporate vision and mission statements.
Walmart’s Vision Statement
Walmart Inc’s corporate vision is beingthe destination for customers to save money, no matter how they want
to stop.
This vision was officially articulated in the company’s 2017 investment community meeting.
The company’s previous vision statement was being the best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers and
The change in the corporate vision reflects strategic changes that Walmart implements in response to changes
in the competitive landscape and the overall condition of the retail industry.
Walmart’s Mission Statement
Walmart Inc’s corporate mission is saving people money that people can live better.
This statement reflects the ideals of the company’s founder, Sam Walton.
Strategic decisions in the business are a direct manifestation of this mission statement, which is synonymous
to the company’s slogan that is saving money, living better.
Based on this statement, it is clear that Walmart’s business strategies involve using price as a selling point to
attract target consumers.

Walmart’s Human Resource Management

Walmart’s human resource management is a critical success factor for the business.
The company’s retail service offers goods in a way that is convenient and efficient for shoppers.
The company’s HRM aims to maximize employee performance to correspondingly maximize capacity for

1. HR Planning, Job analysis and Design

2. Recruitment, Selection, Employee Retention
3. Training, Performance management
4. Compensation, Career Development
Walmart’s HR Planning
1. Forecasting ; Bottom-up approach
Trend analysis
Delphi method
2. Surplus and Shortage of Employees ; Sales performance analysis
Turnover rate analysis
Gap analysis
3. Balancing Supply and Demand ; Changes in recruitment
Changes in compensation

Job Analysis and Design at Walmart

• Organizational Design
• Methods of Job Analysis
• Job description ; Position
Performance standards
Job factors
• Job specification ; Communication skills
Knowledge of the business
Knowledge of products

Walmart Recruitment Practices

Recruitment Sources
• Internal Recruitment ; Current employees (promotion)
Trainees (minimizing HRM spending and ensuring person-job fit)
Transfers (current short-term needs)
• External Recruitment ; Respondents to job advertisements (social and news media)
Campuses (job fair from University/Union)
Previous applicants (maximize cost-effectiveness of HRM)

Recruitment Methods
• Direct Method ; directly contacts prospective employees
• Indirect method ; reaching out to a larger population of workers
Including advertisements on the company’s website and on other media
providing large-scale support for the company’s HR needs
Selection Process at Walmart
• Selection Criteria
• Methods and Techniques

Walmart’s Employee Retention Programs

• Recognition
• Bonuses
• Training and development
• Promotions
• Academic credit

Employee Training at Walmart

• Need Analysis ; Work/ task analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
Organizational analysis
• Program Design ; Results-oriented program design
Process-oriented program design
• Delivery ; Discussion
On-the-job training
• Evaluation

Walmart’s Performance Management Practices

• Performance Planning ; Customer service orientation

Decision-making and results orientation
Analysis and problem-solving
• Measurements and Standards
• Performance Problems ; Lost productivity because of tardiness and absenteeism
Inaccuracies or errors in recording or reporting
Negativism or hostility in customer relations or workplace relations
Career Development at Walmart
• Individual-Organization Matching
• Career Opportunities and Requirements ; Job analysis results
Employee selection criteria
Employee interests
Employee knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs)
• Assessing Employee Potential ; Employee knowledge, skills, and abilities
Results of performance appraisals
• Instituting Career Development Initiatives ; Coaching
APU partnership

Walmart’s Compensation Strategy

• Basic Pay
• Benefits ; Company-matched 401(k) contributions, up to 6% of salary
Associate stock purchase plan with company match
Associate discounts
Comprehensive health insurance plans
• Incentives
Linking business strategy to HRM is a culture of clear communication and trust within an
When employees are encouraged to become involved in various aspects of the business strategy it
develops higher levels of trust and respectability between employees and the management team.
This trust is built on the knowledge sharing which allows employees to also share in the vision and
goals of the organization.
Reference List
HR Dive. 2021. Five ways HR really can impact business strategy. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 16 November
2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <
examples> [Accessed 16 November 2021].
Schuler, R. and Jackson, S., 1999. Strategic human resource management. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp.49-72.
Armstrong, M. (1994). The Reality of strategic HRM. IPM.
Porter's Generic Strategies explained with lots of Examples.. (2021). Retrieved 16 November 2021, from (2021). Retrieved 16 November 2021, from

(2021). Retrieved 16 November 2021, from

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