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-Let's begin the presentation

 Meet the team

1.Swapnil Rajendra Patil

2.Isha Sandip Mohite

3.Krutika Bhimroa Shitole

Environmental Pollution and its effects

- “Pollution is the Slow Poison,

Acts Slowly But Lethally”
Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. 
Water pollution is the release
of substances into bodies of
water that makes water
unsafe for human use and
disrupts aquatic ecosystems.
This kind of pollution occurs when chemical agents
(such as cyanide or sulphuric acid used by mining
companies to separate the target mineral from the
ore) spill, leak, or leach from the mine site into nearby
water bodies. These chemicals can be highly toxic to
humans and wildlife
Air Pollution

Air pollution is contamination of the

indoor or outdoor environment by
any chemical, physical or biological
agent that modifies the natural
characteristics of the atmosphere. 

Noise pollution is unwanted or

disturbing sound in the
environment that affects the
health and well-being of humans
and other living organisms.
Soil Pollution
Soil pollution consists of pollutants
and contaminants. 
Plastic is the main cause of soil
Effects of
Polution on
• Long-term health effects from air pollution
include heart disease, lung cancer, and
respiratory diseases such as

• Dermal exposure to soil contaminants can

cause skin diseases, such as dermatitis
caused by irritation or allergies, hives,
acne or even cancer
•  Exposure to loud noise can also cause high
blood pressure, heart disease, sleep
disturbances, and stress.

• Effects on biodiversity

• Water pollution causes diarrhea, skin

diseases, malnutrition, and even cancer
and other diseases related to water

• Frequently change in climate

• Global Warming cause increase in

Pollution control
For Controling the pollution , every City must
have a Polution Centre. Where they can analize
and investigate the contaminations ,can take
necessary decisions

Recycling center
Every City should have Recycle Centers , where
every indivisual can Recycle there waste and gets
some amount of profit
Proper waste
Many Industries do not follow government
rules while disposing liquid waste to rivers and

Apply 3R’s in daily life

3Rs – Reduce ,Reuse,Recycle
Come Let's save our
It is now time to join hands across the globe to
protect and preserve our environment.

Lets Plant trees

Planting trees nearly solves all problems.

We can still save the Environment …….

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